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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Would $460 be like a minimum? I think my computer will die within 3 months, and I need a new computer )That's pretty decent) before then so I can transfer game files.
  2. My laptop is living on borrowed time )<<< That's why that isn't working for example) and I'm on a tight budget )Since I'm almost 16, and I can't make that much) I'd also like to be able to buy it on amazon )Although I'll be fine with best buy). Here's the bare basics of what I want )Minimal of course, except for the price, that's solid): 4 GB ram, 10 GB storage, Between $160 and $370 dollars, Decent graphics card )If Possible), And a HD screen. Now, I don't really care if it's a gaming computer or not, it just needs to have those attributes above, and I'll be happy. Thanks and please quote me so I can see your responses.
  3. Stephan Baxter is good, read Flood, and Ark, *Series* and Proxima, and Ultima *Series*
  4. I know that, I was mostly pointing out that it's working for now, but the moment I turn 16 )Well not the moment, but you know what I mean), I'm going to get a job for a new computer. It also seems the five, seven and nine keys aren't working. :/ Well, for the most part, it's working.
  5. Well, it seemed to work, and I'm happy with that. At least Universe sandbox 2 and the KSP demo files seem to still be fine.
  6. I don't want this thread to die! So here's my latest system:
  7. Yeah. I still have to get used to it Also Kozak, you're an Eagle scout? I'm life
  8. Sorry for the hiatus, my computer got wet, luckily we were able to get dried and in rice before significant damage took place, unfortunately damage did take place, and my mousepad isn't working, so I have to use a wired mouse now.
  9. Everyone wants to jump on the space exploration bandwagon And I'm okay with that.
  10. He means that there are likely civilizations out there who never go to space because they have no reason to do so, or don't figure out the technology fast enough, and hence die out. Cosmic phenomena aren't the only way to go extinct Some examples: Nuclear war, and following nuclear winter, Runaway global warming, Overpopulation (Yes, dozens of billions of people can easily fit on Earth, but how do you give them food and water?), Planet-wide pandemic, Gray goo (Runaway nanobots), Ice age, Over religious society's who completely reject progress and are forever stuck with stone-age technology (Probably the most extreme, but it's possible)
  11. I'm not talking about infinite rep, just more What about 35? I'm on these forums a lot (At least the Sci/Space threads) and I like a lot of posts, maybe at least a personal counter that tells you how many you have left? And maybe something to limit how many times you can like a given users post.
  12. I asked a question yesterday, It's near the bottom of the 60th page
  13. Spaceception


    My favorite songs from these bands AC/DC (Back in Black) Bee Gees (Stayin' Alive David Bowie (Starman) Jimi Hendrix (All along the watchtower) I also like Queen, but I don't know what my favorite song is
  14. I'm a big fan of Star Trek First Contact (Unfortunately I've only seen it once, as they took it off netflix shortly after ) In fact, I'm listening to "Magic Carpet Ride" right now So what about you guys?
  15. Which bodies are you putting a colony on?
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