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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. I'm aware of that I was talking about the next one.
  2. Just, any third flight planned. I haven't seen any, and I'm not very savvy when it comes to looking for news. Are either supposed to, or could fly again?
  3. Any word on the next booster reflight? Not for its second time, for its third time.
  4. Is this cutting now non-essential (Or not as essential as before) employees due to the increasingly proven F9 rocket? And I also suppose this means it'll be a more selective company when hiring new employees. Or at least, most new employees from here on out will be sent towards Starlink or BFR/Starship, right?
  5. GASP what a surprise That sucks though. It's like SpaceX and the weather are keeping track of your schedule. Am I assuming correctly that the orbital prototype should be full length, and look more like Starship than what we have now?
  6. Is there any chance they could begin tests in February? Or are they still going for March/April?
  7. In media and pictures, the space elevator is always seen as singular, and alone. But wouldn't it make more sense to branch off the spaceport, or whatever is holding the space elevator up, and building multiple elevators/tethers down to the same area for larger capacity? In the space elevator episode from Isaac Arthur, he mentions having tethers reaching across continents, but I'm talking about tethers relatively close by to each other.
  8. Nice shot Wonder if they're doing it for real this time, or just making sure if everything fits before they bolt everything down
  9. Hey, look what I'm getting on my Birthday This looks interesting, thanks for sharing, even though I'm not the one who asked this
  10. I honestly thought it was going to land, but end up falling off the side
  11. Oh, that looks really cool. Does any of it potentially have anything to do with your finds, or is it mostly about the TESS finds in general in this context?
  12. Plot twist; we end up nudging it on a collision course to Earth. Yeah, I know that's not going to happen, but it sounds like the premise of a syfy movie Anyway, this is really cool! I hope it's successful.
  13. So does anyone think they'll make a more robust hopper for larger tests, or will they upgrade this along the way? Also, I wonder if Elon will talk about when they will build the first booster/full-scale starship.
  14. Yeah, I've seen that with other players, and some of my games. But I guess I'm still learning, because the AI is still equivalent to me in the late 2200's in economy/fleet. In my experience, it seems the AI is okay/good in the early game, but drops off after that, with nothing being a challenge until the late game crisis. Since I don't really worry about wars, and I mostly keep to myself; (imbecile) AI's aren't a concern for me, but I hope the devs fix that next so they can be.
  15. I've been playing Stellaris a lot. 2.2 is pretty great, but it can be slow. Luckily, the devs said they'll be taking time to balance/fix everything before moving on to the next expansion. I got the Megacorp and Synthetic dawn DLC's for Christmas, and I already had Utopia, Leviathan's, and Distant stars. So all that's left is Apocalypse (And the cosmetic DLC's, which I'm not really interested in right now), which I'll get some other time. My empires are almost exclusively Materialist (For the tech) or Spiritualist (For the psionics), and in my current game, I rolled a psychic leader (As a materialist empire) for society (After an event where the space gamblers - can't spell their actual name - gave me some pops with the psionic trait), and not ONCE did the psionic tech roll before they ended up dying, so now I have a physics leader with the psychic trait in society, hopefully I'm luckier
  16. Well, you'd need mirrors to concentrate sunlight on Titan. Lot's of mirrors. And they would need to be permanent. You could probably set them up in a way that mimics a day/night cycle. However, terraforming it would turn it to a water world, and release all of its methane as gas - which we'd probably need to take out. And if it turns out Titan has it's own native life, we may not even terraform it, and use it as a research outpost among other things. This would take an industrial scale around Saturn we don't even have around the Earth/Moon yet, and a timeline of hundreds to thousands of years. Once terraformed, the only thing we could do is build floating cities, and given how much of Titan is made of water, the oceans may be too deep to extract useful resources from it. So a low gravity water world would most likely just be a place to live/resort for people around Saturn/outer solar system. Also, you'd be removing the advantage of having a massive computational system on Titan - which has been discussed in Isaac Arthur's video - as well as the potential for an industrial base. Being here for a while, and reading up on what may be likely to happen as we colonize the solar system - the future will probably be filled with people living in habitats around orbital rings/space elevators, getting their resources from whichever body they're around, maybe with small groups living on the surface for whichever reason.
  17. I keep getting ads for it, but I don't know. This is a good question though, I wonder how many here have the service. How are their space and technology documentaries?
  18. Bold of you to assume it's even possible to make it to Mars without some redesigns forcing an abort.
  19. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!!

  20. Looks like you expect it to be a Titan-esque world? Or think it could be? Really interesting find though!
  21. Unless he means a successful landing. They probably only have one shot before 2020.
  22. All these updates are making me happy. With all this information, I'm willing to bet it'll launch around/before summer. But I'd be really excited if they were able to stick to March/April.
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