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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Valve because half-life, Portal, and Steam. CO2 ice vs. liquid nitrogen
  2. Seems like KSP just keeps getting more and more fans! I hope this game really peaks the public's interest in space exploration so we can all work together to reach for the literal stars. Congrats SQUAD!
  3. Seriously, we should all take a break from this for a while. 53 (+-)
  4. There was an interesting book I read once about 2-dimensional creatures, I believe it was called Planiverse. It's a bit like Flatland, but more realistic and it has diagrams of all sorts of 2d machines and structures.
  5. The reason global warming is bad is because it will drastically change things if nothing is done. Humans don't like change, but nature does. If worldwide climates were to change that drastically, people would get restless, blame it on each other, and blow lots of things up. Natural selection would start working hard. This maybe isn't bad for nature in the long run, but it's pretty bad for civilization in the next few centuries.
  6. I remember when I first landed upright on the Mun...those were the days... Also the first rover I landed was on Eve, it landed in the ocean and I forgot the antenna after all the trouble getting it down with just RCS left, that was funny.
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