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Radical Isotope

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  1. I don't know if this is a BTWC (metadata?) issue or a CKAN issue, but when I try to install v2.3.13, I get the following error: I can't remember the reasons, but I originally installed BTW (non-"Continued") manually. Because of this, I couldn't install BTWC via CKAN, so I removed the BTW directory before trying to install BTWC, so there was no "GameData/BetterTimeWarp/<anything>" directory in which those files could be registered: So I don't understand how CKAN can be seeing those .png files and how they can already be registered to BTW. I would like to install BTWC via CKAN in order to keep it able to be updated semi-automatically (rather than having to do it all manually). Is this an issue with some behind-the-scenes CKAN data or is this something to do with the BTWC metadata that CKAN doesn't like? Any ideas how to fix it so that I can manage BTWC with CKAN? If this is indeed a CKAN issue, I'll post this in a CKAN-specific thread. Thanks!
  2. This looks great, and I look forward to using it! However, I can't at the moment because it's listed on Spacedock as being "for Kerbal Space Program 1.1" (when the previous pre-release version was listed as being for 1.12.3), and in CKAN it's listed as being for KSP 1.1.9, so it's 6 minor revisions outside of my "compatible" range (I have it set to a minimum of 1.7). I'm guessing this is just a typo, so I hope it's something that can be easily remedied. Thanks!
  3. LOX-Augmented Nuclear [Nucular?] Thermally-Efficient Reconfigurable Nozzle? If it weren't for copyright issues, you could stick a "Gets Really Energetically Enigmatic Nascently" in front of it. (Edit: Or "Gets Really Enigmatically Energetic Naturally")
  4. I usually go to the "Freshest Mods" page either directly at https://spacedock.info/kerbal-space-program/browse/updated or from the button on the main KSP mod page. Both give the 500 error. CKAN also returns a 500 error when trying to update mods through the app. Edit: Seems to have been fixed as I was writing this. Thanks!
  5. Is there a way to move the on-screen display? As it is, it sits on top of the part selector in the VAB/SPH, making it hard to see the part underneath it. Otherwise, I love it. Steam is great for keeping track of time played, but that only works for the Steam install, which I would like to keep pristine and use a copy for modded instances, of which Steam won't keep track. Thanks for providing a solution to that!
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