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Everything posted by Muffinman840

  1. Will there be Tweakscale compatability? I have a deep, dark need to build enourmous air-warships. It would also save on redundant parts for different sizes.
  2. I'd like to see these parts put in their own tab, like BDArmory has their own tab, if that's possible. Also, It would keep part count and clutter down if you managed to make the plates scaleable, not sure how feasable that is.
  3. Thankfully KSP has time acceleration I can think of a few applications for a super-heavy howitzer. Centerline-mounting it on a warship in place of gun turrets with smaller caliber cannons, for one.
  4. Bahamuto's Armory updated to an actual, realistic targeting system. (Radar, Infrared, GPS, etc.) My understanding is the Space missiles didn't take well to this massive change for whatever reason. You might be able to switch back to the legacy targetting system, maybe. And that might work.
  5. So I decided to use deck armor sections for a "land battleship" and I've found they are obscenely strong, considering their description says "less armored..." Takes 10+ battleship gun hits to destroy the plates. In fact, nothing short of a direct hit with a nuclear bomb/cannon did any appriciable damage I realize the system is designed with water flooding in mind, but I would think that deck armor wouldn't stand up at all to that kind of abuse in any situation. Or should I use different plates?
  6. Hey Bahamuto, I've done some testing with barrage and found that it doesn't work properly with multibarrelled turrets. More specifically, Only half of the turrets are used for double barrelled turrets, only 1/3 are used for triple-barreled turrets, etc. Pretty sure this is being caused by a calculation using the number of projectils fired per minute, when it really should calculate number of turrets fired per minute. Or something like that Cheers
  7. I made a fairly realistic battleship. I find that re-sized Mk. 3 fuselage parts work much better than the naval pack parts. What should I do next? Convert it into a flat-top or make it even bigger?
  8. Hey Baha, is there any reason you haven't implemented your Destruction Effects into the armory mod? They seriously add a ton to immersion, but I had to google a bit to even find the mod after I saw it in youtube videos.
  9. Right, that was what I was trying to suggest. It makes sense that true alternating barrels would be impossible to implement, but having just one invisible barrel fire at 4x the speed would do the trick This would of course cause tracers to appear in an odd location in the center of the gun, but again, I don't mind. One way to mitigate it would be to move the shell origin out away from the barrels a little bit, so it looks like the tracers are "igniting" in mid air and its harder to tell they're all coming from the center of the gun. I know of other games that use this technique for multi-barrel turrets, and it doesn't look half bad.
  10. It's awesome to see how far this mod has come. I really like seeing these weapon systems complimenting BDArmory! I have a few small suggestions Staggered/Alternating fire for anti-aircraft weapons. While volley fire (all barrels at once) makes sense for breach-loading cannons, Dual and quad-mounted anti-aircraft weapons should fire rapidly instead of all at once. It looks cooler, and that's how they were (mostly) used IRL. In particular, the 2cm Flak 30/38 and the Japanese triple-mount suffer from this. This might require shells originating from the center of the mount rather than the barrels, but that's something I can live with. Inaccuracy Again, less of an issue for main batteries, but anti-aircraft weapons should be overall less accurate. I'm not familiar enough with BDArmory's code, but I imagine this could be tweaked either in weapon settings or in the radar module settings. No more WW2 era AA guided by WW2 era radar swatting missiles and jets out of the sky (Unless they get lucky) Improved Sounds Behold, the Yamato's mighty 18 inch cannons. "Foop." By no means are any of these criticisms, just suggestions! Also I will personally blow you if you add the quad-mount Bofors and the famous flak 88 Also also, I'm not sure if this is just my rig, but some models cause the game to freeze for a second or two when creating them or snapping them. Particularly high-detailed models like the quad mount flak 30 (And the german radar). No issues once in-game and attached, though.
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