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Everything posted by Gman_builder

  1. Can one of you dudes make me a more reliable horizontal turret drive for this puppy: The one i've got on there now is way to weak. However the vertical one is rock solid, albeit a little sticky. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dar5g2kay3ywum5/Heavy Repeater.craft?dl=0
  2. Are you talking about my high speed thread? Or a different one i dont know about? im not talking about mach number ASL. We all know about that. Im talking about how messed up it is at high altitude.
  3. Today i discovered a strange bug while examining the data provided by the Aero GUI during a speed run of a aircraft. I noticed while static pressure and air density decrease, so does the speed of sound. Up until about 16k meters where it starts rising again. This is strange because it allows aircraft to perform unrealistically well at high altitudes because air breathing engines are limited by Mach number not M/S. So higher Mach number and decreased drag at higher altitude equals better performance where there shouldn't be. The sound barrier is screwed up. NOTE: Air density follows the same linear path as Static Pressure. Here's a graph i pulled from the internet of supposedly the speed of sound through altitudes in real ife. Though i don't know how reliable the source is. Seems like what it should be though.
  4. Look at this: Yeah i made it myself Seriously thought the sound barrier is screwed up Here's a graph of Mach speed through altitudes in real life. Though i don't know how accurate my source is.
  5. the problem strangely resolved itself after about 2 weeks which makes no sense. I literally changed nothing about the game or any background applications. But either way i play on a Dell XPS 13 with integrated graphics and 8gb ram.No idea what changed, but problem solved i guess. Please close this topic.
  6. @EpicSpaceTroll139 Did you get that from me? I'd never seen anybody else lay out dimensions like i do before i posted WIP pics of my 777. ALSO noticed a strange atmospheric bug. While doing speed tests of a new plane i had the Aero GUI open and was watching the SOS(speed of sound) number decrease while i climbed. It got to a minimum of around 296 m/s at around 11k meters, stabilized through 15k, then started rising again to 305 up through 20k and 25k meters. I thought this was really weird as the speed of sound should be decreasing exponentially as air pressure decreases. IE altitude increases. This could help to increase the max speed of aircraft because i noticed the air density and static pressure decreased linearly. So less drag and increased max Mach number. Airbreathing engines are limited by Mach number not m/s so they are producing unrealistic power at high altitudes. That combined with the lowered drag makes for strange performance. I wanna know if this is a bug or a feature before i report it. Ive never seen anyone else notice this before so im pretty confuzzled.
  7. @Exothermos Yeah i've been using fairings for my stuff for a while, but your "experiments" have turned out way better than my official release craft.
  8. That makes no sense. Going lower would just increase drag, increase heating, and increase speed of sound. Which in turn would reduce your max Mach number. You should technically go slower or just explode unless you were in a dive and "reached your max speed" at the bottom of the dive.
  9. I got the other ones working except for the 2.5 meter turboshaft. The Gremlin Mk3 is no longer the fastest plane in my arsenal. It can barely get to 105 m/s down from 240 from 1.1.3. The Bee Gee now reaches a staggering 150 m/s. From 100 in 1.1. Purely because of a slight modification to the driveshaft that increased max RPM from 22 to 30 rad/s. Plus proper prop pitch management. The Gremlin Mk2 needed no modification. Still reaches over 200 m/s. top speed is around 217 m/s from 230 from before.
  10. Finally redid 'ye old B-29 from way back. Mostly just changed the engines and the cockpit plus removing your mom's weight in struts. http://imgur.com/a/X6fOZ
  11. So then make it less flammable. Gotta follow the rules.
  12. @Pro100kerbonaut That was pretty quick but it broke 2 of the rules. did not fly for 15 minutes under power and you were descending in order to reach that speed. Level flight my guy. No cheating. @*MajorTom* Same goes for you my dude. Well your craft will go faster with less fuel anyway, but honestly if your plane cant fly at full speed for only 15 minutes im gonna disqualify it. tbh its not that hard to do.
  13. All my turboprop aircraft have stopped working in 1.2.2 except the very first one i made. Back in 1.0.5. Its ironic really. Top speed is way up to 76 m/s from 43 back in the olden days. Its been just over a year since i built this thing.
  14. Hi! I was hoping i could get some help. I updated from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 and have noticed a fairly game breaking glitch within my install. I get really good 40 - 60 FPS below 200 ish parts, but as soon as i go over the FPS drops to 5 to 10. For seemingly no reason. Happens to all vehicles excedeing 200 parts and FPS doesnt drop any lower for craft that even have over 1000 parts. 0 - 200 parts = 40 -60 fps Greater than 200 parts = 5 - 10 fps. I really need some help with this please anyone. All my projects are craft over 200 parts. Before the update i would get no lower than 25 FPS on my biggest craft and now the lag is unbearable. I reinstalled, 4 times, completely erased everything from the steam cloud and reinstalled, reinstalled and launch OUTSIDE of steam, and completely deleted all of my projects i worked hours on off my computer. Nothing has helped. Is there a way to revert back to 1.2.1? My other computer is not subject to this problem though i cant exceed 200 parts purely because of the technical specs. There is no set part count where lag drops on that PC. FPS decreases normally with part count like every other computer in the world does, except my laptop. HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I found that my lag problem ceases at around 5000 meters in the air which makes no sense. I removed the destruction effects mod, ground scatter has been turned off, graphics are at minimums. So strange. i dont think part count is the issue, i must be something within render distance at the KSC. No idea what though. Maybe the buildings themselves? In any case, when i go above a certain altitude FPS spikes back up to a normal 40 - 60 with medium part count craft. I need to contact tech support for this. EDIT: NVM. Narrowed it down to 200 parts where FPS drops to 5 - 10 from 40 - 60. I wish stuff would just work. I literally just updated the game and this problem arose.
  16. Sounds like a good idea, Although it seems like it could just bring about ore points of failure. More moving parts and stuff that has to be controlled from different vessels. Could work though. If you want to make a proof of concept i'd like too see it. Btw the magazine would have to be enormous in order to hold enough rounds to make the gun useful.
  17. Yeah originally i was thinking of having a vertical magazine but it proved to be impossible as there is no way to regulate the flow of rounds into the chamber. That is without having each one on its own decoupler but then it wouldn't be a auto cannon. It would just be a cannon. A friend of mine made a model that works as i just described, but its more of a mortar than a cannon.
  18. I made this autocannon the other day. Fires around 10 rounds at around 60 RPM. Accuracy and trajectory is fairly predictable up to around 1 km. 50 ish meter spread at 2km range. The Projectiles are tiny antennas that are launched by a little LFO engine in the breach. The flow is of rounds is controlled by gravity, so once you start firing you cant stop. I tried mounting it on a adapted version of the turret traverse mechanism used on my naval gun but it just ended messing everything up. Doesn't work with those kind of vibrations brought upon by SAS. The rounds can penetrate a couple layers of Wing pieces because of the 300 m/s muzzle velocity. Reliability is Meh. Depends on the vertical elevation. Rounds roll weird when its elevated too much.
  19. Ive done that. Twice. I even installed onto a flashdrive to see if it would help but nope. Have you ever made a autocannon? *maniacal laughter*
  20. Yeah, yeah i know how computers work. I'm saying before 1.2.2 i would get decent FPS up to 900 parts before the lag became unbearable and now that number is down to around 500. Just thought it was weird and annoying.
  21. @Raptor9 @Castille7 I replaced the ore tanks with Mk3 fuel tanks and that seemed to do the trick. I guess ore tanks are just really weak. Also, Have you guys found that anything over around the 500 part mark causes a excrementsE load of lag? I was sailing just the hull(430 parts) and i had around 35 - 45 FPS but as soon as i stuck on the superstructure FPS dropped to around 5. I dont really understand. That happened with the other ship too.
  22. Can anyone tell me why the Keel of my boat keeps exploding? I dont understand. Everything is strutted to it and it ends up ruining the ship.
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