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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Many are. I think some can be fairly calm... for a red dwarf at least. Regardless, I think it's a good idea to look for life in places we don't expect it. If it can survive there, it can survive almost anywhere. Then the immediate problem after that is around the Fermi paradox, and perhaps the great filters.
  2. Actually... I think I fixed it. When I tried reinstalling it, I didn't delete it first. So I did that just now, reinstalled my games, and it seemed to have worked. And I'll keep that in mind next time.
  3. I don't have reddit or any other place to go to, so I figured I would just ask here. While I was searching for a savegame for Stellaris in the steam and steamapps files, I accidentally merged the two (stupid touchpad). Now steamapps is in steam, and I don't know how to fix it. Is it fine that way, or did I break something? Do I look for every single file in steamapps, and move it out? Which files are those? I tried reinstalling it, but that didn't do anything either.
  4. How should it be portrayed? I think scientific accuracy is something that more science fiction needs. But another important aspect is the portrayal of people who make those discoveries. And how it happens. So what are some glaring problems with it, and how should it be remedied? Are there examples of acceptable simplification, to avoid boredom? And a question directly related: If nothing else, what do you wish would absolutely just die in common portrayals? I hope that this thread is okay here.
  5. Yeah. To be honest, I'm really hoping sooner rather than later, SpaceX finds problems with life support, and go off to develop specialized systems (and we get a proper presentation for it). Like what food will be grown on Mars, and how will it be grown? How much energy and mass will the food/air/water/waste systems require? How are habitats going to be built? How will you protect people from radiation? What will the spacesuits look like? How are you going to maintain and repair the interiors/spacesuits/filters of martian dust? I just want to know how SpaceX themselves will address these. The fact he likes the idea of bringing Boring machines to Mars for underground colonies is promising at least.
  6. Ion/Plasma drives, and solar/magnetic sails are too weak to be considered sublight engines. They would help speed up interplanetary travel by potentially a good amount, but you won't be getting to another star anytime soon. The Halo drive is only good if you have a black hole nearby already (which we don't), so for our intents, is useless. Em drive, and other similar engines are dubious at best. Beamed sails, and Orion are good for more near-term interstellar travel if we really want it, but it would still take up to a century or more to reach another star. And in the beamed sails case, unless you have another drive, or some other way to slow the sail down on the other end, it better be a one-way probe. I would say fusion is one of the best methods (and one we could have within a century or so), after antimatter. Beamed sails are good as well once you can get an interstellar network set up.
  7. Hmm, when the devs show themselves here and (hopefully!) take more questions, you should ask if that could be planned for the future (could definitely enhance progression mode) or can be at least moddable. I had no idea how much I wanted to see that until I did. What was that Henry Ford quote again?
  8. I remember making this poll a long time ago, and I'm considering just deleting it. Feel it turns it too much into a popularity contest rather than discussion of, well, potentially habitable exoplanets. Thoughts? Also, that news about K2-18b is incredible! I can't wait for when this starts getting as commonplace as finding exoplanets, and (more near-term I hope) when we get JWST to take a look at TRAPPIST-1 PHL also updated the list earlier this month with 2 planets fairly close to the size of Earth in the same system, and a super Earth. GJ 1061 c/d, and GJ 357 d http://phl.upr.edu/projects/habitable-exoplanets-catalog Planets around Teegarden's Star were also added since the last post here in January, and are also fairly close to the size of Earth. All good targets for direct imaging telescopes in the future.
  9. Eh, I wouldn't mind if that's the case. I'd just build a refinery station there, and ship the fuel back to wherever needed. But is there any confirmation on where you can get "He-3", or even if it's even in the game for Daedalus? There's some He-3 on the Moon, sure, but you're all talking about it like there's deposits on the Mun or Minmus too.
  10. Oooh. If we're talking about real-world planetary systems, GJ 581 doesn't have many confirmed planets unfortunately. The outer three, g, d, and f are unconfirmed, but I guess that doesn't matter for a mod. GJ 1061 has 3 though, 2 in the HZ. Teegarden's star has only 2 planets, but they're both in the HZ. However, what I'd really like to see is GJ 876. It has 4 planets, 1 super Earth, the rest are gas giants. And two of those gas giants are in the habitable zone, orbiting every 30 and 60 days. Don't think this is possible in real life exactly, due to the tight nature of the system, but imagine a small water world moon (like Europa but thawed out), around the closer in gas giant, and a somewhat larger moon with small continents, archipelagos, and large ice caps around the farther out gas giant.
  11. I'd like to make a Cis-Munar and maybe Cis-Minmi(?) route, where you have a large LKO station with refueling capability, and habitation. Then a station around the Mun and Minmus meant for ship assembly. The Mun station would be meant for Interplanetary missions, and be supported by at least one colony. The Minmus one would be meant for Interstellar missions, and also be supported by at least one colony. I think I may put a station/colony in some other locations, like Duna, Laythe, and some planet in another system; but given my patience for docking, I don't think I'll make many stations outside of that. At least, that's what I'm thinking right now.
  12. I really like SCIF I actually like a lot of suggestions here, but right now, I'm liking this.
  13. So I heard somewhere here that there was supposed to be a new trailer shown at PAX west, any idea when that's supposed to drop?
  14. We need to go up there, so we can collect enough science to move up the tech tree.
  15. 49, wow. Good luck! I hope the majority will be able to be asked and answered.
  16. You're gonna need a team of people working in parallel, probably with some software, to make sure everything is in tip-top shape And has anyone begun speculating what an 18m Starship/Superheavy would look like? Like artists or redditors discussing dimensions/payloads/looks/etc?
  17. That's great to hear!! Here's some of mine then How will science change in the game (if changed at all)? Could we see a rework to make it better? On that note, will the way R&D works change as well? What will be the minimum/maximum "sizes" of parts? In stock right now, parts can go up to 3.75m, will rockets be able to get wider than this without added boosters? And by how much? Will there be multiple types of the same engine? Say, multiple sizes of NERVs, multiple ion drives, etc, so you have more variety, or will you have incremental sizing for most/all parts instead that achieves the same thing? Like procedural parts, but with fixed sizes if that makes sense? And I second the question of - will features be dropped from KSP1? And as an add-on, will features from DLCs (robotic parts), be added to the base game?
  18. GAH really? So close! I wonder what happened that made them abort just as it was about to take off.
  19. Probably the same way it works now with solar system/advanced propulsion mods: big ships, and lots of timewarp, but this time with new UI and better performance So you could pick some of those up, and by the time KSP 2 rolls around, you'll know what to do.
  20. I nearly became very mortified, and caused a lot of inconvenience for people today, does that count? So, I've been sick for a few days (today, I'm mostly just kinda lightheaded and tired), and I went out to do some errands with my mom to get out of the house. We go to the hardware stare, and she tells me to grab the large carts (the big metal ones that you use for heavy, bulky stuff), and I see one right out the door, which is great! What's not great, is that I wasn't paying attention to the fact that the door had an emergency alarm on it. I just had my eyes for that cart. Luckily, I was too tired to really open it quickly, and my mom realized what I was about to do, and stopped me before I could push it open. So I went around instead. Good day otherwise though
  21. Good lord, the ambiance of space is amazing here. And it's only pre-alpha
  22. I don't think this has been brought up anywhere, apologies if someone beat me to the punch, but One new thing that we have now is axial tilt. The planets in the original KSP tend to be aligned perpendicularly to their ecliptic orbit and we are now able to essentially have seasons, because the planets can tilt a little bit. Obviously we don’t want the planets in the Kerbolar system to feel radically different from the original, so we might only be fiddling with that a little bit in terms of that system https://www.videogameschronicle.com/features/interviews/an-in-depth-conversation-with-the-creator-of-ksp2/
  23. Now, I'm no expert, but I don't think you can sell a complete rewrite of the game as a 'DLC' and expect it to work And if said DLC just worked within the limits of the current game, just adding many of the features of KSP2, everyone probably would've complained about all the bugs and performance issues it may cause due to various factors people have said here and elsewhere. You could have the rewrite as a paid update, but then you either have no new update after 1.4.x because they've been focusing on 2.0, or, because of 1.8, we wouldn't see 2.0 until like 2021/22. But since it changes so much you may as well just sell it as a separate game, and continue supporting the first Look, I get it, sequels are the scourge of the Earth, but c'mon. If a game doesn't shoot out sequels every year, and could greatly benefit from a complete rework after years of working with meshed old and new software, why is it a problem?
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