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Posts posted by Kergarin

  1. After a little problem with Moho transfer, :blush: another 3 weeks of testing and development (I'm absolutely not using any mods, all tests done from KSC launch pad/ runway) , my ships fuel tanks are nearly the double size now, and it got a large overhaul to still be able to defeat kerbins gravity with so much weight added. :0.0:

    But finally I'm on my way again! :cool:

    Just cleared the inner solar system, heading for Duna! actual burntime: 1h 4min.

    Game recorder is running, so I can you present you a nice fast forward video in a few days :)

    I hope you will see some things, that haven't been done in ksp before. :confused: At least I heavent seen them before :)


    This challenge really takes all of my time and powers. While working almost 50hours per week in my subchallenging daytime job... and playing the game in 1/3 speed, because recording the game and calculating this 350part ship brings my computer to its limits.

    But I always finish what I begin! :)


    Thanks to my wife, who supports my ambitious "nighttime ksp engineer job" :D

  2. I hope this challenge does not exist?

    I challenge you to:

    Build a manned SSTO that can go to Kerbin Orbit, do a hit and go on the KSC runway, go to Kerbin Orbit again, do a hit and go on the KSC runway again, go to orbit.... And so on... As many times as possible! without any refueling! :D And finally land safe at KSC runway.


    If anyone is interested, I will show my attempt, create a badge a leaderboard and everything else :)




    4 Orbits RS-17 White Phoenix by Kergarin

    3 Orbits SSTL C-10 Scimitar Mk.1 by Val

    3 Orbits Delta 2 SSTONX by Kergarin




    - only crafts piloted by a Kerbal, no drones. (the kerbal is your only payload)

    - no mods (informational mods are ok) 

    - horizotal launching SSTO spaceplanes only

    - single stage, end with same parts as on launch

    - Your SSTO has to reach a stable orbit of at least 70X70km before starting the reentry

    - your SSTO has to to hit the KSC runway with at least 2 wheels, before ascending again.

    - end with a landing.

    - takes series of screenshots from every part of flight or do a video. Resources Window always open!


    Good luck :)

  3. Yes, I was thinking about Angeling the fuselage down, too.

    But would it really make sense to angle down the engines outlets? Since I'm at + 5-10 degrees aoa because I want to go higher up. and so my thrust won't support my ascend, it would only be up to the wings.

    On the other hand thrusting into the direction of travel is most times the more effective way

    Really good question what's better.


    In the end I would only need to angle the wings up, instead of everything else down:D

  4. On 26.2.2016 at 5:08 PM, Val said:

    I just angled the cockpit down, so the rest of the craft was always at 5° angle. Which looked great on paper, because I was flying prograde, right? I :rolleyes: at myself. It was very inefficient.


    Most time of airbreathing ascend my heavy SSTOs do fly at an aoa of 5-10degrees.

    Would it make sense to angle my air inlets down to around 5degrees? They would then directly face the oncoming air.

    (I noticed that my engines flame out, if the oncoming air is "for some reason" :D around 180degrees away from my inlet direction. So I was wondering if the 5degrees already impact the intake air?) 

  5. On 29.2.2016 at 0:42 AM, Teutooni said:

    Probably not a winning entry, but decided to tweak one of my heavy SSTO lifters for this challenge (master level).

    Maybe not the lightest one, but still a master :), and it looks nice!

    3 hours ago, Nefrums said:

    96,7t,  59 parts

    That's just crazy :confused: Even lighter than my first attempt for normal!!

    Really impressive!


    On 1.3.2016 at 2:34 AM, PacThePhoenix said:

    Also, it flies like a skyscraper, made of cows.

    Made me laugh so hard :D

    Can't wait to see the final version!

  6. Oh sorry, it should have been this emoticon: :)

    Just corrected it,  better I look a little longer at it next time :D


    Are you sure you don't lose some thrust by this? Once I had some elevators directly behind my engines on an SSTO, and I'm pretty sure my thrust was reduced to zero.

    Don't have the time to test this right now. Maybe it just affects airbreathing engines? Or does the distance matter?


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