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Everything posted by JacobJHC

  1. @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures First off, amazing planet/star pack. It is simply stunning. Although I am having a few issues regarding its textures. The clouds are loading in the stock system just fine, however they are not loading with the Valentine system, and the surface textures seem dulled down. The second and more interesting issue I've had is that Mir's ocean doesn't load at sea level, rather about 25 kilometers up. When I fly into it I simply pass right through, and can see the normal ground underneath, just without an ocean around it. Have I installed something wrong? I am playing on version 1.4.3
  2. Hi. That isn't a problem at all. Good luck on your mission.
  3. Hey, I really like what you're doing with the pack but I have an issue.. When I try to land on Vassa there is a surface, but only a blank white texture. Am I experiencing a faulty install or is Vassa currently unfinished? (Also thanks for making Pequar sexy)
  4. Of course. Do you have screenshots of the original mission at all, or even a craft file so I could verify that it works myself?
  5. In order to count as a submission, you need to have documentation of the launch and Jool transfer. Low mass means what is the lightest launch mass you can get to and still complete the mission. Here's a good example:
  6. Yeah, you're good. Using visual mods won't affect anything.
  7. If you pick up the fifth Kerbal at Jool it won't count towards the scoring. All Kerbals who are counted must come from Kerbin, launched by the player.
  8. Everything seems fine except the Vall-Bop-Pol lander, the SAS module cannot be clipped inside, the science box is fine though, that can be clipped. Your mission looks good , although if I were you I would test the Vall lander, I believe you that it has the thrust to land, I am just not sure about the amount of electricity.
  9. No, using a drestroid is fine. Part clipping is having parts inside each other. If you have a question about if your ship clips too much or not feel free to post a screenshot.
  10. Congratulations @iAMtheWALRUS, you have completed the Jool 5 Challenge (and a GRAND TOUR) on level 3. I decided that since there were 5 kerbals per landing, there was one per moon so it counts for level three, good job. I like your economical approach to the launch by using SSTOs. I am adding you to the winners board now.
  11. An SSTO spaceplane yes. A rocket SSTO wouldn't be much of a challenge, it would just be strapping on more and more fuel. The spaceplane approach adds challenge. Keep in mind the craft just has to launch horizontally, it doesn't need to use air breathing engines, but it just can't launch vertically.
  12. Yes, sorry. I should have been more clear in the rules. Fixing now. You could try and make the smallest SSTO that can do so.
  13. Something a bit different from me, a heavy cargo SSTO. It can put nearly 324 tons into LKO, and has a payload fraction around 37.5
  14. Put the most S4-512 fuel tanks from Making History into orbit at one time using an SSTO Rules - No cheating - Stock and Making History parts allowed - No part mods - S4-512 tank must actually be full of fuel - SSTO must return to Kerbin (KSC landing optional but preferred) - Most S4-512 fuel tanks launched wins - Must take off horizontally, it would be too easy to simply add a bunch of Saturn Vs to boost the thing into orbit. Leaderboard 1. @JacobJHC - 1 fuel tank 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. My entry to prove it is doable:
  15. Do you guys have any advice? Or, if this isn't the right place to ask, where do I ask? I've been out of the loop for KSP for over a year; I was in school and had no time for games or forums. Maybe you could put a ton of parachutes to keep it oriented the right way?
  16. They are Hi, I think you have an issue with your album, it just appears to be 1,400+ drawings of space.
  17. That would be appreciated. The info drive sounds just fine. Sounds good to me, looking forward to your submission.
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