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Posts posted by mcortez

  1. 3 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

    PlanLog nope - OrbLog yes.  Though these will (eventually) be deprecated.

    And there should be an easy ore->fuel option in WOLF.


    I'll take another pass through WOLF looking for an Ore -> Fuel option.  I found various things to LF/OX, or the other various fuels that you'd export via hoppers -- but I didn't see anything on your chart that showed WOLF Fuel as an export.  But your Word Document does show the refinery as having Fuel as an output, I'll take a second look at it on the morrow!   Thanks again Roverdude for everything you do!

  2. 2 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

    once you're in WOLF land - the real question becomes 'what's next?'  There's not much space left in the colonization space after that.

    I guess from my point of view, I was going to establish a Kerbin or Minmus orbital base to act as a construction yard, or at least refueling depot before ever even trying to get to Duna.  So I usually have pretty extensive/large traditional MKS bases in half a dozen biomes on Minmus to support building ships there and an orbital refueling station -- along with all the kraken bait, lag, and catch-up logistics involved in that. 

    Previously my end-game was building mega cruise ships that transported dozens of kerbals around the system, or building a Tundra based colony on Duna.  Now it's mega-ships or building dome cities on Duna using Atlas.   So looking at the last couple of nodes along the tech tree, I guess for me Colonization and Advanced Colonization are flipped. 

    Looks like to get the Transport Module working requires access to every module except Fabricator, Manufacturing and Waste Recycling.  So I might consider moving up the others a node or two and moving Atlas to the last node.

    I might shift things around a little like (R is Ranger, D is Duna, T1 is a couple of the Tundra Parts for Stations, T2 is the rest of Tunda, and A are the Atlas parts):



    I'll need to spend some time noodling over how I want my end-game to look like under the new system.  I've got plenty of time, it'll probably be a couple weeks before I'm past the point where I'd be using Duna parts.


    • It's been so long since I tried, does the old logistics system have anything for surface to orbit resource sharing?  I vaguely remember planetary logistics, but I can't remember if that includes low orbit or not.
    • With WOLF is there any way to generate WOLF Fuel for things like the Transport Module without using the Bioreactor?  I would have thought something like the Refinery would be able to create fuel, but that doesn't seem to be one of the available outputs.
  3. 11 hours ago, MaxPeck said:

    I’ve set up transport routes to most of the easily reachable biomes from KSC

    Maybe I gave up too early, I got the Transport Computer -- but since I couldn't get access to the Transport Module, I didn't think I could actually move any goods around.  Can you setup a route and move resources without having access to the Transport Module?  I may have just answered it myself, is the key here to setup a route that uses no stages and loses no mass, so that you can generate a zero transport credit route?

  4. 21 minutes ago, Jstephe25 said:

    Will this mod be available to download in CKAN? I've downloaded several of your other mods through CKAN to try but i don't see MKS 

    They're all present in CKAN, although I don't believe Roverdude directly manages that, so sometimes they're slightly out of date or missing folders.  It's recommended you install directly from the Github releases from Roverdude's signature.

    Screenshot from my CKAN:




  5. Okay, so I'd unlocked some WOLF components last night, I'm trying to see what I can do with them today, and I think I've run into an issue with where parts are placed in the tech tree (using Kiwi CTT).  I've got about half the tech tree unlocked (up through the levels that cost 280 sci each, with a couple 560 sci level nodes unlocked as well.)

    I've got the following WOLF parts available:

    • Depot
    • Modules
      • Bioreactor
      • Waste Recycler
    • Hoppers for
      • Fuel 2.5m
      • Harvesting 2.5m & 3.75m
      • Life Support 2.5m
      • Manufacturing 2.5m
    • Bulk Harvester MHU-100 & MHU 500
    • Wolf Transport Computer

    All the remaining modules and hoppers seem to be lumped together in a single node in the tech tree, in the final tier -- which will require more than 12,000 science to get to

    Is it even possible for me to make use of the Bioreactor & Waste Recycler Modules or Wolf Transport Computer, without having the remaining modules available?

    I think I can use a depot, along with the Bulk Harvesters and Hoppers to pull basic resources to feed into the original MKS food chain, but I don't seem to have any ability to utilize the Bioreactor & Waste Recycler or transport computer.  So should some of the other modules show up earlier, or should those 3 items be end-game and lumped in with the remaining modules?

    I'm going to pull the Kiwi Tech tree out and see where things sit -- maybe it needs some module specific configuration for WOLF, if so, is there a recommended grouping of which modules should get unlocked together?

    EDIT: Okay, pulled Kiwi and it's the same situation, I get the Wolf Transport Computer long before the Transport Module, so I think I can calculate a route but not use it?  I also get the Bioreactor & Waste Recycler, but not the modules needed to satisfy their dependencies.

    So the items I've got are in the Yellow nodes, but their dependencies are in the red node -- unless I'm missing something, which is entirely possible :D 



    2 hours ago, RoverDude said:

    Sadly, that would have the same kind of vessel overhead (even as a single part) for the volume of wolfy-ness most saves will have.  We're exploring a few options :)

    That's unfortunate.  I was thinking just a single such dome per biome wouldn't be too rough on things, but then again last time I played a year ago I had sprawling kraken bait MKS bases as the norm so I was used to the sprawl :) 

  6. Perhaps just a re-skinned Atlas dome, that gets ground tethered like a pylon, has no attachment nodes, and is flagged to not allow surface mount items?  If you wanted to get really fancy it could have a texture (or multiple textures) that change depending on WOLFy stats -- but that's not really needed.  One can assume all the actual logistics bits are subterranean or something.  Not sure what you'd use for an orbital one though...

    I just unlocked enough tech in my career to start playing with WOLF later today or tomorrow, looking forward to it.

  7. @Kerminator1000 WOLF is a fairly new feature of USI/MKS, and adds a new mechanic as to how to generate resources from biomes and transport them around.  Unfortunately I think the twitch videos where Roverdude and his collaborator(s) previed and explained it have expired out and gone away...

    The available information is at:








  8. I tried a cheat of sorts, based on Atlas Gaming's Inventory for All mods -- but it didn't seem to work for me.  Maybe someone better versed in MM scripts could get it to work.

    		name = ModuleInventoryPart
    		InventorySlots = #$../MODULE[ModuleKISInventory]/slotsX$
    		@InventorySlots *= #$../MODULE[ModuleKISInventory]/slotsY$
    		packedVolumeLimit = #$../MODULE[ModuleKISInventory]/maxVolume$ 
    		name = ModuleCargoPart
    		packedVolume = #$../MODULE[ModuleKISItem]/volumeOverride$



    @RoverDude awesome work as always, looking forward to the updates whenever you get to them!  Packrat is still a great bit of kit.  Both the Packrat and the Akita always make an appearance in my KSP careers.

  9. 45 minutes ago, goldenpsp said:

    Let us know :)

    I'm not sure anyone has tried yet.

    Looks like we're going to need Cargo and Inventory definitions for all the parts.

    Cargo Part modules presumably define the stacking and volume parameters, and Inventory modules define slots and volume limits.

    I tried using the EVA Construction mode, and I couldn't seem to move any of the Packrat's  parts, or the Sounding Rocket science parts.  But I could move around the stock thermostat and pressure sensor, so there must be a module to flag which parts can be worked with in EVA Construction mode.  Perhaps the Cargo Part module?





  10. Good catch @JupiterJaeden

    Use this patch instead for the HG-5 High Gain Antenna


            %allowManualControl = false
            %actionAvailable = false
            %eventAvailableFlight = false
            %eventAvailableEditor = false
            %eventAvailableEVA = false
        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 20000000
            %EnergyCost = 0.55
            %MaxQ = 6000
            %DishAngle = 90
            %DeployFxModules = 0
            %ProgressFxModules = 1
            %TRANSMITTER {
                %PacketInterval = 0.15
                %PacketSize = 3
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0
        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}



  11. I've submited the bug to github -- https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/822

    @N_Molson you can temporarily fix the issue by adding your own module manager patch with the info below, or simply modify the RemoteTech_Squad_Antennas.cfg and rename the part in there by adding the "5" to the name.


            %allowManualControl = false
            %actionAvailable = false
            %eventAvailableFlight = false
            %eventAvailableEditor = false
            %eventAvailableEVA = false
        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 25000000000
            %EnergyCost = 1.04
            %MaxQ = 6000
            %DishAngle = 0.12
            %DeployFxModules = 0
            %ProgressFxModules = 1
            %TRANSMITTER {
                %PacketInterval = 0.15
                %PacketSize = 3
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0
        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

            %allowManualControl = false
            %actionAvailable = false
            %eventAvailableFlight = false
            %eventAvailableEditor = false
            %eventAvailableEVA = false
        %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
            %Mode0DishRange = 0
            %Mode1DishRange = 25000000000
            %EnergyCost = 1.04
            %MaxQ = 6000
            %DishAngle = 0.12
            %DeployFxModules = 0
            %ProgressFxModules = 1
            %TRANSMITTER {
                %PacketInterval = 0.15
                %PacketSize = 3
                %PacketResourceCost = 20.0
        %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}


  12. Jumping back into KSP after not having played for a year, and am getting all my old favorite mods set back up, so this might just be faulty memory.  I noticed the stock HG-5 High Gain Antenna doesn't seem to show up with the Remote Tech Target --- option on it's menu, and for some reason I'm remembering it as having a target option.  To make sure it wasn't another mod, I removed everything except RemoteTech and AVC version checker.

    Bug or Faulty memory?  Thanks for all the work you do to keep the mod working!!!





    EDIT:  I just did some additional digging at it looks like Squad renamed the part.  There's HighGainAntenna5 ( which has TechHidden = true so I think it's deprecated) and a newer HighGainAntenna5_v2


  13. 16 hours ago, RoverDude said:

    So I'll be doing Sunday streams with @DoktorKrogg while we work through a WOLF playthrough starting this week :). So good times.

    I haven't played KSP in ages, and I miss your streams!  Hopefully my schedule will line up so I can catch this!  And all I could think of when I saw the 2.0 announcement was, I hope RD got to work on it, I hope RD got to work on it, I hope RD got to work on it -- because that would mean it would be awesome :D 

  14. 3 hours ago, alien_wind said:

    are there mks parts that are missing iva?(maybe orca,training academy,medical bay)

    Yes. A great many of the MKS parts don't have IVAs, as they can take a lot of time to build.  Rather then spend time on them, RD concentrates on adding new parts and functionality in is limited free time.

  15. 3 hours ago, Screaming Candle said:

      And is there any way to keep Steam from automatically upgrading KSP?  

    Yes, steam specifically supports pinning KSP to certain specific milestone versions. For example I belive I have mine pinned to 1.4.5

    Right click on KSP in your Steam Library, select properties and then I think Betas tab.

    There should be a drop-down menu that normally has something like "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs"

    If you click on that drop down you should be presented with various milestone versions of KSP to pick from. Doing so will lock down your version nof KSP to that version.

    Make sure that you then install matching versions of any mods you use.


  16. 6 hours ago, Friznit said:

    Before I go through a lengthy diagnosis to strip out mods and get a sensible set of logs, am I missing something obvious?  Forgive me if this is answered elsewhere already, thread search didn't highlight anything telling.

    One common cause of this can be a combination of insufficient power generation and storage, and the way the game's catch up mechanics work. A vessel (or base) is not simulated when not within focus distance of the current vessel. When you return ti the vessel, the game does accelerated simulation of the vessel in, I believe, 6hr chunks until it is current. Again I believe, it does this using the current conditions of the vessel when you return to it.

    If you rely heavily on solar power, and have insufficient battery storage, then its possible if you return to the vessel at night or while the sun is occluded, then when the game does its catch up it will be doing so with minimal power generation. That could lead to the parts running out of power and turning off.

  17. Just now, Space_Coyote said:

    So wait....


    "Constellation" is the New MKS or js t the old one upgraded to 1.5 with a few new bells and whistles?

    I'm kind of confused about "Constellation"


    A Constellation release, is a bundle of all of Roverdude's mods packaged together for a single easier install.

    There is nothing different from the standard MKS, USI-LS, Sounding Rockets, Malemute, etc, etc -- other then instead of shipping as separate awesome stars they're made available as a single Constellation bundle. The individual mods will also be available. Thr constellation bundle is not updated as frequently, as the individuals as its extra work.

  18. On 2/18/2018 at 4:53 AM, aer71 said:

    It's looking for nearby vessels which have parts that have the "USI_ModuleRecycleBin" feature, and support the particular resource that it's trying to recycle (in this case "MaterialKits"). There are only two parts that I can find anywhere in any mod that do this: Ranger Workshop and Tundra Workshop.


    You're trying way too hard.

    All of the Kontainers should also work, just make sure they're properly configured for the right type of storage in the VAB.  There are also some EVA explosives available for taking out whole ships in a single go - you'll need KIS & KAS, so that you can pack the explosives in your ship and then attach them during EVA.



  19. I haven't done any comprehensive testing, but my re-implementation today worked on the first test - which is a lot better than I had yesterday.  For anyone else trying to accomplish the same thing, here's my current code:


    // Create a note for the Active Vessel, which currently has an inclination of 0, to match the inclination of target body
    // Adapted from G_Space's code at https://www.reddit.com/r/Kos/comments/3r5pbj/set_inclination_from_orbit_script/cwnhg5f/
    // Also using System.Numerics.Vector3
    var vessel = ksc.ActiveVessel;
    var orb = vessel.Orbit;
    var targetBody = ksc.TargetBody;
    Vector3 Va = new Vector3((float)(Math.Sin(orb.Inclination) * Math.Cos(orb.LongitudeOfAscendingNode + (Math.PI / 2))), (float)(Math.Sin(orb.Inclination) * Math.Sin(orb.LongitudeOfAscendingNode + (Math.PI / 2))), (float)(Math.Cos(orb.Inclination)));
    Vector3 Vb = new Vector3((float)(Math.Sin(targetBody.Orbit.Inclination) * Math.Cos(targetBody.Orbit.LongitudeOfAscendingNode + (Math.PI / 2))), (float)(Math.Sin(targetBody.Orbit.Inclination) * Math.Sin(targetBody.Orbit.LongitudeOfAscendingNode + (Math.PI / 2))), (float)(Math.Cos(targetBody.Orbit.Inclination)));
    Vector3 Vc = Vector3.Cross(Vb, Va);
    double node_lng = (Math.Atan2(Vc.Y, Vc.X) + (2 * Math.PI)) % (2 * Math.PI);
    double node_true_anom = (2 * Math.PI) - (((4 * Math.PI) + (orb.LongitudeOfAscendingNode + orb.ArgumentOfPeriapsis) - node_lng) % (2 * Math.PI));
    double incChange = targetBody.Orbit.Inclination;
    // Calculate node values
    double eta = orb.UTAtTrueAnomaly(burnTA);
    double dv = burnDirection * ((2 * orb.OrbitalSpeedAt(eta)) * Math.Sin(incChange / 2));
    // Split the DV change across normal and prograde
    double normalDV = Math.Cos(incChange / 2) * dv;
    double progradDV = -Math.Abs((Math.Sin(incChange / 2) * dv));
    vessel.Control.AddNode(eta, (float)progradDV, (float)normalDV, 0);


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