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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. You say that there's no dry landmass, so I'm imagining some subsurface islands that are several meters deep that the civilization develops on, where the water above them is so shallow, that the intelligent race becomes amphibious, the plant life relies on their Sun (Which is a red dwarf 30 percent larger than Proxima, and the plants in question feed off of the infrared energy) and can conceive the Universe. Not a whole lot of subsurface landmass, maybe like 3000 square km total, but still. The planet is a tidally locked sub Earth, and has a gravity of .64 gee, it also orbits close to the inner edge of the HZ and gets more solar energy than Earth, it also has a thinner but hazier atmosphere (.53 atm) all but the brightest stars are hidden, but despite the thinner atmosphere, the planets temperature is 23 c due to the higher amount of CO2, and Water vapor. Oxygen still makes a significant percentage due to the planets equivalent of algae.
  2. This seems similar to NASA's project back in good ol' 2013, only this time, they're proposing a Pluto orbiter/lander, instead of a manned Mars mission . http://nextbigfuture.com/2016/04/nasa-funds-direct-drive-fusion.html Seems pretty cool
  3. I'd like to see an international lunar base. The ILB, hmm, doesn't have a ring to it.
  4. OMG!! We might get a signal from a man-made interstellar probe in 40 years! http://gizmodo.com/astronomers-found-evidence-for-exoplanets-70-years-ago-1770485757
  5. They're not on the list from PHL, so I'm not adding them, as far as I'm concerned, they don't exist.
  6. There could be amphibious creatures that can stay above the surface for a few minutes or hours (Like dolphins, except they can operate as normal) that look up, and wonder what's out there, although, it could take much longer, but it could happen. And when they get curious enough, they could then develop telescopes. Idk, but looking at the size of the universe, there has to be at least one underwater civilization that does that.
  7. Here's some interesting news; The first exoplanet was found 70 years before the first confirmed exoplanet http://gizmodo.com/astronomers-found-evidence-for-exoplanets-70-years-ago-1770485757
  8. Question, if you were in an orbit around the Sun, perhaps closer than Venus is, and had a magnetic sail several hundred meters wide, could you collect a decent amount of Antimatter? And if so, how long would it take to collect a few kilograms of it?
  9. Orbiter? http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/ That's like KSP
  10. Which is also why Moon/Asteroid mining would be extremely helpful, as well as Mars colonies
  11. yes, but you still need food, water, jobs, and things to do though, which is why we should all be vegetarians by 2050, and get our food from vertical farms, it's also why having at least a few vertical and floating cities would be very helpful.
  12. I posted that in the SpaceX reusable thread in sci/space forum.
  13. Actually, the first one was made without NASA, they just uploaded it to their channel
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