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Everything posted by DGerry

  1. Yeah, I understand that - I did that as a quick way to test if it was the actinides, which I had initially not suspected because there wasn't that much compared to the total capacity BUT I hadn't considered how little fuel I loaded the reactor with. Everything is resolved now, it was a matter of my own misunderstanding.
  2. So I've been noticing lately that my infrared power network doesn't have as much power as it should. When I deployed this craft it was normal, outputting the amount of power it should. Now it looks like this - note that it says active 100%, but the actual thermal power output is almost nonexistant? There's more than enough radiators on there, it's not an issue of overheating as far as I can tell. The craft hasn't been deployed for that long. I'm not saying this is a bug, but I've never had anything like this happen before so I'm not sure if it's some kind of intended behavior I've never encountered in the past or if it *is* a bug. Edit: It's related to the actinides - I thought the advantage of using Uranium over Thorium was that you didn't have to worry about actinide "poisoning"? Moreover, only a VERY small portion of the actinide storage had been used by that point yet the reactor's output was down to ~12%, which seems extreme regardless. Dumping the actinides via TAC Fuel Balancer caused the output to jump immediately up to the normal value. Edit two: So this came down to a matter of my not understanding the mechanics at play. Peeked into the code to find that actinides poisoning is based on total fuel mass, and since I underfueled the reactor to save weight/cost(since I can refuel it whenever I want), it only took a small amount of actinides to drop power output substantially. This problem can be solved easily by having on-line processing via an ISRU attached to the vessel.
  3. I haven't looked into it much yet but it appears that KSPI ISRU "background" processing may be bugged - It seems like it's using up the materials without producing anything? After ~50days, my processor has used up about 100,000 Hydrates but essentially has zero CO2 in storage. Near as I can tell it didn't make any water either but the processing going on with MKS may be affecting that. I'll look into it some more soon and see if I can get anything specific.
  4. KSPI's "electrical" engines run off of KSPI MegaJoules. 1MW=1000EC/s, but that conversion only happens from MW to EC and not the other way around unless you include a capacitor or computer core. The electrical engines like the Vasimr or the MPD use MegaJoules, and MegaJoules come from generators. Generators take Thermal Power joules or Charged Particle joulesand turn them into MegaJoules at varying levels of efficiency depending on a whole host of factors - Reactors, with a couple of exceptions, all create either Thermal Power joules or Charged Particle joules. So, to run an electrical engine you need to combine a reactor, which generates Thermal and/or Charged Particle joules, with a generator which can convert Thermal and/or Charged Particle joules into MegaJoules - the electrical engine will then use those MegaJoules to power itself.
  5. I would but my modlist is...somewhat extensive. That being said I did solve the issue(or rather I should say, things are working now - I can't pin down a specific solution necessarily). I basically just turned off all logistics on both water tanks, then turned planetary back on and presto - they're working. In lieu of my save(which I can send you if you'd like despite the 60-some mods I have) I can describe the setup that I believe contributed to this situation - I had a base deployed as a single vessel from a ground construction DIY kit and this base had a water tank on it. I attached a second vessel, something specifically for processing hydrates, to the original base via one of your flexo-tube things(kerbitrail? I can't remember what they're called). This second vessel also had a water tank on it, and both tanks were of the MKS logistics variety. Both tanks originally had local and planetary logistics on, and wouldn't interact with PL at all. I turned both local and planetary logistics off and then turned PL back on and the system worked.
  6. Yes, it's one of the MKS logistics containers. Using the same container on Kerbin, attached to a Duna logistics module allows me to pre-fill it with water and then on launch half of the water is properly pushed to planetary storage. The other half can be forced out by clicking the "stop/go" button beside the resource bar in the right-click context menu for the tank. Neither of these things happen on my Minmus base. I suspect it may have something to do with an interaction between planetary and local logistics, but I haven't been able to confirm that yet. I'm about to try just sending a brand new craft up to a different part of Minmus with *just* a logistics module and a tank(and necessary power and control) to see if it will work. Edit: So I sent up a craft consisting of just a Duna logistics module, tank, battery, probe core, and I was able to push water into PL storage...so I really don't understand why my base can't do it - it can push other things kept in the exact same tanks into PL just fine.
  7. Is there a limit to the number of different things that can be stored in the Planetary warehouse? For some reason I can't push water into planetary storage on Minmus, but I can on Kerbin - the vessel in question on Minmus happily pushes all sorts of other things into planetary storage just fine, so I don't think it's a question of not having the right modules/crew etc.
  8. I can't help as to getting the whole intakeatm->compressed air thing working properly but I believe it's based on the same functionality as converting liquid->gas for the cryogenic fuels like methane, ammonia etc. The reason I bring that up is that the cryogenic tanks don't seem to convert to/from the liquid form all that intuitively - if you have the slider at "-100"(the liquid side) in the VAB, when you launch the vessel it won't actually start converting until you move the slider back and forth some. It also seems to happen fairly slowly, and I can't figure out what(if anything) the ISRU refrigerator does as far as converting gases to liquids. I also noticed today that the ATTILA thrusters use "liquid water" but the thermal ramjet/turbojet engines just use "water"(and yes, these are different resources). I recall that these two resources were differentiated a long time ago to serve the purpose of representing "pure" and "not pure" water for the purposes of life support. I could be wrong there, but regardless - is it intended(and if so, is it necessary or useful) to specify different water resources on different parts? It seems that "water" is the standard among other mods, so it would make sense to me to just change all "lqdwater" or "liquid water" references to just "water" both for simplicity and interoperability sake.
  9. I was using the large multi-bandwidth transciever dish powered by a stellarator fusion reactor running the standard D-T fuel sandwiched between a direct conversion generator and a thermal generator, the receiver was a standard in-line thermal receiver of the standard size(though tweakscaled up or down didn't change the result), in the I believe long infrared band?
  10. It appears the latest update has broken beamed power somehow? I don't know if it was the 21 or 22 update, I only got the 22. My save had a beamed power network running just fine - ground-based station positioned 1.5km off the launchpad at KSC. I tested just now - on KSPI-E 22 a simple test craft(pod core, thermal receiver) has its input power flicker rapidly(rapidly enough that I can't actually see how much power it's peaking at, whether it's the proper value or not), downgrading KSPI-E to 19 fixes the issue and power sits at the normal level with no flickering.
  11. I'm betting they're using Modular Fuels, as I had the same problem until I removed it and updated to the latest version. If that doesn't fix it, make sure all your other mods(directed at the posters you quoted, not you Donziboy) are up to date as well as it could be some strange conflict. I had a ship that was doing this consistently within 20 seconds of loading its save so I used that opportunity to try and track the bug down and it went away when I removed Modular Fuels. Downloaded the latest version and installed that instead and I haven't had the problem since. The camera slides way, way off-center and the game does seem to think that's where the center of your ship actually is. If you try and pitch or yaw your whole ship will attempt to move around that point, causing large changes in your orbit. It will also interfere with parachutes opening as it can move quite a long distance off of your ship's actual center-point, and this can cause pods to crash into the ground before deploying their chutes fully. Like I said though, I'm 90% sure it was either caused by or in some way related to Modular Fuels.
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