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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. The search tool is your best friend Pick one and go to it
  2. They probably thought that even a layman might try to call BS if they did that, which is sorta smart, as it did sound kinda BS when I read it, 'till he explained it, but even then, they're a layman, even with an explanation, they may still call BS, even if it were scientifically possible..
  3. I learned how to dock!!!! In the night too! I still need to practice, but I know how to do it1 At one point, I was extremely glad I quicksaved, because I got within 10 meters or the ship, and then it started to move away, I was so liquided off, I wanted to rage, since I couldn't get them close again, but I finally did it The second pic has the KSC, but I didn't land anywhere close to it, I just waved as I passed by @Andem Thanks for the help, I figured out how to target the docking port Duna, here I come! Also, I might 'colonize' it, so I don't have to try and dock in LDO.
  4. So I got just outside of a kilometer, my relative velocity was 13 m/s at first, but I sped towards it, but I couldn't get the relative velocity down to 0, and I tried relying on the RCS, but I got impatient How do you target the docking port?
  5. Oh, by the way, that docking attempt wasn't with the Duna lander test, it was a couple days ago with much smaller ships.
  6. So I've designed a very successful Duna lander (No pics, I'm running out of space), that's capable of easily getting into a 75,000 meter by 79,000 meter orbit around Kerbin, and returning, all I need to do is add a reaction wheel, radial parachutes on the boosters, a ladder, and a docking port so it can reconnect to the main ship, my next test will be to design a Kerbin return capsule, similar to the Orion spacecraft and service module, but before i can do that, I need to learn how to dock, so... Do you guys have any tips? The closest I got was between 300 and 400 meters, with a relative speed of 26 m/s.
  7. Thanks At the very least, I hope to get chapter 4 onto google docs by the end of the month, and onto here by early June
  8. Thanks, I'm a tiny bit stuck on chapter 4, but I have a couple ideas
  9. I don't think it's thick enough, maybe double, or even triple it and that would be a GREAT spacecraft hull, also, the outermost skin could be Modumetal instead, as it's very lightweight, and stronger than steel, but it does seem pretty great
  10. Chapter 3 of "The Void" is up :)


  11. I've heard the Green Iron crown was a test by the moderators or something to test negative rep, and someone made a game to keep the rep positive.
  12. Action fantasy; The Flash/Arrow, both DC, and Supernatural (12 seasons btw, you'd be busy), and Grimm. Science fiction; Have you watched Ascension? I haven't, as I'm too young, but it looks really good. Farscape, Person of interest, and Falling skies. That's all I've got
  13. Guys, go to an Orion thread for this, you're going off topic
  14. Nice profile pic :)

    Are you positive you want to change it :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spaceception


      Well, I wasn't going to Barium

    3. Atlas2342


      I'm out of science puns. I should Zinc of more

    4. Spaceception


      Yeah, same, I'm out :D

  15. Oooh, Groombridge 1618, If a Earthlike planet orbits that star, It's highly, highly likely it'll have a day/night cycle, perhaps similar to Earth's. And that's pretty good that you found someone to help you Anyway, do you have any website links for good Exoplanet hunting telescopes (Never thought I'd put that into a sentence)? So I can make a wish list of what I could get.
  16. Gliese 1 is basically a Lalande twin, and UV Ceti is a binary Brown dwarf system, 2 really good targets, I don't see any "Groombridge 1" Ross 248 would be a quick planet find if there's any nearby planets, and it's really close! And Barnard's star is also really good looking at its distance All and all, excellent targets! When are you beginning observing Lalande?
  17. So you're not in the OA, you were only elected so far. My troop had close to seventy boys, where was your troop? I heard of a troop at summer camp in Oregon that brought over 80 people, and well over 100 were in the troop.
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