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Everything posted by CrashTestDanny

  1. I get this with a couple of ships, but haven't really been able to isolate any cause yet... I don't think they allow anyone to post screenshots... gotta get imgur and post links to imgur albums instead. @tg626 - Love the Docking Sounds mod - thanks! Danny..
  2. I see,,, ckan has it as 1.1 for some reason... Thanks for the quick response.. Danny
  3. Hey Rune! I'm back. Loving 1.1... Tested the Foil, Trident, and Orca, all working good for me in 1.1 (after I learned how to fly again...). Hope all is well on your side as well. Danny
  4. I would really like to try this mod out, but it won't load up for me. I'm using from steam with about a jillion mods installed (or 40). CKAN install didn't work, so I removed it and then downloaded directly but it didn't work. I noticed that the CH zip file includes different versions of the KU files than the KU zip file has, so I tried once with just the contents of the CH zip file and then after it failed I tried again with the files from the latest KU zip overwriting the files from the CH zip. Both produced the same error in the log (https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmox4z20b7umcbf/KSP.log?dl=0). Any help would be greatly appreciated; This mod addresses one of the most fundamental needs that I have always though the game has. Thanks, Danny
  5. well I would love to have the stock override if possible. I can't stand the default contracts app... But I can also learn to click on the correct button if need be, too... Danny
  6. Hey man - thanks for getting the 1.1 version out so quickly - I am loving it! However, I seem to have stumbled upon some unexpected behavior... When I click the settings button, the settings window pops up and is empty except for the "close" button. Log and Screenshot are on my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l9dusqruh758z4c/AACeSNrEknOrDiii7D-uUlwDa?dl=0 Thanks, Danny
  7. Ha, you weren't lying! This made me chuckle. @CrashTestDanny, you got the double negative, right? This mod consumes memory for breakfast. Definitely got it. I have lots of memory (32G), but 1.1 x64 still seems to have an upper limit and some pesky memory leaks, so as good as this looks, I'm thinking I'll wait for the non-leaking version before I install it. Danny
  8. Wow - this mod looks really neat! I have one question - what kind of memory footprint does it have? Thanks, Danny
  9. Ahh - I see... I'll stop trying to get it to work then! Danny
  10. Odd... It's not working for me. I'll try to reinstall and post back...
  11. Any chance of getting a pre-release version of CapCom? I see a couple references to it, but the one I got from the links here does not seem to work with 1.1... Thanks, Danny
  12. I have not played KSP since mid-December because I am no longer willing to put up with its instability and lag - I just don't find that fun so I decided to lighten up and go find something else to do. I am very hopeful that 64 bit / 1.1 will fix all that, but if it doesn't, I guess I'll just continue to lighten up... Danny
  13. Thanks Tex! Exactly what I wanted to see when I clicked on this topic! Danny
  14. Well, maybe if we're lucky, U5 will fix it... Danny
  15. I did find a little bit of a work-around... Turns out attaching stuff to the back of the ports is MUCH easier than attaching the ports to stuff, so as long as my ports are in place first, I can just stick what I want to them and then just re-root as needed. Would be nice if there was a fix for it though... Danny
  16. Hey Necro - I'm trying to recreate an old Kerbal Space Station design using the 7m docking ports as the base and getting a bit frustrated. It seems they don't attach to nodes very easily and I spend 15m+++ just getting one of these ports to attach to the end of a tank. Is there anything that can be done to improve their sticking to the nodes? When I get them placed, they stay at the node like they're stuck to it, but when I click to place it they go transparent like they are not placed... If I wiggle the mouse a little, I can see the spot where they are actually attached, but it flashes by so fast I can't seem to hit it except by completely random (and very rare) chance... Danny
  17. Been wanting to do something ridiculous with this mod for a while - thanks for providing the correct opportunity. I'm calling this the Munstrocity... 60 Kerbal capacity and sent up in one harrowing launch. She flipped not once, not twice, but thrice in her ascent. I bolted down my steel ball bearings and rode her all the way up to 71k, completely out of fuel, so I sent a couple massive fuel tankers (thanks to SpaceY's 7m stuff) and refueled it enough to make the munar transfer and landing. Made the FIRST! landing with about 100 delta-V to spare. I cheated the fuel into it (but with the drills and ISRU this was strictly a matter of convenience/fun - it has the capability to refuel itself) and then took off again for my prime landing site, which I overshot by about 17km the first time (I think some of the engines were not working due to fuel starvation on the first descent). The second landing was absolutely perfect - right in the shadow of the arch and dwarfing my earlier base as expected. Munstrocity can hold up to 60 kerbals, contains a science lab, and holds 6k ore and about 70,600 units of LF and 86,200 units Ox. As an added bonus, the top of each of the eight outer towers is a self-contained spaceship with about 3k deltaV when fully fueled. A rockomax decoupler releases the tower and ignites the attached poodle and 5 kerbals can escape! which is fortunate because the Kraken seems bent on tearing this thing apart now... Danny
  18. Funny - every time I see one of your posts I think Man - I gotta start building smaller! Danny
  19. That looks a little bit like Kuzzter's M7 Eve Rescue vehicle... When's that craft file coming out? I have a Kerbal on Eve who might want to come home sometime...
  20. Oooh - never noticed the Modular Rocket Systems mod before... I may have to grab that! Danny
  21. I can confirm that the propellers along with the blue spinners and attached engine nacelles are from KAX. The radial tanks are from Fuel Tanks Plus, by necrobones. The generators look a little like the back of the stock fuel cell arrays, but don't hold me to that... Danny
  22. So Rune... got any 1.0.5 updates? Was hoping to see some Trident variant using the cargo ramp or something along those lines!
  23. Maybe someone wants to take off a spaceplane into retro orbit for some reason? Danny
  24. I see - well, it's out for now. Thanks again for your help! Danny Still, the pink might be nice for Breast Awareness Month...
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