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Everything posted by dboi88

  1. You need a logistics module not a pioneer. The tundra modules is a pioneer logistics combined. Have you checked out the KSPedia entry in game?
  2. I can set up a repo that can be used for images and craft files.
  3. Ok i've re-ran all the same tests i did previously and i'm unable to reproduce the breaking dancing habs, Excellent Job! Now onto the new ground tethers. This is my largest base and as i previously mentioned one end jumps a good 20-30 foot in the air on physics load. KAS struts anchored to the ground do nothing, even with cheats they still instantly break on load. I've had to just learn to live with always having unbreakable joints & no crash damage turned on otherwise this thing is constantly damaging itself. With the new ground tethers, nothing happens on load . . . . It's amazing! My new favorite mechanic, please please make this a permanent feature. In regards to the EVA issues @voicey99 is having they aren't present at all in my game with the same patch. I also note that reverting back to old versions of USI tools also didn't fix any issues for them like it did for me, nor could i reproduce any issues with the particular hab module they used, only with the Ranger Hab. So I posit that his dancing base plus EVA issues might be unrelated. Edit: I also see no performance hit at all with the ground tether.
  4. Did you miss my post above? i provided a Stock and USI save that is 100% reproducable. There is a craft on the runway. Load the game with USI Tools 0.8.7 installed and everything's fine, nothing moves. Switch to 0.8.8 and load the same game, the same base now within around 10 seconds will have shaken itself off the runway. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_nRjcqonDoUbzRIT0JOd1psWnM/view?usp=sharing
  5. I'll give both this and the USI-Tools download later on today. Hopefully the USI-Tools change will fix the break dancing habs(which is certainly a different issue to general base wandering that is present in Stock). I'm looking forward to trying out the ground tethers. My smaller bases are always fine but one arm of my largest base jumps about 20 feet into the air on physics load. Even with unbreakable joints turned on it tears any KIS/KAS struts and anchors out of the ground. So I'd guess this base will be an ultimate test. Will report back asap. @voicey99 While reverting back to an older version of USI-Tools fixed my wild Hab's it did not seem to fix the bases i already had in situ. Could you try relaunching the same craft with with the new and older version of USI-Tool and see if that has any effect?
  6. Yep the problem does seems to be related to USITools. I've run some more tests and all MKS versions 8 - 11 are fine and do not exhibit this behavior with USI Tools 0.8.7 installed. Switch to 0.8.8 and everything goes wild. There were changes to USIAnimation to do with control surfaces? between 0.8.7 and 0.8.8 some hopefully this might make some sense to you @RoverDude. Edit: Save file https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_nRjcqonDoUbzRIT0JOd1psWnM/view?usp=sharing
  7. I'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong but I'm sure it's Simple greenhouses = Supplies, Advanced Modules = Organics @voicey99 I won't use autostruts as that's massive Kraken bate in it's own right. But your weight transfer tips works perfectly. I can get back to 50.10.0 without destroying my bases now! @RoverDude Hopefully the fact that weight transfer stops the wild oscillating helps track down what is causing the issue.
  8. Yes but that pilot still needs supplies, and can't, reset science experiments, perform maintenance, use KAS, gain science, botany, agronmony, medical, rep, funds, drill, convertor, repair, biology, geology or logistics bonuses. If your playing a Kolonisation game then they aren't OP. IMO they'd only be OP in a Stock + Life Support Scenario.
  9. I know how strange it sounds. I tested so many times before i posted to be sure. I've just checked it all again, fresh copy of KSP + MKS 50.8 everything's fine, nothing moves or wobbles, delete MKS and install 50.9, load the same save and craft and the thing wobbles it'self right off the runway before tearing itself apart. 100% reproducible but no idea why it's happening.
  10. Found a strange bug. The inflatable Ranger hab modules have stared tearing my bases apart. The kraken has been awoken! It was introduced in and is present in I've had to revert back to 50.8 for now. Clean save with only MKS installed - Everything's fine. Clean Save With Only MKS Installed Save with only MKS installed https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_nRjcqonDoUbzRIT0JOd1psWnM/view?usp=sharing
  11. @RoverDude are you still planning on removing the need for ose aswell with this new mechanic? Glad to know you'll be doing some new models for it too.
  12. You need to turn on Warehouse on your Kontainer. Engineers will only pull resources from Enabled Kontainers
  13. I believe it's EVA and board another craft. I.e. go for a spin in a rover.
  14. You're absolutely right, this was included based on my erroneous belief that ColonyRewards gave you ColonySupplies. Feel free to clear that up. RL is getting in the way for me at the minute. I've already updated the KSPedia entry so that won't be included in the next release. Nothing special, just screenshots cut out in photoshop. You can find images of every part in the MKS download here. Except for the damn node helper, i always forget the node helper!
  15. This is definitely the best quality of life improvement I've ever experienced.
  16. This is almost certainly because you've put them on upside down or on their side (it's really easy to do). Sniped by @DStaal They should be this way round. There's a full guide for all the wheels and parts with loads of images like this in the KSPedia entry available here, it'll be included in the next release or you can download and stick it in your gamedata folder now.
  17. Not if they are attached by the usual attachment nodes. You could do it with docking ports though. Using the magnets on the Konstruction docking ports would probably take out a lot of the frustration you'd get using normal docking ports.
  18. Yes that's right. PL does push so does warehouse distribution. Scavenging doesnt
  19. This was the 1.2.2 update and the new colliders if came with.
  20. Good Job I included it in the KSPedia entry , the images are all already available.
  21. Agreed. But I'm equally in the dark on this one. Anyone feel they could have a go at this?
  22. @RoverDude I've found the hab timers in the life support GUI don't take into account the 'Deployable Emergency Shelter's Hab boost when the craft isn't focused. So the hab timer runs to expired but jumps back up when i return to the vessel. Is this a bug or expected?
  23. I'd forgotten that. What do you think about removing any mention of 2km, then doing the next section on 'Resource Distribution (2 km)' where we start by explaining it is an extension of the Scavenging mechanic and then give examples using the parts that provide the 2km extension? Say Base - Rover - Base, Base - Base. That way we can provide a clear explanation of the uses and rules of the extended range without muddying the understanding of Scavenging.
  24. Version 2. Any one think there's anything else that could be added/changed/removed to make it clearer in anyway?
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