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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Okay, but the SSTOs will also be used to get the colonists down to the surface, I can lower the height of the Starship though, that's not to hard. Well, it's going to be done over 15 years.
  2. What about this one? It seems to be confirmed, but why it's not on the list is beyond me Kepler-395 c M-Warm Terran 6.1 - 1.8 - 0.8 1.2 1.15 264 35.0 889 0.91
  3. I think the planet could look like one of these; A planet with roughly the same land water ratio as Earth with a lot of plant life and very little desert. A planet with little water and lots of desert with little plant life. Or a planet with little water and lots of plant life. There's a very good chance I'll be able to get Space Engine in the next few weeks, so I'll come back with a much better looking example I put the first chapter onto google docs, and it's a bit over 12 pages long, in a couple months I'd like to extend it to 18 pages, but for now it'll do, anyway, when I'm finished it'll likely have 176 to 190 pages, not exactly novel type, but for my first novel I think that's pretty good
  4. Well, the colonists in question use SSTOs to get to Geostationary orbit to the Starship, so do you know how big one would have to be to get to like Mercurys orbit or something? Yeah, that's why I switched to Lalande
  5. I think that would only be useful for interplanetary spacecraft using chemical fuels, not interstellar journeys using slow accelerating fusion engines, but if you have a trajectory towards Lalande 21185 for something like that where the added velocity is actually useful, you can PM me (Using a simplified description) Also, instead of building near the Sun, how about accelerating towards the Sun?
  6. Try using the inflatable heat shield, maybe reentry heating was redid for overheating everything not protected. Your crew isn't accepting the HYPE.
  7. Thanks for answering the countless reasked questions on the "Ask the mods questions about the forums" But seriously, thanks for everything you do on the forums!
  8. Actually, I've heard that whenever you like/dislike a video, YouTube counts it as a view.
  9. I think you'll need a better processor and maybe 2 gb more ram so you have some breathing room. Also, rename it "Will this run KSP 1.1?", it'll make more sense that way.
  10. Humanity will die with the universe, so I picked "Cosmic threats", I have hope that humanity will survive for the next few trillion years or so
  11. Oh, then yes, but in the picture you provided, I didn't see any fuel lines, also, may I ask, how far can it go before you can't return?
  12. GET THE POWER OF PLAID BOOSTERS!!!!!111!!! You don't have onion staging or anything? You could probably get more efficient that way.
  13. I do that whenever there's a railing or something and I have a sharp turn Holy Cow, how many freakin mods/pics/videos do you have!? Isn't it like 2240 m/s, or am I just assuming that's for super low LKO, and you're putting it in like a 100,000 m orbit?
  14. They don't have to be naked, just to the point of what they'd be wearing right now regular clothes, no Oxygen mask, also "Not very long either way" Is a very vague answer, I know that, what I'm wondering is what exactly would happen if they were placed in those environments.
  15. A new one was found!!!! http://phl.upr.edu/projects/habitable-exoplanets-catalog 019. K2-9 b (N) Type M-Warm Superterran Mass ? - 16.8 - 6.1 Radius 2.2 Flux 1.38 Temp K 276 Period Days 18.4 Distance Ly 359 ESI 0.71
  16. How long would a human survive if it were suddenly placed in Titan's atmosphere like it is today, and in 2 slightly different scenarios, what if the temperature rose to negative 60 c, and what would it be like when the Sun goes all Red giant on us (In both, how long would a human survive)? Also, I need to get this out of my system, but Robert Zubrin friended me on Facebook
  17. Ooooh, pretty Ask someone here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/70-technical-support-modded-installs/
  18. I can't, they're too expensive.
  19. Uh, yeah, now my keyboard isn't working, so I have to use a virtual keyboard on my laptop, luckily, I'm getting a new one much sooner. These are my 2 choices now; http://www.amazon.com/Dell-Inspiron-15-5555-A8-7410-2-5GHz/dp/B01ASQA9S8/ref=sr_1_4?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1459043538&sr=1-4&keywords=laptop&refinements=p_n_feature_five_browse-bin%3A13580791011%2Cp_n_condition-type%3A2224372011 And http://www.amazon.com/IdeaPad-U430-59425735-Touchscreen-i5-4210U/dp/B00Q3KJVWE/ref=sr_1_7?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1458956554&sr=1-7&keywords=laptop&refinements=p_computer_cpu_speed-bin%3A2+to+2.9+GHz%2Cp_72%3A1248879011%2Cp_n_feature_five_browse-bin%3A7817223011%2Cp_36%3A18000-30000 Which one would be better?
  20. I've heard another version of that, except it was a boy, and about strawberry's.
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