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Everything posted by fourfa

  1. I'm having fun flying this little guy! Is there an engine sound mod that can be used for electric props? The eerie silence is just too weird
  2. Right click in VAB/SPH -> select Friction Control box to Manual -> increase value from default 1 to 5.
  3. There's a hidden feature of current landing gear and landing legs - perhaps first described by a forum user and KSP streamer mod named Muddr. These items currently install an invisible strut from the gear/leg to the most massive part in the craft (this was part of taming the early 1.1 build "dancing"). This feature can be abused to auto-strut between vanilla dockable modules. Test it out on the launchpad, the difference is incredibly obvious and very, very powerful. Slap a few landing gear on the outside of a module and see what happens. You can even offset it completely inside another part and it will still work, but might explode sometimes. No guarantees.
  4. If you launch, let it get destroyed, turn on hack grav, revert to launch - hack grav is persistent and will stay for the rest of the session
  5. MechJeb's SmartA.S.S. really is what stock ought to be. Worth installing just for that module alone
  6. @Talavar: There are definitely wheel problems that have layers of band-aids on them. If you want to take 5 minutes to learn how to make it work, so you can have fun playing the game, that option is definitely available. If you prefer to complain about the wheel apocalypse and how unplayable the game is, that option is also available Basically: Planes don't do the jig on the launchpad any more. Give your rear plane wheels more brakes and more friction (turn off auto-friction control) than the front. Rover wheels are very touchy about clipping, and even being close to other parts without clipping. Give them breathing room, and if you want to play with offset do it very carefully and patiently. Oh, and we now know that all gear and legs were basically unbreakable in previous versions - you now must use heavier gear and/or more of them on larger craft. If the ship bounces up and down on physics load (on whatever gravity level it's intended for) increase damping. If it sinks and fully compresses the gear, give it more spring (if you max out the spring and it still sinks, go a size up or double up). Otherwise leave those alone. Lastly, be ready to do some repetitive tuning to dial it all in.
  7. Are there no mods that offer SRB thrust profiles?
  8. Now that you can pin menus, it's not so bad to change throttle limits on the fly
  9. Laythe SSTO with removable wing modules, in order to fit in a Mk3 cargo bay
  10. Over in the stock electric aircraft thread, Azimech has an Eve plane. Looks like a great way to get around Eve, to and from the 7K Base Spaceport. If I was being sent to Eve, I'd sure as heck want to be stationed at the highest point above the hellish atmosphere too. A long-term habitation on a mountaintop, ISRU fuel truck for the orbital SSTO, a fast rover, an electric airplane... sounds fun to me!
  11. Hm - that sounds like a symptom of a low-TWR ship. With TWR of 3-4 near the surface (commonplace when starting with a local deorbit TWR of ~2), I have found MJ pretty reliable. Trying to eke out lightweight ships with minimal TWR (for instance many Tylo landers) can be a mess. In other words MJ's landing profile is not adjustable, it works with some craft and terrain, doesn't with others.
  12. No serious problems here. Stay on the main release not the dev builds if you want stability.
  13. Subscribed, as I undertake a 6700/1070 build
  14. This thread is very inspiring! Somehow I never picked up on using trim, and found just holding Q or E while not in control of the craft quite ineffective
  15. That's me - no apology needed. I'll stick my name in the image somewhere
  16. Lately, the AeroGUI option in the alt-F12 menu. Helps with creative SSTO builds, where it can be hard to tell if your clipped parts are affecting drag or not
  17. If you want a stock Canadarm / Krakenarm for grabbing and manipulating things very near a station - check this out: https://kerbalx.com/EJ_SA/KrakenArm-31 100% stock articulated arm, using cages around Stayputniks as ball and socket joints, and reaction wheels to move separate sections of the arm. Otherwise, just slap a battery, reaction wheel, and RCS on a probe core and go to work. I like Klaw on one side and docking port on the other, and a light or two. TWR and size hardly matter - even a single ring of RCS quads is enough power to move some pretty large components, and with enough reaction wheel power it hardly matters that your RCS thrust will usually be off-center. Definitely de-activate RCS on the rotation axes as noted above (I have a custom cfg for that by default)
  18. Stock KSP - there is no G limit. Of course, there's a mod for that
  19. Today in the real world I am making a bike-desk. KSP is so addictive, it has impacted my activity level. Soon I will be able to pedal through every KSP session. In fact I would love a Mac app that reads my bluetooth heart rate monitor and locks the screen if the HR falls below a threshold... anyone heard of something like that? My search-fu is failing
  20. Modern cars are lighter, more powerful, safer, get better mileage, pollute less, and are more comfortable than old cars! The only downside is they cost more! New cars OP! Nerf! (I also do not have a problem playing the game as is, but I play career and I don't find the progression over time to be unrealistic. Just my opinion)
  21. If I empty the oxidizer out of fuel tanks (this happens a lot in spaceplanes and nuke-powered ships) I will definitely clip into the "empty" half. Hollow structural and aero parts - anything goes. More important than "clip or no" should be "NoOffsetLimit or no" as that enables even more creative construction techniques
  22. Add mods compatible with Community Tech Tree - then use your science to continue buying technologies beyond what's in stock KSP. Same gameplay mechanic as before, but you'll probably need to go out and get a LOT more science.
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