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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. NO!!! You are only allowed to give 25 likes per day. You cannot give any more likes today. Anyway, I can't wait to see this thread grow
  2. They did an Orlando bit And I thought they said they'd stay up so they can get confirmation on the booster, at least to see how violent it was.
  3. That's a possibility. But it looked fine, that smoke needs to move faster!
  4. Yeah, but It may have tipped over, I don't think they know for sure yet, so there's still hope, right?
  5. 22 minutes in, and still no word of landing!? GAH, We need to know!!
  6. Ah... KSP map view, I wonder why they can't show an atmosphere animation too
  7. Second stage is in space!! I think I can see my house from there!! Entry burn!!
  8. You play too much KSP Main engine cutoff!! Stage separation!!
  9. I think it's venting propellant that's become gs, although I could be very wrong Also, launch!!!
  10. Oh, that sucks. T minus 10 minutes! T minus five minutes!!
  11. This is my second time watching it live from the very beginning!! I'm so excited They're starting!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. SpaceX is launching!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ozymandias_the_Goat


      Shame the booster didn't land.

    3. electricpants


      Launching what? Another Falcon 9 rocket?

    4. legoclone09


      Yeah, it happened almost 8 hours ago, though.

  13. Good so far It's still morning, not much has happened.
  14. I originally thought that this was those other NASA photos, but they were new ones, and they're AMAZING!! Thanks for sharing
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