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Everything posted by Waxing_Kibbous

  1. A couple more: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/141180-13-easy-vessel-switch-evs-v130/ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/139724-13-surface-mounted-stock-alike-lights-for-self-illumination-v140/&
  2. This is close, but still uses EC when the pod is empty. Hmmm...
  3. Thanks for the suggestions, I've been playing with various LS mods trying to find a system that suits me. If I decide to use EC as the only LS resource than USI will work (CLLS seems to be broken currently), I tried Snacks! and was hoping to add EC usage to it.
  4. Yeah, quite a few LS mods use EC but I think the mechanic is hard coded while just the rate of usage can be modified via MM.
  5. As the OP says, I'd like to be able to have any manned pods/parts use EC, perhaps also on a per-kerbal basis, so a full hitch-hiker would use more EC than a MK-1 for example, but a hitch-hiker with one crew would use the same as the MK-1. Bonus if a condition that Kerbals die if no EC for x time can be done as well.
  6. Could you be so kind as to post your MM config here? I'll probably be playing 1.2 for quite some time still.
  7. Feel free to adjust the settings.cfg in your kerbalism folder: // storm settings StormMinTime = 2160000.0 // minimum interval between storms over a system StormMaxTime = 8640000.0 // maximum interval between storms over a system StormDuration = 21600.0 // how long a storm last once it hit StormEjectionSpeed = 1000000.0 // cme speed in m/s
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3k1sdo4zkdgdyk/kopspam2.zip?dl=0 There is also a save, just go to the orbiting craft and toggle between map and vessel with 'M." I noticed something odd, there was a mention of a man. node before the spam, but no node exists. PS plz don't kill Val
  9. See above, I did one test with OPM and another with no packs at all, only Squad, Kopernicus, Moduleflightintegrator, and MM. Both got spammed.
  10. Yep, 64bit Linux. I wonder if this happens on macs as well- if so my very limited experience in these matters tells me it's probably a case mismatch (right term?). As in, one place has "variable" while another has "Variable." Again, I'm no proper coder tho
  11. I've been getting log spam, I see this has been an issue in the past but haven't seen a resolution. I just tested with the latest Kopernicus version and previous one with the same results. Here is the log, craft, and instructions to repeat. Gamedata has: Squad, Kopernicus, Moduleflightintegrator, MM v2.7.6 (also happened with 2.7.5), and OPM. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yaiaxdlday1rnw7/KopSpam.zip?dl=0 Edit: I removed OPM and tried again, this time while in orbit I opened the console window. When focused on the vessel there is no spam, however in map view, either focused on Kerbin or the Mun I am getting a constant flow of errors. Switching back to the vessel stops it, switching to map mode starts it again. This seems to be the simplest stripped down case to reproduce, I hope it helps.
  12. I have another MM request I'm playing with the Colonist mod, and I'd like to make them either immune to hab effects similar to MKS, or just have a longer duration than the others. Anyone have any ideas how to make this happen?
  13. I found the issue for future reference- using the MK-1 pod from the part overhauls (the last porkjet pack) causes the weirdness, probably due to the extra curvy bottom. I like the models and texturing of these parts, the attention to detail is keen
  14. I just started an @Angel-125 brand career, pretty excited about the new stuff even early on- I noticed a glitch in the kerbal IVA portrait, is this a known issue, or do I have a mod conflict?
  15. I'm curious as to what happens when a hungry Kerbal throws out science. Is that particular biome's experiment points gone forever, or can you go back and get them again?
  16. I recall one of the Gemini astronauts saying how exhausting an early EVA was because there were no proper handholds at the time. Because of this and OP I will now design my craft with ladders in the appropriate locations.
  17. From what I've seen selecting male or female acts like random in that either a male or female will spawn.
  18. I think I may have found an issue in the pre-release- in the settings Kolonists hires are set to 1000 but in the complex they are 50,000. Anyone else see this?
  19. This thread kind of went off topic, but I've been using this for the 2.5m command pods for quite some time, it seems reasonable to me: @PART[Mark1-2Pod] { %mass = 3.15 } @PART[mk2LanderCabin] { %mass = 1.85 }
  20. I'd like to see a MM patch showing this ideal tank balance. It's one thing to say they need rebalancing, it's another to actually rebalance them. Make a cfg and let players try it out.
  21. This is a pretty important fix, I can't imagine playing without better burn time. I remember when I first started playing this was a big source of confusion and frustration.
  22. Hey all, I poked around github a bit but didn't see where to get the pre-release, can somebody point me in the right direction? I assume it is just a drag and drop install.
  23. Is it possible to add the exercise bike *ahem treadmill to other modules via MM? I'm playing with the station parts expansion, it'd be nice to add some gear to other parts. Edit: I dug it up, just add this to a MM cfg with the name of the part (here it is the crewpod-habitation-25) @PART[crewpod-habitation-25]:NEEDS[FeatureComfort]:FOR[Kerbalism] { MODULE { name = Comfort bonus = exercise desc = A treadmill designed to permit exercise in zero-g is included. The crew will love it. } MODULE:NEEDS[FeatureReliability] { name = Reliability type = Comfort title = Treadmill repair = Engineer mtbf = 36288000 // 4y extra_cost = 0.25 extra_mass = 0.05 } @tags ^= :$: comfort: }
  24. Yep I do have deep freeze, but am on the fence about actually using it. It's a bit into Sci-Fi territory and maybe seems a bit OP?
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