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Everything posted by JacobJHC

  1. Thanks! I've glanced around a bit. Which channel would the issues I'm having fit in?
  2. Sorry about that. I've fixed the album. https://imgur.com/a/u6bFzV5
  3. Ok I've made some progress. Now the atmosphere works but the pressure needs some tweaking. I clearly put the decimal in the wrong spot. The height map still works, but now the surface doesn't have colliders, in addition to still not being visible. The download link has been updated and the thread was restructured to make it easier to read. If you are an experienced planet maker and want to help me with this project I would greatly appreciate it. Any assistance, guidance or advice would be extremely helpful to me.
  4. I believe so but the colors aren't loading. I wonder if it could be a kopernicus issue, but other planet packs are working so I think it's unlikely that koernicus is the problem. I must have messed something up and not noticed it.
  5. I've been trying to reverse engineer planet packs and make my own and I've reached the conclusion that all the functional ones have BIN files. I don't know what a BIN file is, and when I open one I just get corrupted text. They are clearly important for something, but I don't know what. What is a bin file and how do I edit/create one to work with a planet pack I am making? Thanks!
  6. Ok, I've decided to take the 'Mixed solutions (they just wanted to go their way)' category approach, as this will please everyone. @EvermoreAlpaca you are free to do your mission how you please. @Ziv the rules have been restored. Go team
  7. The Rinkeutov Project Hello everyone, I am trying to make a small Duna sized planet for the outer outer solar system. This is my first planet. Once I learn how to make this one work I hope to make more planets/moons for it and release a planet pack. So far I have managed to make it exist, but I am very bad at doing this and only have a small idea of what I'm doing. To do list: - Fix atmosphere pressure. - Add surface - Add ocean - Add color - Add clouds Download: To come once it starts working Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/u6bFzV5
  8. Hello. I am doing an extended grand tour and wanted to use the Dwarf Planets Plus pack in my mission, however there is one issue I have run into. Among the assorted dwarf planets, there is the ice giant Morbheana (pictured below), which has no moons. How does one visit a planet in a grand tour if it has no moons and no surface? I was going to reach out to the mod's creator in hopes they might have a small moon or two planned, but found they haven't been online since June. I would make a moon myself, but I feel like making a moon for my own mission would be cheaty (and besides I suck at it), so I figured here would be the best place to ask for someone to make a small moon for this lonely gas giant. If one of you readers decide to make one, I would like to request that the moon be visually unique (Could have a stupidly large ring or be a bright color or something). Something I think would be cool would be a mini Duna of sorts, complete with a thin atmo, wacky colors and unnecessarily large ring, or a giant giant mountain. Also if you do decide to undertake this and make a moon thanks a ton! Here is a picture of Morbheana from the tracking station:
  9. I agree with you on the chair rule, and it has been updated. The rule for separating before arriving at Jool was made to prevent people from simply launching 1 separate mission for each moon at one time with a giant launch stage, however I will amend this rule as well to see what types of submissions it brings. Also, I would just like to say that your unrefueled grand tour inspired me to do my own, as I had always thought it was impossible. Your videos have also shown things I didn't even think were possible, like the Jool atmosphere return. I was heavily impressed by your Eeloo SSTOs, and your SSTO endurance run series, and am looking forward to part 5. If you do decide to send Bill on an expedition to the Joolian moons, I wish you luck.
  10. Sorry for being so late. Congratulations for completing the Jool 5 challenge on level one! Your mission is by far one of the most simplified I have seen due to the low part count. I will be adding you to the scoreboard now.
  11. Your mission looks awesome but I just have one question, how many Kerbals total did you bring and how many did you land on each moon? I'm trying to figure out if you're a level two or a level three entry.
  12. A colony would just be a heavily populated base imo (15 at least, preferably 20 or more kerbals) No need for a life support mod unless you want one. That's a challenge in itself.
  13. Thanks for starting the challenge to begin with! If you do another Jool 5 mission, I think either a huge expedition or a colony deployment (yas!) in the same mission would be cool. Back when I was designing my first Jool-5 ship I saw a youtube video where a guy was planning to colonize a few moons, and made a part one where he flew by the moon or something. Long story short the moons never got colonized, so I think it would be cool to see it finally be done. But in the end, any type of Jool 5 mission from the creator them self seems to be awesome enough in my opinion. If you could put up a new post that would be nice. From the looks of it it looks good, although if at all possible could you submit a imgur album with every screenshot from the mission?
  14. Ok I have another one for the suborbital category. I figured out how to somewhat reliably land boosters on the ground. The total payload was about 16.160 tons
  15. This challenge looks fun. I'll give it a shot.
  16. Congratulations @mystifeid for completing the Jool 5 Challenge on level 3! I really liked your lander, I haven't seen those making history engines used by anyone here yet. I also liked how you were able to make a universal lander that could handle all the moons. A lander like that has to be very adaptable. Overall, through and through great job!
  17. Maybe not @adamgerd , this guy managed nearly a double Jool 5 on his first interplanetary mission.
  18. Thanks! I used Spectra and the OPM visual overhaul mods for visuals. To make sure the camera had smooth warping shots I just had to time warp slow enough my computer didn't freak out and freeze. All the parts are either stock or making history. No parts mods were used. All the music came from the YouTube audio library and one came from incompetch.com
  19. Congratulations @sturmhauke for completing the Jool 5 challenge on level 3! I really like your drone launcher concept and the detaching mothership. I also found it very interesting how you used fuel cells to give your ion crafts longer burn times. Feel free to add the badge to your signature. Great job!
  20. Whenever you can could you post the full album? Is it the mountain lake by any chance?
  21. Do you have any screenshots of maneuvers you used to get there or of your fuel levels during the mission? Off the top of my head I think it took just over 6000 years, so 60.
  22. No worries. Maybe in the future my mission will have enough landings to qualify for your challenge.
  23. Sure thing, this will probably turn into one of those saga threads just without a story. In part two I will probably just visit a few more gas giants. The issue is finding planet packs that still work for this version that aren't OPM.
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