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Everything posted by lude

  1. I just dug out and downloaded DDS4KSP just because well over 1200 files were PNG and a few others, also resizing them in the progress, I hope that will make a noticable difference from using 13gb before. I really really do hope so because I would love to use dx11 or 12 even if it caused more bugs, it also performs faster but on the bug tracker and other places squad people said that it's a win10 issue and that neither ogl nor dx11 will be supported in the 1.1 (and that they don't work anymore because they're unity related arguments and not ksp engine arguments or something) -- edit -- perhaps the tool isn't that useful to me, i just saw how a 1.1mb png got turned into a 25mb one and that despite being resized, ok mbm and quite a few other files are now smaller and the whole game loads in half the time now let's see what happens when i resume my game
  2. Since there is 1.1 and I've been happily using the x64 version just to run into various ram issues (I can only use about 12.5gb for kerbal, perhaps I should remove some of the eyecandy things) I wanted to bump this post because it took me fifteen minutes to find this tool and while searching it I just ran into dozens of instances o dynamic texture loader mod and active texture management, I had very good experiences with this tool and I'm currently running it through having set minimal size for misc. to 64x64 (to prevent icons breaking) amazingly I had over a thousand texture files not in an ideal format for unity 5 when using the tool either add an exclusion for EVERY single icon file in your gamedata/modfolders or just restrict misc. minimum size to 64x64 since most or all icons are smaller or at max 64X64 hmm perhaps i should have set it 65x65 ^^
  3. orbital mechanics on minimal scale are also interesting (electroncs)
  4. Well imagine that 1mb of texture takes up around 1 megabyte of ram, tho i also feel like the x64 is more wasteful with overhead than x32 was in 1.05 and sadly neither opengl nor dx11 work anymore which handled textures better overall. (opengl easily releases all textures, dx11 is able to release textures probably uses heuristics to 'prophesize' what to keep, at least it seemed like that in 1.05 x32) there are a few tools with which you can resize your textures
  5. Oh only because I only stumbled over "you can edit it in the lifesupport settings.cfg" somewhere ^^ I would have opened it on my own if it was called USI-LS-settings but I can see how changing that might be a hassle since people would have to delete the old one. Also thanks a lot for the link, this is the first time I'm trying out the lifesupport(been using that and the other mods a lot, but never actually built bases or had such long manned missions due to favoring remote tech and drones) Also Grumman the other two counters are easily disabled, I somehow like the idea and I'm looking forward to see it together with TAC LS. Anyway as long as it's so easy to disable or make easier by excluding kerbals go on adding more depth, especially if it ends up being so many mods :> If you add hardening values (like resistance of hardware and kerbals) could you have a look at K R&D? I dunno if it's your flavour of mod but I personally like the idea a lot, perhaps you see some extended use for it
  6. Heya, yes I'm using the 1.6 one but I'm also using several dozens of other mods and just found out that I can't change the drymass for all parts, the OPT cockpit pats seem to be immune even to repicking it (on other command modules like the lithobreak one it changes the dry mass tho I'll try again and see if it might be something that changed this restart) using x64 1.1 -- edit -- it seems to affect the opt objects just doesn't show so in the editor panel but not to the extent it says it'd do in the r&d tab
  7. Thank you two, that was very helpful, I also found the other settings file, it's very unintuitive that it's called USI-LS (at least to me) I will use thecopula from now on and try to give them some more space since with no space minmus missions already become a problem, so homsickness with the right station years long missions are possible?
  8. In 1.1 x64 I have the issue that disabled homesickness (settings.cfg) still applies and that changing the vet exclusion to true again (0) they will still be affected by work refusal, just immediately returning to it which leads to a lot of spam --- edit --- also what I don't understand completely yet is the hab and homesickness requirement every unoccupied non command module seat is basehabtime times habmultiplier in months? and every kerbal needs a whole one? how to counter home sickness? when does it take effect? I wonder if the problem could be caused by x64 or by having so many mods
  9. Sweet, going to download it now also sick that you can move colliders with konstructs Oo -- edit -- worked like a charm! -- edit -- i noticed that on some places there's 2 - 6 or seven tracking stations, in one desert with slightly different locations at the north pole not so much
  10. Sweet, thanks a lot that fixed it (even tho i downloaded some dev branch, tho that was probably what broke it) and sorry for writing in the wrong thread ^^
  11. Magnetometer boom works fine but mystery goo, presmat/2hot, rpws antenna and science jr don't work anymore, but I'll just try an older version of dmagic or hmm. dunno what could have caused it, perhaps me updating dsciencemagicanimate
  12. Hmm I just noticed that with the most recent version some of the science parts are not working anymore, they worked fine with the 1.05 build on 1.1 x64 (dmagicstuff) tho perhaps it's the other mod since I updated them both today.
  13. most welcome, I really love this mod, kerbin is so empty and the advantage of being able to have several places to start adventures is really nice when playing career with difficulty mods. I can try to give more accurate info on how to recreate it, for me it happens as described above but I'm also willing to make another install only with the two mods in question if it doesn't persist it might be on my end (tho something i've been able to recreate for quite a while through 1.04 to 1.1pre) and I would also test/try to find out from which version on the bug occured.
  14. Ever since a version in 1.04 or 1.05 I have an issue with ground control, the ground control stations are only shown on first load of the tracking station or map view, I can select one, the image turns invisible and I am even able to open this station in kerbal konstructs but instead of being able to chose things to track or other options there is just info on where it is and if it's idle, the rest of the window is empty all other stations work fine and can be toggled on and off but the ground stations vanish immediately after one being clicked this bug is still persisting in 1.1 for me it might be caused by other mods but I slowly come to doubt that I remember trying a lot of mixing between older versions (back when the folder was still called msuez) and I somehow remember that having the right mix would solve the problem but all newer version had this bug for me (which still might be a side effect of other mods but back then it was solvable by sing older versions before the folder structure got changed) I loved the tracking station features
  15. I'm using this with the x64 1.1 version and I have merely any problems which all are that I can't use labs to process the information (might be a wrong kind of lab, it's very likely this is caused by me having so many mods) beside that all the parts work fine/great
  16. I tried something like that too with the karibou rover (added some wings and a jet engine to maneuver) but I destroyed them after realizing I could add ground stations (I added eskandare's a page earlier as a quote) tho I immediately removed all ground stations (in a new play through I will extend eskandares list to add all from kerbinside/konstrukts tho probably won't use it) easiest way to go about it is to put (after you got the tech) to put a satellite into KEO synchronous orbit at about 2.864.000 kilometres what I will do again is put one of those rovers each near the poles even tho very realistic, having ground stations feels extremely cheaty to me so I will have a look at each side/konstrukt station and make up my own opinion about the range of the antennas, so only dished ones get a good omni range while all the ones without only get a minimal range (what would be good? anyone by chance know the circumference of kerbin? i was thinking of 25.000km for those with inside antennas, would be easiest to just look up how antennas rate in real life my experiences with that go only to building a few antennas, made a long antenna from stripped cables that outperforms rather expensive boosted antennas for terrestrial digital but I think the ranges of the transmitters aren't that big and then there's to keep in account that different wave lengths have different ranges, for example those used to communicate with submarines with ultra low bandwidth have a great range or waves at the length of earth oscillation) brainstorming help much appreciated if you also want to see a unified config for remotetech dealing with kerbalkonstruct/side and perhaps other city/stuff mods
  17. I also have the problem that drymass isn't affected, the only change I ever saw was when I reduced weight of the space x lander legs by 1kilogram so it could have been a fluke of engineer redux, everything else seems to work perfectly, beside increasing energy rates for solar panels and generators. -- edit -- so when I delete and repick the item from the list it will get it's dry mass reduction, subassemblies are unaffected and need to be completely reassembled to take effect and some objects are hard to replace on a ship tho now that I know this I will go about using the mod differently minimizing the problems from that (different design strategies and better planned improvements of parts ^^)
  18. From memories (I had a mod that showed more stats of parts) the engines that didn't work as intended got either too little thrust, had extreme gimbal changes (perhaps due to km gimbal), in some rare cases (don't even know if those were engines) weight but I can't even recollect if it that was in 1.04 or 1.05 i wish I knew what mod it was that extended rmb info windows to show thrust and other things
  19. ^^ but I swer in 1.05 at least a quarter of the engines scaled without any hassle, especially most SRBs worked fine
  20. This is such a great mod, great work and many thanks!
  21. I dunno, I also have 16gb ram and with my current mod and computer usage I've run at least 5 times into memory problems where the game used more than 9-10gb and crashed after a warning from windows about ram usage.
  22. I'm using the 1.1 x64 build Tweakscale works for me for the most part but doesn't seem to be able to scale Thrust but I also can't check with ui window info only kerbal engineer. I feel like a lot of the mods that I downloaded had tweakscale support before but don't anymore, also a change is that I have to replace the object if it has storage for it to update.
  23. hey with this I didn't make this, but due to forum software changes all links to this don't work anymore, Eskandare made this. Also I had a could not find comms device bug as well, might have been that it was a rover as groundstation without connection but after changing %TRANSMITTER to %DATATRANSMITTER in all my remotetech patches (including one for contares) it worked, but in the same restart i enabled Eskandare's ground stations for RT so i have no clue what solved it, but changing it to %DATATRANSMITTER didn't break a thing, I did this because in the squad part files the module is called moduledatatransmitter also using 1.1 x64 and having no issues beside that solved one
  24. Hello! I have a weird problem (might be too many mods...^) I'm positive a few days ago the engines were still working (but I might have used the Landertron ones and only saw the ILX 40 looking one in action) Now when trying to use the retractable liquid/oxid engines the two big ones VTx-202 Retractable Engine and ILX-40 Retractable Engine don't receive fuel when put on to fuel tanks (i have to use the fuel line thingy) the ttr1 works fine for some reason, I have compared the part.cfgs with the notepad++ plugin compare and I wasn't able to change it (tho I tell myself earlier for a short time the VTx worked, but whatever I did i undid and the only thing I can remember was carrycross thingy, which wasn't what made it work. changing the engine module to the ModuleEnginesFX didn't fix it either, I will probably give them their own fuel reserve and make use of the fuel line thingy. I dunno, could have InterstellarFuelSwitch, FuelTanksPlus or a mod like that have broken it? I really don't want to use external fuel ducts. and my tries in fixing it were in vain, since I can't spot an obvious difference between ilx/vtx and ttr that would make the ttr function as fuel receiving but the ilx/vtx not I've tried a few things from the module and CFG file documentation but to no avail could CModuleFuelLine help me?[h=3][/h]
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