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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Isn't Kerbal gravity at the surface the same as Earth's? Putting Earth's mass into Kerbin's radius yields a factor of about 112.85. Not sure the slider goes up that far. The force 6000 km away from Kerbin's center (ten times its radius) would be the same as Earth's surface gravity. Kerbin definitely has the same universal gravitational constant as Earth.
  2. It's pronounced r2 B2 U2 l U2 r' U2 r U2 F2 r F2 l' B2 r2
  3. Yeah. That's actually the idea behind certain warp drives. If you find some kind of material that has negative mass, you can gather up enough of it to exactly cancel out the mass of your spaceship, then you can go however fast you want. Unfortunately we've never found anything with negative mass. Things with very low mass, like electrons and neutrinos, go almost the speed of light. And light actually gets slowed down when it has to pass through electric fields like those in materials - so light goes at about 75% c in water, but neutrinos still like to go at 99.99% c, and they actually beat the light wave in a race through water. They especially beat light out of exploding stars, so when we see extra neutrinos coming from somewhere in the sky we know to point our telescopes over there within a couple hours to watch a star explode visually.
  4. It doesn't have rest mass, so it can't go any other speed.
  5. Don't you see, they have lots of Mystery Goo canisters to offset the weight on the other side.
  6. Gilly is actually an interstellar observatory spaceship sent to spy on Kerbals.
  7. I don't know about the video, but the "SPEEN" comes from Vinesauce...
  8. Just grapple hook the landing spaceship on the side of Olympus Mons. Delightfully counterintuitive! Better legs don't cut into the 100+ ton payload that much, do they?
  9. That'd be SN15, I think. And isn't SN15 up next?
  10. You can't wear a ring with mach diamonds.
  11. They are already building the second one, right?
  12. Russia wouldn't sell an ICBM and now look what happened...
  13. Looks like it could be more like the old ITS landing feet.
  14. Sounds like fun! Still, there's some stuff that can be different when it's attached to the vehicle or in flight. I wouldn't be surprised if they are at least tweaking parameters to find the right balance for each Starship test.
  15. On the bright side, this wouldn't happen on Mars unless both fuel AND oxidizer were leaking into the same puddle.
  16. The video link is up but it's just counting down for now. Probably live in 2 minutes.
  17. The rocket isn't what I dislike about SLS. It's the convoluted management that prioritizes politics over missions. NASA hasn't been allowed to go through with actual lunar plans for a long time. By the time SLS is operational, multiple alternatives will be available for a tenth or a hundredth of the cost. That sounds untrue. I'm pretty sure SLS is more expensive than Saturn V.
  18. and their elevator pitch is getting their elevators to pitch. So to speak.
  19. It's certainly interesting that this announcement has come just a day after the closure of the Inspiration4 seat raffle. It makes it seem like this sort of thing will be getting more common.
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