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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Well... crap http://www.pulseheadlines.com/kepler-spacecraft-emergency-mode/25097/ Do you guys think Kepler will pull itself out of this one?
  2. Where's the screenshots for the Tau Ceti system?
  3. Which countries would want to do that? All countries that can go to space have shown no intent of claiming the solar system, maybe NK, but they don't have the technical capability to do that, every Astronaut we've seen go to space have been more peaceful than the countries that launch them there.
  4. That's true, but Astronauts tend to bring out the best in humanity, so while it's possible, it's also unlikely, but when we start sending ordinary people to help colonize space, then we'll probably see rivaling colonies.
  5. Alive, but weapons wouldn't go with them, and would be well trained, which also brings this up: Now, I completely agree with that one, space should not have weapons, it should stay peaceful, unless aliens decide to shoot at us, but after we take care of that, it should return to a peaceful state. Also, despite relations between the US and Russia, Astronauts and Cosmonauts get along very well together, so in the future, relations between different Astronauts from different countries would likely be relaxed rather than tense.
  6. Probably Astronauts, you can quickly get robots to places, and that could count as cheating, and even then, once the colony becomes large enough, they could just form their own government, declare independence from Earth, and trade with other "countries" on the planet (That would be awesome)
  7. Well, you can have it, but you have to do so peacefully, and that you can only have areas that you go to, not just the entire planet. Which brings this up: Agree, to a point, as I think competition is the only way to expand into space (Just look at the space race), but after you've expanded, you can cooperate, or go further and continue competing with each other (Which would probably be better)
  8. So, many of us know that the outer space treaty is stupid, and here's some of it's points; the exploration and use of outer space shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries and shall be the province of all mankind; Agree, to a point, as I think competition is the only way to expand into space (Just look at the space race), but after you've expanded, you can cooperate, or go further and continue competing with each other (Which would probably be better) outer space shall be free for exploration and use by all States; Agree outer space is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means; Disagree, maybe this could work with the solar system, but I think that this should only apply to Earth, but once the colonists are running things, they should be free to expand and claim territory, and when it comes to interstellar destinations, they put the effort to get there, let them have it! States shall not place nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit or on celestial bodies or station them in outer space in any other manner; Now, I completely agree with that one, space should not have weapons, it should stay peaceful, unless aliens decide to shoot at us, but after we take care of that, it should return to a peaceful state the Moon and other celestial bodies shall be used exclusively for peaceful purposes; Again, agree astronauts shall be regarded as the envoys of mankind; Definitely agree States shall be responsible for national space activities whether carried out by governmental or non-governmental entities; Agree States shall be liable for damage caused by their space objects; and Agree States shall avoid harmful contamination of space and celestial bodies. I agree... To a point, this basically means that if a planet has life, you can't go there, now, that's not a bad thing, as we wouldn't want to cause the life to go extinct, but the native life probably wouldn't even be affected by us, and that doesn't mean we can't bring highly sterilized equipment and study it, but not only that, it means, No terraforming, as you're messing with the entire planet, which is dumb in the case of Venus and Mars, as you'd be restoring them to their former glories; No colonization, as you'd be mining, expanding, and just messing with the surface; And that's especially stupid in the case of Asteroids, like NEOs, where you'd be getting metals from otherwise small chunks of rocks that could threaten Earth. Alright, what do you guys think? How would you rewrite the Outer Space Treaty, and do you have any other things to add? And finally, this does not have to have politics included, we can easily have a discussion about this without getting into the politics, okay? Now lets cooperate on this
  9. Revival!! I didn't see posts about this, but what could life under the surface look like? Would be be extremely similar to possible life on Europa? Or would it be completely different?
  10. True, but I'm talking about fully fledged vertical cities, not just a few here and there, but maybe the entire city being one giant building. We need moar research!! Isn't that the point of vertical cities?
  11. Or build a good ways into the ground, and then up, maybe half of the building in the ground, the other half above it
  12. Really? I don't post much else besides the Sci/Spaceflight section and Lounge.
  13. The Earth's population is over 7.3 billion right now, by 2050, it'll be more like 10 billion, so in order to feed, water, provide jobs for, and provide energy for, we may have to think, not by building cities across large land masses that could disrupt ecosystems, and create a large carbon footprint, but rather, building cities that go from the ground up, or maybe even the ground down, this is where vertical cities come into play, they could house hundreds, thousands, or even 10s of thousands of people, large land masses would go back to the animal kingdom, and areas that produce our food would grow hydroponically, or aeroponically instead of traditional farming, greatly reducing the amount of land it takes to feed humanity (Fun fact: the amount of land needed to grow food for humanity and livestock is the land area of Africa and South America combined, with a little less than a million miles of excess room). Also, would you be willing to eat lab grown meant? As long as it looks, smells, and tastes like meat? Water purification systems similar to those used on the ISS will be used (Fancy drinking someones liquid like an Astronaut? ) Wind turbines and rooftop solar at the top will provide (Some) power, while offshore wind farms, solar arrays, and nuclear reactors will provide the rest. CO2 scrubbers on the building of heavily polluted areas will help take out excess CO2 out of the atmosphere, releasing the Oxygen, and using the Carbon for 3-D printing 3-D printing will turn junk into materials, making the use of (Most) metals obsolete as 3-D printing makes a large amount of materials almost, or as strong as metal, putting less of a strain on the amount of metal used on Earth, put simply, vertical farms, like space colonization, will greatly help reduce humanity's carbon footprint, and allow ecosystems to recover. Here's some videos to enjoy So my question to you is, would you be willing to live in a vertical city?
  14. S*** You are only allowed to give 25 likes per day. You cannot give any more likes today
  15. Not exactly KSP, but pretty close;
  16. I got to it less than a minute before landing O_o
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