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Everything posted by JacobJHC

  1. That's a good name. For now that will be its working name.
  2. I don't know its ratio. This is just a snip I made with snipping tool of a chunk from the middle. I've also come up with a neat idea for a moon for Rinkeutov, although I'm not sure what to name it. Rink? Ink? I dunno.
  3. Okay, I can definitively say that the new Rinkeutov heightmap is well on its way to completion. I just need to fix a seam that showed up from nowhere.
  4. I blurred them in GIMP. I'm working on a new fix to that, but my GIMP is being difficult. If you use GIMP to blur the vertical seams, you need to click filters->distort->polar coordinates. For the horizontal his ctrl+shift+O and offset the image, fix the seam, then offset it back,
  5. I'm not sure if I'll keep Oran in a near polar orbit or not, but as for adding a very thick atmo, strong gravity world, I might consider it. I know that at one point (according to the wiki) there were plans for such a planet, dubbed Gas Planet 3. It might be fun to throw that in somewhere. In fact..... I could even put Oran around it maybe. Although at the moment I am complete garbage at drawing color and heightmaps, so once I get better I'll try and give the thing a shot.
  6. Neat, just tell me when you complete the mission. This flag is epic.
  7. Yeah, going EVA to land is fine, but what is extreme EVA landing? It sounds dramatic.
  8. If you want to not be in the gate crashers category you can only use the chairs inside the Jool system, for interplanetary travel, a capsule or cabin of some kind must be used.
  9. @GRS Sounds cool (Shrek sounds like the best place ever) , but you should probably post that in its own thread and not this one. Once I get Cryode's ocean working this thread is going to get somewhat crowded by its own development.
  10. For normal maps I just use the kittopia mod to make the normal maps for me. If it doesn't load check the logs and see what error happened in the loading process. No problem lol.
  11. I kid you not, I just used GIMP and notepad to make these. (And paint.net too but you don't need to use it) The version is 1.4/.15 To use the ribbon feature I'm pretty sure you just go into your profile settings.
  12. Hello all, Recently I have begun making planets, and I now am close to having them ready to release. But until then I am going to show development here. Remember, there are more pictures and more development to come! Any suggestions for future additions are welcome! Progress on Planets (Red = unstarted/unusable, Yellow = In development but not 100% finished yet, Green = Full functional, ready for release) - Carnage: A strange, small moon that looks like something out of a horror movie. Dark, red ravines and plains make it look as if the planet was lashed and is now bleeding. - Rinkeutov: A mid-sized desert world with an oxygen atmosphere and brown rusty oceans. Mustletoff: Rinkeutov's first moon. Seems to have formed from materials in Rinkeutov's crust. What happened there? - Ripple: A small moon that appears to have been stretched and twisted around it's equator, hence the name 'Ripple'. - - Plod: If humans lived in the Kerbol system, it would be called 'Sedna'. This strange dwarf planet orbits in such an elliptical orbit that no Kerbal has even considered sending a probe their, probably because Plod left them on red and continued on it's multi-century orbit. Ninkle: A small, but undeniably fun moon around Plod. It has a deep basin, and what appears to be a spire on its north pole. Oob: A moon about half the size of Plod, forming a binary system. This moon looks a lot like Minmus, with several giant flats covering the world. Tebos: A captured Kuiker belt object. Lia: A very jagged moon with very low gravity, but several entertaining pits to explore. - Cryode: An interesting world with bluish-green sands and a sludgy purple ocean. - Moveaturn: With a whopping five Gs of gravity, and a hazy, yellow atmosphere sixty times thicker than Kerbin's, there seems to be no plausible way to reach it's surface. However, there does seem to be a giant mountain near it's equator, sloping up all the way to the upper atmosphere. Perhaps if you could land on that, you just might make it home. Thanks for the idea @Saturn_The_Planet! Oran: Another small desert like planet with oceans, except these are green. It orbits Moveaturn, with Durr orbiting it. Durr: An odd moon that is in a surprisingly circular orbit around Oran. Development Pictures: The Plod System (Sedna with moons): Carnage: Cryode: Durr: Credits (thanks!): - I'd like to thank everyone from the Kopernicus discord. I'd list all of you but there are too many of us all.
  13. I like this perspective more than my previous one, I'll go by this logic. But @PTGFlyer if you do use an asteroid, you must actually fly it. No changing files.
  14. You could, but the ship would still be departing from LKO as one big ship, even if there is staging involved. Tell you what, if you manually capture an asteroid and build a refueling rig on it, you can build your ship on the station, fuel up the ship and then go to Jool, BUT, no part of the station or the asteroid can come to Jool. All parts of the base must remain in LKO and actually be flown.
  15. Nope. The idea of the Jool 5 is for a single mission to do it. This can take the form of one large ship launched at one time, or as one large ship assembled in LKO.
  16. Spawning it into a perfect 80k orbit is just cheating by itself. If you want to use an asteroid in a Jool 5 mission you will need to first visit/ redirect it during the mission, no mission can come prior and set up a refueling base. If you want to fly to it, dock to it, refuel, and then go to Jool from the asteroid that is fine, but using a pre-placed asteroid or refueling base is not.
  17. It wouldn't. Where would you be putting the asteroid? And would you be redirecting it using your Jool 5 mission or a separate mission?
  18. I feel that would count as cheating.... Oh dang, this may be the most interesting ISRU ship I've seen yet.
  19. Whoops. My bad. I'll move RS-250 and RS-375 to level 3. Once again amazing job getting a SSTE to be able to handle Tylo of all places. Major hats off to you.
  20. Sure! Three Jool 5s at one time... you deserve a medal. Congratulations @Marschig for completing 3 Jool 5s on level 2. I was the most impressed by the Tylo landings for each plane. You must have really put effort into those landings. Visiting Duna and Minmus were also nice touches. One question I do have.. was the Duna landing for refueling purposes or just for destination reasons? The master returns. May I say that ship is very well detailed. I can't wait to see it in action. Will it be dropping a Tylo lander or going in itself?
  21. Looks cool! I'll review this later today when I get time. (Neat Vall lander) Edit: Congratulations @PhoenixRise86 on completing the Jool 5 challenge on Levels 2 and 3! For simplicity I only put you on the scoreboard for level 3. The landers featured in this mission are absolutely amazing, I also liked the rocket cluster on your launch stage. Overall very cool. Good job!
  22. Congratulation @Xurkitree on completing the first Jeb's Level entry for the new thread! Missions like yours are my favorite, as you learned a lot during the mission and clearly had fun doing it. I especially liked the moment when you realized you needed fuel from Pol so you left Val. As for your imgur album, it is more organized than some others I've checked, so thanks for that as well. Overall this was an amazing mission, good job!
  23. Just the engines. ISPs of 60,000 would make it too easy. Fly sage, I am excited to see a brute force approach, especially if the DLC is involved.
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