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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. Too much reaction wheel force will make the ship wobble and tend to summon the kraken on large ships.
  2. You can build most of it with sstu. For the round panels, check out Near Future solar which now also has the large round versions for this build.
  3. If you make a MM patch to change these specs (and don't stick that in the same folder as NF), you don't need to change anythnig when the mod updates. i have tons of these patches to change existing parts and clone new ones for my own game play, and unless there is a change in the actual functioning of the part there is no need to update anything. i think I have over 100 patch files running and there is nearly no maintenance. re OP: I love mods, I would not play KSP anymore without some of my favorite modders like ShadowMage, Nertea, Angel125, CobaltWolf, RoverDude and many more. I like realistic looking ships, not the stock gumby-meets-lego style of parts (just my opinion), so I rely on mods like SSTU, NearFuture etc to put that sparkle in my eye. Mods make this game so much more awesome than it already is on it's own. I've not played a game as much as I have KSP, thanks to the mods. The largest group of people that don't like mods are most likely people that are not savy to installing or maintaining them. There is CKAN to help them out but even this could be off-putting to people who are only used to installing their game. People using a lot of mods are ussualy able to go into config files and get a general idea of what is happening and how to change stuff. Then, ofcourse, the vanilla-snobs that feel using any mod is downright cheating, as if that is possible in a single player sandbox game like KSP. It's about having fun building stuff and exploring the mechanics of orbital flight,or even just blowing stuff up. If you like to make that as hard as possible, or as real as possible, or as easy as possible then that is your right to do so. Mods can help in that regard as there is something for everyone. Haters gonna hate.
  4. Just when I am figuring out all the parts in FFT, you come with a bunch of new parts. You sure know how to keep us busy Thanks, Nertea!
  5. OMG, recoloring on stock parts... I just fainted! @Electrocutor If you are taking suggestions for modpacks, NF Propulsion and Heat Control (radiator panels) are always in my base install of KSP
  6. Yeah, that's going to compound and be OP. You should need around 10.000dV in RSS to get to LEO and do a suicide burn to re-enter. The patch is meant to run on it's own so you don't need RO/SMURFF. I tended to play stock and SSRSS only at the time, so made a simple patch for the few times I playes RSS as I did not want the full RO suite. After that it just stuck when I started to play only RSS, as it works just fine for my gameplay.
  7. How is that "too unbalanced"? You need to post more info because everyone is stabbing in the dark at this.
  8. It is a global patch for ALL engines; stock and from mods. It looks for RealSolarSystem and any part with the ModuleEngine* and then changes the ISP and Thrust so that a realistic looking rocket will do what the real life version does. It's my personal patch for playing RSS without needing complete rebalancing like RO or SMURFF. I tend to test it on a realistic looking Delta IV Heavy built with SSTU which should just get an Orion CSM + HUS into LEO. As the patch is so simple, you can fine tune the isp/thrust to your own liking. See the link in my signature for the download, or just make an RSS.cfg file that contains the following: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines*]]:NEEDS[RealSolarSystem&!SSRSS]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @maxThrust *= 1.7 @atmosphereCurve { @key[1, ] *= 1.7 @key,1[1, ] *= 1.7 @key,2[1, ] *= 1.7 } } }
  9. Did you modify any cfgs or add any patches? It could be a techtree issue in sstu, but I have not noticed it in a recent career playthrough (but I rarely use SRBs to be honest).
  10. I am in my full career right now with 90% of the tree unlocked and can select any length and size for all four versions.
  11. Just to be sure: do you have the techtree upgrades unlocked for the extra lengths?
  12. I use it sometimes in NF Propulsion for end-game, but mostly Lithium and ArgonGas though as Xenon is so expensive.
  13. It's already defined with exception to maybe 1-2 tank types. If you define it again, you will get errors and hangs when opening the container GUI. Check for the VolumeContainer module in the part you want it added to and see if the line resource = XenonGas is in the list like in my example above. If not; add it. Let us know what tank you are referring to, maybe it can be added but I think you are using the MUS tank where it was omitted on purpose (edit: nope, MUS actually has it defined)? Edit: I see it's not defined for the MFT-A and MFT-D. Mage, do you want me to PR it into the A? Not sure about you wanting it added to the MFT-D though.
  14. Xenon already has it's volume defined in SSTU, so no need to add it again. Also xenon does not "needs bdb" as it is a stock fuel type and has already been defined in the base sstu install. I take it you are trying to add the sstu container to BDB parts? All you need to do is add the SSTU_VolumeContainer module to the BDB part like so: MODULE { name = SSTUVolumeContainer volume = 1000 baseContainerIndex = 0 subtractMass = false subtractCost = false enableContainerEdit = true enableFuelTypeChange = true CONTAINER { name = Battery percent = 100 tankageVolume = 0 tankageMass = 0 ecHasCost = false defaultModifier = standard defaultResources = ElectricCharge,1 resource = LiquidFuel resource = LqdHydrogen resource = Oxidizer resource = MonoPropellant resource = Aerozine50 resource = NTO resource = ElectricCharge resource = RocketParts resource = Ore resource = XenonGas modifier = standard } } Check my patches for examples, as I've already added the VolumeContainer to the BDB Aardvark part.
  15. HAH! When you posted that some time ago I just thought it was your attempt at the recoloring functionality.
  16. I know the guy that makes that mod, you should ask him. I know he has too much time on his hands anyway.
  17. You need to download them yourself as they were no made by the mod-maker himself. Hopefuly there will be a place to combine all the TU patches made so people can download them in one place.
  18. No, only the F1 and J1 have gotten PBR textures, but are fixed and not recolorable except for the mount. There is nothing wrong with your install.
  19. A screenshot might help. I know the merlins don't have a lot of detail to begin with.
  20. CMDR Shadragon spotted Jeb flying a T9 Heavy. It was too good not to share.
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