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Everything posted by Waxing_Kibbous

  1. +1 Tourist, those sound like great additions, in particular adding some more habitat modules- Porkjet's are pretty solid, I think they'd fit nicely into stock.
  2. Not a moon of Jool but Kerbin is a moon of a gas giant [url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114092-1-0-5-Kopernicus-New-Horizons-v1-7-19Nov15-Back-in-business[/url]!
  3. [QUOTE]On the other hand... I could pretty easily enable remote control points within a single link. Put differently, I could easily allow control if there is a crewed vessel with a direct connection to the probe in question. What do people think about that option?[/QUOTE] I think if it were a pilot then yeah that would be cool, also I think having it be short range would be proper- now, would the pilots skills transfer to the probe as well? That could be a nifty bonus
  4. [quote name='Aethon']It still collapses with precise node but O toggles it back on. Much better than zooming back in to find it and click it.[/QUOTE] Great tip, I will check that out asap!
  5. Yeah but [url]http://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/apollo-11-plus-45-how-neil-armstrong-saved-day-moon-n160386[/url] :D You still gotta have Jeb when things get rough
  6. [QUOTE] [COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Eerrmmm... seems that closing the program and opening again did the trick to solve it :confused:[/QUOTE] This may be a bug, same thing happened to me with a space station contract, things weren't checked off until I closed/reopened. :confused:
  7. I had one smash into the ground the other day, EVA'd before my chutes fully deployed and PAF into a cloud of dust. It was not an orange suited one however....
  8. As the title says, is there a way to keep maneuver nodes from collapsing into the little orange asterisk? I don't get why this happens but it happens at the worst moments. (Hopefully there is an easy way like changing a true to false somewhere)
  9. I may be imagining things, but I noticed when throttling an engine down via right-click on the engine the est. burn time increased accordingly, nice that that works as planned. This is a good mod for beginners IMO, one of my early frustrations was the lack of a burn time readout which seemed to happen on a pretty regular basis. I agree with the KER comparison, this is a nice simple readout that's good for many cases.
  10. I'd like to make a simple mod that would give scientists only a button that collects data and resets an experiment in one action, eliminating the popup that appears when collecting data from the goo and science jr. experiments. Would this be possible as a module manager file, or is it touching areas that go deeper?
  11. I recommend the ScanSat mod, it generates some practical science- plus there is an expanded science pack for it [URL]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64972-1-0-5-DMagic-Orbital-Science-New-Science-Parts-v1-0-9-1-11-11-2015[/URL] Trying these out is a good way to test part of your proposal. I agree that having more of a discovery process would add a lot to the game- think of how interesting Pluto is now that we learned a lot more about it in a pretty impressive fashion.
  12. Pretty much what the OP says, I went to play Science Mode and was kind of bummed out that all Kerbals involved are 5 star. Is it possible to make them all start out as noob-kerbals? Perhaps by changing a config file, or should I head over to the mod request area?
  13. I would build a decent lander that has about 3500dV with science gear for the rescue so that you can pick her up, hop to another biome or two for more science to make the trip worthwhile, and swoop on home. Have a capsule with a pilot and the lander can with heat shield at the bottom. Don't be cheap about getting it there, you'll spend more doing it twice. Overbuild the rescue rocket so you can orbit the Mun with the second stage, even slow down a bit with it on decent if you are lucky. Then your lander will have plenty of fuel for the rest of the matters. I found that having a one star pilot helps a ton for landings, make them point at retrograde in surface mode so you can focus on the speed end of it. They will control it quite well so you get a nice straight down trajectory.
  14. Just wanted to say this is a nice little mod that adds a bit of a fun challenge which is always a good thing, well done! :cool:
  15. BTW if anyone wants to test the 2 kerbal command pod idea this is a good one [url]http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/k2-command-pod[/url] Seems pretty balanced, I've been using it in my 1.05 game and it is great- I think it makes pilots more useful because you can use them for rescue and science missions.
  16. When it comes to attaching things to decouplers I find the KER readout is super useful. As a side note. I notice that when building in the SPH parts won't orient automatically, eg you have to manually rotate a nosecone to put it on the back of a jet- combine this with the docking port's ability to attach very loosely and you get a recipe for disaster.
  17. Thanks for this chart, I'm new to the jet engines and can't seem to get above 10,000m (I have a contract that requires over 17,000). btw does "wet" mean with the intake closed?
  18. I was looking at buying a little quad copter and thought how cool it would be to have a KSP one with a Jeb or Val to ride on it. They should hook up with Estes too :) I appreciate their stance on the software end.
  19. One of the few times I have used docking ports I somehow stuck it facing the wrong way- they don't seem to snap to parts in the VAB/SPH as others do, allowing them to be put on wrong. Maybe this is what is happening? What happened on my end was that I stuck 2 things with ports together in the VAB and couldn't separate them on Minmus because one was on wrong. Using a bit of violence I could eventually unattach them however haha.
  20. Utilize the power of Unity5 to give the Kerbals proper ultra-low poly hair-dos. Discuss the possibility of pseudo (code trickery)- Lagrange points to up the science learning value. Even bigger lifters ala SpaceY More rover options, the ability to target an area/or place multiple points and the rover will drive there. And of course, keep the bugtracker down! *grumbles from the staff*
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