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  1. Hi, I followed your installation instructions listed here: https://github.com/MOARdV/AvionicsSystems/wiki/Installation and nothing is showing up in KSP (I'm using sock command pods) This is my file ksp game data file arrangement:https://imgur.com/S2rgsqL Any advice?
  2. Just did a fresh reinstall of KSP using CKAN to install KAS and that fixed problem.
  3. Hi there Are you aware of this problem? (the wich housing not showing)
  4. Ideas on how KSP will have evolved in 2030.
  5. I'm not asking for an update. But do you think FASA will be updated by Christmas?
  6. Who is updating FASA now? (Is NathanKelll still doing it?)
  7. Not asking for and update But what will have to be done to update FASA to 1.1.2
  8. the problem I'm having is that my nose gear explodes on take off and landing causing the plane to crash when I use the 4 or 6 wheeled landing gear that problem is non-existence but if the plane veers to the left or right I can't correct it and it crashes I want all landing gear to be steerable so i don't have this problem. that's the problem let me know if you need more detail.
  9. Can all the landing gear be steerable I have crashed so many times on landing because the large 4&6 wheeled landing gears don't turn. Please fix the gear so they can turn. Thanks
  10. Installation instruction for the legacy mod pleases (the landing gear is missing when I just drop it in the game data I'm going to remove all the legacy parts when I get my old crafts working)
  11. Please Update to 1.1.1
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