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Everything posted by Waxing_Kibbous

  1. Thanks Claw, I actually got lucky and had a plain old F5 save still available (I panicked because it doesn't seem to work when at the space center, you need an active vessel to load games apparently). I wouldn’t have checked it but your post kept sticking in my head- I also learned 3 important lessons (beyond save early save often)- docking/clawing messes with the ship's control point, aerobraking is good, and don't hack save files! Mission success:
  2. I have Roverdude's warp drive in my tech tree, and since it is integrated into the tree it takes something like 10,000 science to unlock so I don't consider it cheating If you are having fun and like a certain part that's your business!
  3. I wouldn't mind seeing the contracts be a bit more gradual myself, at least the space station/base ones which IMO do have some occasionally ridiculous requirements right off the bat. The new contract system is designed to expand on previous things, right? *As a side note, anyone who has played Windwaker probably remembers the camera that you used to take pics to unlock things in game- I'd love to see KSP's screenshot capability in contracts, to take pics of celestial bodies, anomalies, etc. I think that's a pretty cool part of the game, who doesn't take pics of their space missions?
  4. I got greedy, even though I brought Jeb and the other guy back by hacking the save file, I went one step further and tried to hack the file to get them their exp. back by changing the end of the list that contains the flight stuff, which nuked my save to the point where I only had Jeb as a crew member (which is sad because I had a really sweet lineup) . So don't ever do that.
  5. I had a rescue mission coming back into Kerbin, 2 lander cans with a claw on top with the new double flight pod thing attached to the claw with a Kerbal inside. On return all heck broke loose and the claw blew up, speparating the 2 units. The 2 cans had chute, so I waited until they slowed down then deployed the chutes (this contained Jeb and another rescue). Then I swiched to the other unit where I EVA'd the kerbal and got her to do a graceful bounce then face plant on a soft grassy field- I recovered her, but going back to the tracking station Jeb and the other dude are just gone- no MIA, no craft available in the station, no sign at all. Are they gone forever or just not tracked any more? I'm curious if I can track them down and pick them up, or if this is a known bug and they have been eliminated from Kerbin history forever. Edit: well, they were dead. I made them alive again, but they have no experience now, which sucks because both would have been levelled up as the rescue was on Minmus
  6. I love this pod, it's my bread and butter in the early parts of a career (also the lighting on the kerbals inside is quite nice). Works fine in 1.05, except that is sinks like a rock when landed in water.
  7. This in interesting, can you elaborate more? Is it a probe in a very similar orbit as Kerbin that flies ahead a bit that you just fiddle with once in a while?
  8. Just a guess, but an instancing + LOD type system could do this pretty cheaply- question is does Unity support such things? I would assume so, it's relatively old tech.
  9. Does Windows do updates on restart? That would be my only guess. From what I hear Win10 does a bit of stuff behind the scenes. Anyhow, I always get a kick out of optimizing boot times, how often are people starting their machines up that seconds matter so much
  10. That is a sweet T(h)om Servo, half the battle is collecting the parts- well done. My mom has the Tupperware flower holder that is part of Crow, but it's unfortunately damaged
  11. I love rescue missions, today I did a double rescue- one in Munar orbit, the other in Kerbin orbit beyond Munar orbit (Bonus: name is Pepe Kermin), using *almost* no mods, just this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/54876-10x-ksp-alternate-resource-panel-v2730-aug-16/&page=1 plus I got the science around Kerbin and Science around Mun contracts, it was a good haul today
  12. Yeah, the method I suggested to get to Minmus isn't optimal, but IMO it's conceptually the simplest. After getting to Minmus becomes old hat then getting there more cleanly becomes clear. Regarding the Scott M vids, starting here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHt162az5Y8 Minmus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ5AvIHOSQg should be close enough to the current KSP version to get one started
  13. Just want to add that I always choose Kerbal Stuff links for addons over curse/git/etc. if they are available, because of the open source nature and nice layout.
  14. What's your tech level at? Minmus is really easy once you get there, but getting there is a little bit more complex than Mun. You want your second stage to be pretty beefy, enough to match Minmus' inclination once in Kerbin orbit, then enough to get to Minmus. Doing all the maneuvers around Minmus/getting back home takes very little fuel compared to Mun so the lander can be pretty lightweight. This is about as basic as you can get, Val in the command pod and Bob in the can: edit: Bob can EVA every step of the way and collect data/reset the goo and Jr for juicy gobs of science. Obviously this design needs electrical stuff, usually I put a battery on the back of the pod and panels wherever.
  15. After a couple of months I'm still trying to figure out how I like to play. One thing that is dangerous to my experience is getting greedy with mods, I have reduced them and added them many times already. Generally unbridled rage then triumphant ecstasy.
  16. Just want to add a +1 to buying it- I very rarely buy games, as in maybe once a year, but this one is too good to pass up. I also recommend if you do buy it to stay away from mods for the beginning, you can do Mun landings without them no problem, and if there is something you think is missing after a bit of play look it up, chances are it exists already.
  17. 40 here, I did have a commodore 64 as a kid (with tape drive!) but it didn't get much use- once I went to the library, got a magazine with a program printed in it, spent a couple of hours typing it out, and it didn't work, which probably turned me off to programming forever. First real computer was a G3 Mac, 350Mhz with 256MB RAM which I attempted to do 3D on- raydream studio, Maya PLE (Maya cost around $10,000 back then. It also had an entire library of a user manual, which it should for 10 grand), Blender, and Animation Master were the programs I tried, but wow talk about painful- crashes, and the documentation wasn't what is today, aka it was books haha. Back then one had to make special settings in MacOS, and I can't remember the name atm, basically unchecking programs that would run on boot to free up memory because pre-OSX memory management was non-existent. So I don't want to hear any complaints about any 32-bit limits! Edit: also, it's really impressive that KSP even works, given that for a long time all physics sims had to be pre-baked, which was very computationally heavy. This real time stuff is insane, the fact that I can slap pieces together and make it work blows my mind. Also, I got my hands on a copy of KSP alpha-alpha-alpha-alpha-pre-alpha, aka Moonsweeper
  18. I occasionally think about the visual direction, in particular how parts aren't a bit more beat up/stylized (eg the mk1 chute is described as "found by the side of the road," so seeing some patches and distress could be expected), but there is a tough line there to not make it too cutesy. I also think having it toon rendered could be an interesting experiment, then again I like toon rendering but understand it's not everyone's cup of tea. In the end though, the gameplay is what matters most and KSP ranks high there so visual style tends to be less of a concern than gameplay from my armchair. Rockets go boom and make things go up and not crash
  19. It looks like the decoupler is going to blow off the Sci Jr. , if that's the case make sure you grab that science- you have chutes on it though so I'm not sure what the plan is (if it's a goof, I just returned from a Minmus mission where I forgot my landing gear haha, thankfully I landed on the second stage poodle engine a couple of times :P- Kerbals are forgetful engineers!). Like others have said, launch and immediately head sidewards so your orbital plane matches Kerbin's roughly (aka don't do a polar orbit), making sure to clear any mountains. I dare say you can go as low as 10km for a minmus orbit, heck maybe even 8km. You want every little bit of fuel for the approach- if you can get your return orbit into Kerbin's atmosphere you are golden. From the wiki: [QUOTE]Minmus has very divergent elevations. Plateaus at around 5 km high are matched by "Flats" at datum altitude (0 m).[/QUOTE]
  20. see: Portraitstats [url]https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/899[/url]
  21. Interesting thoughts here- this is definitely a game where making it harder can actually makes it more fun, IMO one of the great aspects of KSP is how challenging it is. [QUOTE]USI Life Support - tweaked a bit harder, especially making it deadly and orange suits loose their special immortality perk[/QUOTE] How do you do this, is it basically cfg hacking? Is there a guide anywhere, I've read this can be done but haven't found specifics.
  22. Because there is no one way to play KSP, I started thinking about doing a science mode game but wasn't sure what to actually do in it- what kind of goals did I want to achieve? Today I came up with my Space Program goals- To find every easter egg in game, and take a picture next to it with 3 Kerbals- a pilot, a scientist, and an engineer, with flag, next to it. Basically it's like going sightseeing, My Summer Space Vacation. I have yet to find a single easter egg so this will be a good new challenge for me. The other goal to round out in case a body lacks easter eggs is to land on every body, again with a trio. *SSSHH don't tell me about easter eggs!** Also a bonus to build a colony with a view next to any goodies I find to be cool. Mods to add to the fun, and why I'll use them: No orange suits- USI life support antennarange- probe cores only for satellites and small wheel rovers. DERP - No F5, no revert launch, no zombie Kerbals Plus various other utility mods, KIS, KAS, MKS Lite, Karbonite, Alcubierre Warp Drive, KER, ScanSat etc. This should be quite the fun time- I imagine there are a lot of other cool agendas out there, what is yours?
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