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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Pics of my Vulcan coming soon Because my Dres rocket doesn't like me, I've decided to recreate the Vulcan rocket ULA is designing/building, so... here it is, the Vulcan rocket payload going to the Mun!
  2. FIND THEM!!! I WANT TO KNOW PLANETS ARE THERE!! Also, for anyone who hasn't guessed yet, that's what the planet will be like in my Novel
  3. ARGH!!! I JUST WANT TO GO TO DRES!!! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!? The first time I launched, the Boar engine caused the Mammoth to explode, the second time, the same thing happened, the third time, I put sepertrons on it, and it was just fine! Problem was... I had RCS fuel, BUT NOT RCS THRUSTERS!!! ALSO, when I tried to add RCS thrusters, KSP CRASHED! Sigh, I'm going to try again shortly. @SpaceplaneAddict @Sanic I hope you two are happy, I'm frankly getting sick and tired of relaunching the same mission, only to see something explode, or I forgot something. I'm going to recreate the Vulcan rocket, pics coming soon.
  4. [Insert Internet explorer joke here]
  5. I don't need rep here, but I'm 62.9% of the way there!
  6. Woah, I've been asleep for 6 HOURS and nobody came? Cake, you're good. @SpaceplaneAddict
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