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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. In this case, something like Kerbal alarm clock, might be a much more important mod. Maybe important enough to become stock. Especially if you could make the game stop timewarp before any certain point so you don't miss things like that.
  2. Well, okay, you have a point. But (I think) that's only if they add sublight drives, and decide to add in relativity alongside it. Which I'm not personally expecting. Yeah, I wonder if it would be possible to model interstellar dust, so you would need to plan for an ablative shield of sorts to protect your craft, and how impacts might affect your velocity over time (each impact is like a nuke after all). Or if that would just be too intensive on the game and be more trouble than its worth...
  3. Well, not really I would say. We have timewarp, so we don't need to wait several years real-time to get somewhere. So why would that matter? Yes, waiting for timewarp between stars would take longer than waiting in interplanetary space (unless they add enhanced timewarp for interstellar space), but other than that, I don't feel that expectation. just boredom unless I have another mission going. The only way for "distance" to really matter in gameplay between stars (and outer planets), is if they added some sort of comms delay. That might be interesting, but it would make it harder to perform longer missions. So then you'd want to send a crew mission to some places first, so you can remotely control it from there, and delay wouldn't be long. Like long-term planning. Or have a crewed mission follow a probe, so it can scout the system without too much delay before they arrive, something like that. I think we can. And like @chaos_forge said, they may even be less powerful. Because if it wasn't, it would just make Orion way too OP, with its high thrust/high isp build.
  4. SR seems like a pretty niche thing to get hung up about. And it only really starts to become noticeable near the speed of light (which is what would really matter in the game). As far as I'm aware, the only interstellar drives that will be in the game is Orion and Daedalus. Both are limited by 10-15% of the speed of light if it's modeled anywhere close to real life, so I feel SR would be irrelevant to gameplay. As for things like antimatter (which I suspect will only be in mods), you could get to 50-90% or higher depending on how much fuel you have, but how would SR enrich the experience? How would adding those calculations and everything in the game make it better? (especially if the only drives capable were in mods, not stock. Why would the devs bother?) And why would you add it for odd situations for when the game bugs out? I honestly can't see a reason why we'd need it. It really comes down to fun gameplay, and accuracy (and the learning curves associated). Where would things be more worthwhile? Where KSP is now, I think is mostly good. You could take a page from realism overhaul, and make the aerodynamics better, make reentry better, make reaction wheels not as op, so you need RCS more, and so forth. And that could add to gameplay, but things like SR would be irrelevant most of the time when you aren't traveling between systems with sublight drives, and (another example) N-body would just make the game harder to learn, and (from what I've seen) be more tedious to play.
  5. That was really cool! It's crazy what kind of contraptions people can make with these parts How long did it take to make? How much planning and testing was there to make sure nothing was on backwards, or nothing would cause it to break while it was going?
  6. I uh, misread that @Dman979 I thought I forgot to update on the BoR, and I got caught up in that thought. I actually didn't have one. I was supposed to, but I couldn't decide on a place, and then we started getting busy, and it just fell by the wayside.
  7. Am I gonna be on here someday, 'yelling' about how the Kerbal show my kid is watching ruins my childhood?
  8. @Alaygrounds If the price is too high for your parents to find acceptable, wait for a sale. Or talk it out, and see if you can do anything to get them to change their mind (like good grades/extra chores and the like). There's around 7-9 months at least before it comes out, so you've got time.
  9. Ask for that in a mod I'm sure someone could add something like that.
  10. Lots of In-game footage after some trailer clips are shown. Around the 7:10-7:20 mark, he offhand mentions a metallic hydrogen engine Still near that part myself EDIT: Around 8:20 our first good look at the mini fusion thruster, or VASIMR? Around the early 11 minute mark, they say that PC: Early 2020, Xbox/PS4 "little later" maybe summer or fall? If he said that, he misspoke. No FTL in KSP2 (unless you mod it), and Daedalus wasn't, and will not be FTL
  11. Like others have said, the game has deep issues that would be hard to fix, and improvements many players have wanted for a while. And they did do continuous support for this game, 8 years of it, and they aren't stopping. That's not "every few years" That's one new game almost a decade after the first. Really? You think only a 100 people will want to continue playing the original? Out of a 100k player base, I'm willing to bet that number is gonna be noticeably higher, and there's other reasons besides nostalgia that I mentioned.
  12. Some people are nostalgic Some people will hate/dislike it no matter what, and stick to the original Some people will want to go back to a simpler game/prefer the original There's overlap in this, but really, people will continue playing the game, and the devs will continue supporting it for the foreseeable future. Even if I end up preferring the 2nd one, I can see myself going back to play the 1st one. Having a sequel doesn't mean the first one is now dead. There are countless sequels for games out there, and many people have preferred the original ones to the newer ones, why will KSP be any different?
  13. The teams for KSP and KSP2 are different. And sure, you'll have people helping the KSP2 team, but it's not gonna be abandoned. KSP will still get updates and support. The game has also been out since 2011. That's 8 years before it got a sequel, and only a couple optional DLCs. Technical debt has built up, and now they're remaking the game with brand new code. I expect it to look and run better than stock KSP now, with the features of a moderately modded game - that's balanced with stock - and doesn't conflict with each other, as a modded game may. In short, I wouldn't say this is anywhere close of being a fraud, and I'm quite excited for it. The game is coming out in like 8 months or so anyway, if the spring release holds true, so that's plenty more time for new (and older players who put it on the backburner) players to enjoy the current game before the sequel comes around.
  14. No FTL or anything guys, they want to keep it grounded https://www.pcgamer.com/kerbal-space-program-2-interview/
  15. Colonies being split into developmental stages is a good idea, not it leading into terraforming. For a game that's has relatively ok scientific accuracy, terraforming would just throw it out the window, because at least the space program we have doesn't jump too far off the deep end, and the unrealistic aspects are for gameplay/headache reducing purposes. This is completely different.
  16. Something like that would need to be unrealistically dumbed down, simplified, and sped up to work within this game, and be bearable. I'd like to see better mechanics for Terraforming in a game like Stellaris for example. But in KSP, a few measly spacecraft doing the work of a Kardashev scale civilization is way too much, not just for the game, but probably for the computer itself. And if you have that, why not have megastructures like an O'Neil cylinder? Which would be worse. Interstellar travel and Colonization mechanics is enough I feel, sorry... I would like to see already habitable planets like Duna though, that would be cool, but it'd fit more in a mod.
  17. Nah, that learning curve would be too steep. But I hope modding support makes it easier for those who want it.
  18. This happened to dig a memory out of me Stumbled on it a few months ago, but it came up again But yes, I can't wait!
  19. Well you're gonna be ludicrously happy, because it looks like you'll be able to share SEVERAL solar systems with each other
  20. Should this be pinned? Maybe so the devs can see? I dunno Anyway a bit from my thoughts, and a bit from others I'd like to see on the announcement thread Life support is a thing for colonies You can build ships and launch them on colonies (Big one) You can "spawn" new Kerbals on colonies to grow them You have to worry about radiation, both from your nuclear powered ships, and space Plenty of robotic parts, expanded from the DLC of the first game New, interesting way to perform science New ways to build your space program/get new tech Some sort of story mode? Idk on this, but something that gives you a story, ancient aliens is the first thing that comes to mind, but maybe first contact. (This isn't high on my wishlist, and feels more like a bad DLC suggestion though...). More variety on major parts (why only one NTR, or one Ion drive, etc?). Doesn't need to apply to all, but at least some, you know?
  21. I understand this question may fall under that umbrella, but with Colonies being a thing in stock, will that extend only to proper parts, self sufficiency, and maybe life support/extraplanetary launchpad-esque mechanics? Or will you also be able to "spawn" new Kerbals on your Colonies? Metaphorical upvote to this, because I ran out.
  22. Yeah, it'd be cool if you had to care about radiation exposure, and invest in shielding. Not just from your drives, but from space itself. @UomoCapra Any word? Or at least any possibility post-release?
  23. KSP2 is $60, and imo, I highly doubt there will be microtransactions. That'd be a quick way to kill hype for people who have played with free updates for a long time.
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