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Everything posted by qm3ster

  1. This vessel ID does not exist anywhere else in the savefile, only 4 times in the contract. Also, shouldn't the required tracking station lvl be 3, since only that shows asteroids? It's not zero based, since like I say in the other thread, I got it without asteroids on the map yet. Finally, the contract does not actually stay under "Failed" in archive, and is not in the save file any more... (Even though it does impact reputation)
  2. This took place: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/124366-Tourist-contracts-failed?p=2217226&viewfull=1#post2217226 All the params in VesselParameterGroup have a uuid in them (0c111f2c-eb09-4419-93c1-d5d2c0b545ed), even though I did not yet launch anything relevant. (Or, I think, anything at all since accepting the contract.) Is this normal or is that what is failing me?
  3. I accepted the "take one tourist to asteroid", and it fails as soon as I go to any other screen with time other than main. For example tracking station, or pressing launch for a vessel with the tourist already in it. (From VAB, tourist is not deployed somewhere, he is safely in the roster.) Originally I thought it is because I didn't have unowned object tracking unlocked, but it seems that that is not the reason. How do I edit my save to unfail that mission, so I can further investigate? In logs it just says mission failed, is there a place I can see which clause of the mission definition was failed? Edit: This happened with Tourism Plus, irrelevant to solving this thread.
  4. I think he just meant putting it in the style of: You have produced the following science: - Mystery Goo high in space above Minmus <colourful numbers for funds, science, reputation like in toolbar> - Material Lab high in space above Minmus <colourful numbers for funds, science, reputation like in toolbar> Earning you a total of: <colourful numbers for funds, science, reputation like in toolbar> rather than putting it as full sentences that split in lines variously depending on name of research.
  5. Yay, it's alive again! Looks great. Will the balloon be on a rigid stick again, or a separate object on a KAS-style rope? (Not sure which one I would prefer yet, since the rigid one is much more practical.) Also, are you planning to release more C.O.R.E. soon?
  6. You only need those extra engines if you are underspeed and have low TWR. In which case you wouldn't throttle. If you carry 3 engines and burn at 66% you will burn fuel at the same rate, and get the same thrust, but due to the higher mass have lower Fuel kg/dV efficiency, and TWR. You should ideally never have to throttle down on ascent. If you are going too fast in atmosphere - take more payload. If you run out of fuel before orbit - take more fuel.
  7. Hai gr8 RovrDood. Is your mod project backlog published anywhere?
  8. Second option for me, maybe leave in the biggest one with 0.625 as well for people who are OCD about having a place on their station absolutely anything can dock to. Also, there should maybe be some advantage for the Non-Androgynous Docking Port in later game, such as abuilt in radial chute or toroidal rcs tank. Finally, from the way it looks, I had the idea that the Male docking port should be able to shoot out a docking hook, simmilar to KAS pulley shot, that would have limited homing on the targeted Female port, and then be pullied in for actual docking. I know that's quite a lot of new functionality, especially the homing part, but that's what the model inspires for me. Edit: A much more realistic option would be making it exactly like a pulley+attachment node from KAS, so it can be shot in the general direction, captured by a kerbal and attached into the docking port.
  9. Is there any particular reason for the model change? The old model was much more distinctive, while still blending well with stock parts.
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