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Everything posted by VaPaL

  1. There is the Alcubierre Warp Drive, not quite what you want, but close.
  2. Thanks for the answers! @Nibb31 I imagined that there was already a topic about this, but, for some reason, the search is broken here at work (along with other functions, must be due to some restrictions from IT guys). If some moderator could merge this to it or just close it.
  3. I just discovered that the ISS will end it's operation by 2024 or so. There are no plans to replace it, maybe ESA and Roscosmos keep their modules or create a new one. Anyway, I thought that ISS would remain 'forever' since once a module is wornout or out of date, it's possible to decouple it and replace by a new one. Deorbit the whole thing sounds like a waste to me, and without any solid plans to replace it or keep some of it, manned space flght will resume to plans to go to Mars. Nasa believes that private companies will pick up and replace the ISS somehow. Well, this post it's kind of a mess, but my point is, why deorbit the whole thing and what could be the future of manned space flight near earth?
  4. Nah, everyone get pranked once in while!
  5. That or it was a prank, I've heard of that before. Think for a while, you really think the FBI would put a flag over their head saying "Look, I'm here"?
  6. Yeah I know, I work for a contractor of AEB (Brazilian Space Agency), and man... the paper work sometimes is endless... But since we are actually talking about KSP player design and cost efficient rocket to go to the moon, remember, the ones able to do it also have their job, so they would do it as a second job or in their spare time. Communication/documentation would also be a huge problem. Let alone organizing all these people. Who would pay for the prototypes, who would manufacture, assemble and test them? There would be a lot o worse problems. EDIT: @Bill Phil
  7. @Nibb31 Well, I play KSP and I'm currently working on designing a turbopump for a second stage engine. But I agree that the engineers and scientists at space angencies and private companies are more than capable of doing their job. If they 'can't' do it, the the ones that play KSP wouldn't either... But I think he was joking anyway.
  8. This would be nice for a long term experiment! Were you leave it ther for a few days them recover data or transmit it EDIT: @CobaltWolf My PC was giving me trouble this weekend so I hadn't had a chance to do anytesting
  9. Read the RD-180 Engine section in here: http://spaceflight101.com/spacerockets/atlas-v-551/ It's not a specific answer to your question, but there's a lot of info on there.
  10. I believe that it's a mixture of trolling, cool visuals and a bunch of self esteem. Some are obvious trolls, as the teddy bear, some you can see a pourpose, the octopus for instance (as well as self esteem). But this one is not that clear were it fits: Just to let this clear, I don't believe in secret societies, conspiracy theories or anything like that. But maybe there is more to these patches. (Could be an internal joke or something realated to the mission itself)
  11. On its way back to earth, Cygnus Spacecraft will perform a series of fire experiments, burning piece about 1m in size. It will be the largest fire experiment in space, it will only be perfomed once Cygnus is far enough from ISS to guarantee safety. "SAFFIRE aims to study a realistic fire on a space vehicle, looking at flame growth, temperatures and oxygen use to assess how microgravity and limited oxygen affect the properties of a fire. Data from SAFFIRE will be used to improve fire safety on future crewed spacecraft and help NASA in choosing materials for future vehicles." About this experiment: About previous ones http://spaceflight101.com/saffire-i-combustion-experiment/ About previous ones: http://spaceflight101.com/iss-previous-combustion-studies/ Some cool images from the second link:
  12. Show jumping, archery, skywatching/astronomy and science reading
  13. There are some very strange patches out there, here some exemples: http://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/top-10-most-sinister-psyops-mission-patches/ http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/creepy-kitschy-and-geeky-patches-us-spy-satellites-180953562/ From NROL - 10: And from NROL - 32: EDIT: Some patches have a very cool looking, but , from one of the links:
  14. Vsauce made some very cool and interesting videos. Today's one I thought you guys you also liked There are others space realated videos on his channel, worth checking out.
  15. Come on guys, @RoverDude and @Nils277. For me, viewing this from the outside, it's more than clear that this is just a mere misunderstanting. I agree with @goldenpsp and @Andem, that everyone should let you two solve your business and you'd probably get over it soon. But I, in my on stupidity, 'care' for people that I don't know, even goldenpsp and Andem, but since I used your mods I follow you more, so I 'care' more, and I hate seeing people arguing. So to settle this. RD said what I quoted, and at first I thought exactly as Nils, but I know RD better now, I know it's just his way with words and he didn't meant what I thought at first. But since the topic was KPBS Nils took it personal and stick with the first impression, which it's totally understandable, I would probabl do the same. So he said those 'accusation' that RD was 'attacking' him and his mod. Since RD didn't meant that, he got offended and surprised and 'fought' back. From this point on, it's just a snowball that will keep getting bigger and bigger. I've been on both sides of that, and I'm sure you both been there too. This arguing doesn't do good to anyone, nether the community and nether and especially you two. You both probably won't like me intruding in your business, so I will be quiet for now on. Peace guys, take it easy!
  16. @CobaltWolf Will download it latter, but during the week my time is limited, probably will only make proper test on the weekend. I don't remember now, but I think that on the image I posted above, I tested one by one to see which one would explode or not, after that I started putting all on concrete bases. What's odd is that on my first try on Kerbin and on Mun, none exploded.
  17. I don't know, I don't see that either, but he might just misinterpreted something. It happens, unfortunately. I'm always extra carefull when talking through text. it's very easy for thinks like this to happen, had my share of fights with my girlfriend because of that. And things get worse when people came from different cultural backgrounds. It's VERY easy for things get out of hand then.
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