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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. The radiation emitted by cell phone and radio towers isn't problematic though.
  2. It really doesn't matter, all these connections we make about negative/positive when all it really means is different sides of zero. 0 (+)
  3. 0 (+) the negative side was dark. Let's see what's on the other end of this path.
  4. = stomachache from too many grapes. Mass of the sun in square meters?
  5. 8/10 I hope the blue part isn't dihydrogen monoxide.
  6. Banned for posting in the Cheaters thread and this one at the same time.
  7. Not realising that the core is connected to the center pieces, resulting in a grand total of 20 pieces that are even close to cubelike? Cheater!
  8. I didn't think it was that kind of hot salsa... KSC is now 50km east, at the bottom of the ocean.
  9. 2/10 I think I saw you in a couple of threads...
  10. The Nibiru thing already happened ~4.5 billion years ago, and it created the moon.
  11. Granted, on the condition that the government may imprison you and torture you until you give them the redacted information. Then they will keep torturing you for a year afterwards. I wish there were cloud-sized swarms of flying bioluminescent squid in the upper troposphere, which lived the entirety of their lives in the sky and eat smaller birds who eat tiny flying algae.
  12. All the scientists, doctors, and engineers would live, and all the conspirators, denialists, politicians, and newspeople would die off.
  13. But adding good creates an imbalance in the force. In order for there to be true balance, there must be a equal amount of darkness. 0 [-]
  14. -99 [-] Fifty meters...twenty meters...ten meters...
  15. I see everyone getting top smart for fighting over hills and building their own that I decide to 1up everyone by building ten thousand hills of my own. My hilly valley.
  16. No, I want sound waves that cause cancer.
  17. Do you have a potato on board? You might be able to hotwire your pod batteries to a potato to get a little power. If that doesn't work, get the potato to grow in sunlight and set up a mechanism so that the oxygen outputted by the potato spins a turbine which makes energy for the battery. Or you could just blow on the turbine and eat the potato for more energy to blow the turbine longer.
  18. Oh, cool. I guess I still don't know what rock it is. It's at some kind of Lagrange point right in between two suns so it's never dark enough to guess my position from the stars, so I have to rely on checking which rocks other people don't live on.
  19. No, the only building on the planet would be a space center, and nobody is ever actually generated unless they're on a craft of some sort. Of course everyone would want to be flying all the time so we would either have to create laws for only having a certain number of Humans in action at a time or spread them out across the solar system far enough out that they don't lag too much from their density. Map view would lag a lot though, unless we had a giant super-mothership which would hold us all, then that would just crash the game from the part count. Also, planets would be made of a giant hard ball which contains a singularity in the center. That's my understanding of the in-game gravity, and pondering it led me to realise that the path of something in the air *is* a parabola, and not just a segment of an ellipse because the parts of the Earth that aren't quite in the middle have mass too.
  20. -97 [-] The comeback was a lie imposed by the government to cover up the secret aliens which rule the Illuminati who created Nibiru to destroy current society and create their own, which is actually a loop and the reason why so many creation stories are similar, they all have something to do with order coming out of chaos by a divine leader, which is the reptilians (barely know anything about anything I'm talking about at this point) who created the Matrix with said time loop in order to rule the universe for eternity.
  21. *clicks link* "please no please don't do it" *popup ad appears* "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" *closes tab immediately* Honestly, I'm far more annoyed by the overwhelming amount of ads in seemingly every news site than how many people think radio waves cause cancer, or how many people think the Mun landings were faked or the Earth is flat (although they do get pretty annoying sometimes) because no matter what people think, I will always know what I know...and yet there will still be waaay too many ads. back to subject: Non-ionizing radiation does not cause cancer. new unrelated thought: I wonder if it's possible to make ionizing sound?
  22. Have you made sure that your Kerbals haven't accidentally invented a warp drive instead of a brake? Sometimes when you try to use a warp drive as a brake it doesn't work. Are you sure your brakes aren't made of antimatter?
  23. -96 [-] Your resistance is as effective as trying to stop a car by putting an ant in front of it.
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