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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. There has to be a happy crying emoticon, but for now this will do
  2. Nah, I summon thee @Mad Rocket Scientist
  3. After looking at the OP, I realized that I made it look like I made the video... I didn't
  4. Twitter hasn't been working for me for the past few days, could you put in the highlights of the tweet? Thanks
  5. The article on the full story of doing a TED talk The video )It's not on YouTube yet) Enjoy, I sure did
  6. Great! Also, it'll likely be the "Planetary base systems" mod, I'm not planning on installing TAC life support, so having a actual colonization mod will be useless to me
  7. @SpaceplaneAddictYe didn't approve the mods I asked I could use in KSP when I get the full game
  8. Good luck at your license But one thing, If you're above the age of 18, shouldn't the career be your choice? My profession is 10th grade The bad thing is, that I have a really bad case of a procrastinator, so I haven't learned algebra yet, does anyone know of good math tips?
  9. I see 2 scenarios, 1 The FTL race could leave the planet, and protect it until they're advanced enough to join their ranks 2 The FTL race teaches the elf race their culture, and within a 100 years the elves are capable of traveling across their solar system by themselves, and across interstellar space with the FTL race
  10. Like Nibb said, it would need a lot of infrastructure, but you also have to focus on the "Perhaps sometime before 2034 it'll launch" That includes 2020
  11. Squeals like a little girl So. Much. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Ooooh, I didn't know that, Mars 2020 is beginning to become the coolest Mars rover ever, move over Curiosity
  13. So... What I've been getting from this is that humans are fast and robots are slow, but while I really want humans to do this stuff, it is expensive, why don't we have like quadcopters doing this stuff? I know they've been discussed by scientists, but we could have a hopper type lander with blades to fly that flies around Mars and TItan, we could get to where we need to go much faster than regular rovers, but without all of the life support a human needs.
  14. You shouldn't bump posts, I got a warning because of it.
  15. Well, that's what I heard last, but I could be wrong, perhaps sometime before 2034 it'll launch. I didn't mean "Looking cool" just having a unique engine to boost it where it needs to go.
  16. I'm reviving this I'd like to go to Titan, who wouldn't want to go to Titan?
  17. So.... Where are you in this video?
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