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Everything posted by bewing

  1. Thanks guys. You've given me a lot of good ideas to pass on. I'll get started building my presentation for my pet dev then.
  2. A file verification does something called a checksum on all your files. If any file is corrupted, then steam automatically redownloads that file. If you log into your steam client, you should have a "library". Click on KSP. Then right click, choose "properties", then the "Files" tab, and there should be a button at the bottom that says something like "perform file validation".
  3. autoLOCs are for supporting multiple languages. You are never supposed to see them in the game. (They are always supposed to be replaced with text translated into your language.) It's not happening on my install. Which means that one of your localization files got corrupted when you reinstalled. So, if you got your game from steam, you need to do a Steam file verification.
  4. When you hover your cursor over a part and the entire rocket turns green -- that's the root.
  5. Yes, but you do not get your money back. You have to demolish the building first. There are two ways to do that. You can slam something into the building, or you can hold Right Ctrl + Right Click (and then choose "Demolish). Once the building is demolished, use Right Ctrl + Right Click again on the building. You will get the opportunity to rebuild the building -- but you have a choice to rebuild it one level lower than it was. Yes, the "survey" missions to do research at a specific location are much easier to do with an airplane. And as the others have said -- for the parachute missions, take almost all the fuel out of the rocket so that it only goes up a little ways. If it still goes up a little too high, then you can also restrict the thrust some. This will make the rocket not fly quite so high as before.
  6. Yeah, I've seen it before. For radial docking ports, there's a bug where SAS will track the CoM of the target, instead of the docking port. It's been reported on the bug tracker.
  7. Well, the easy way is to take a craft in LKO, and plonk down a maneuver node. Pull on the handles and adjust the position of the node until your resulting Ap just touches the orbit of your destination planet, with a perfect transfer. You don't need to get an actual intercept -- just get the Ap to the right altitude. Then check the date on the Ap.
  8. Docking ports have the ability to undock one time from something that is not a docking port. So if I understand your situation correctly: once you separate these craft by decoupling, right click on the docking port that still has the decoupler attached to it, and click "decouple node". I think that'll do it.
  9. You can use Alt period to go into physwarp, up to 4X. And no, this game does a physics simulation and is not intended to match realtime. It deliberately slows the simulation if it goes faster than realtime, but that's rare.
  10. A Sentinel contract for Duna requires an orbit a bit above Kerbin's -- I suspect that you could make it there and still have some deltaV left.
  11. I would think that any rational ocean world is going to have an atmosphere. So you should be able to get away with your fusion SSTO there -- provided that you've modified it for water takeoffs. (Which usually just involves making a canard-wing design and then moving the canards downward so they are below the waterline. Or having a second set of canards there.)
  12. I think it's more the NVidia Geforce Experience background app that swallows Alt-F12 for players that have it installed.
  13. True, except that as you explore more planets you will also get Sentinel contracts for them -- and then you will need to decide whether to move your current craft to a new orbit (each planet has its own fairly specific orbit where the Sentinel needs to be located), or whether to launch a new one.
  14. No, it's a call to bring back some semblances or reminiscences of things you used to enjoy about the game -- without degrading any current gameplay functionality. To carefully add back some silliness without doing anything destructive. If we or the devs can figure out clever ways of accomplishing that. This is easier for old sillinesses that were visual-only, of course.
  15. You used to be able to actually land on Jool? News to me. Yes, that's the eventual point of this exercise.
  16. Once the SENTINEL telescope is in the right orbit, you go into its context menu and click the "Start Object Tracking" button. The rest of the process is entirely automated. You will receive a message on your screen every few dozen days or so saying that the telescope just found one more asteroid that fit the required profile. There is nothing you can do to speed the process up. You do not need to do anything after you receive a message. After maybe half a year, the contract will complete all by itself. "Kerbin threatening" means that the asteroid eventually passes through Kerbin's SOI, AFAIK.
  17. I think you still can. I don't see any reason why not. I personally never found that to be the tiniest bit funny at all.
  18. I have, actually. But he was more into summoning Krakens, destroying the universe, and spaghettifying Kerbals in various ways. You can still spaghettify Kerbals, of course. And yes, I was thinking about suggesting to add a button to summon a Kraken and destroy the universe on command -- as a reminiscence of old KSP. I admit that I really enjoyed the "flapping plane" that he demoed -- which no longer works. I can't visualize a way to get that sort of thing back into the game, though (without completely destroying the physics model, obviously). Ladder drive still works. Not sure it has enough power to SSTO, or SSTO from Eve anymore. ----------------------- One thing I am thinking of is that we could have launch clamps be one of the things in orbit that you can recover for a contract. We all remember the teleporting launch clamps, yes?
  19. The whole point of zDeprecated is that old parts will continue to work. They are even still accessible through the Advanced menu in the editor.
  20. Turn on "Advanced Tweakables" in your settings, then Autostruts or Rigid Attachment after you've docked.
  21. Hi guys, I've been posed a challenge by one of the developers. And I intend to cheat by getting help. I've been playing since version 1.0.3, but there are people who have played a lot longer than that, and I need input from oldtimers. The challenge is to make a list of all the funny/amusing things in the stock game that no longer happen or are not available or got "fixed" or whatever. So that some of them can either get put back in, or homages to them can be made, or replacement funny things can be added. Wherever possible, I need screenshots or short videos, plus a quick description of the funny thing (plus a version number, if it disappeared in an early version). I'll start with a quick list off the top of my head, and add a few screenshots in a few hours. Mundust Castle. A couple versions ago, this started working again for some people. It has to do with whether a random number generator "seed" gets initialized before the screen displays. It doesn't happen on my machine -- I have never seen a Mundust castle as long as I've played the game. Kerbals bouncing after falling long distances, if they are careful to land on their heads. The gobbledygook contract introductions. The cartoon on the side of the FL-T200 fuel tank. "Kurvy!" graffiti on the MK3 to MK2 adapter tank. Carl Sagan's face in a Tylo crater.
  22. Alt-F12 to bring up the Debug menu. Then look under the Physics/Aero tab, and check the box for "Display Aero Data GUI".
  23. In space, the default physics range is 15 km. But that applies to the CoMs of two separate ships -- so it would be a problem during the "building" process, when the destination ship was something like 30km across. You wouldn't be able to dock a new piece to the ends.
  24. You can only change the navball position while you are in flight mode (not at KSC). The slider is at the bottom of the settings, and takes effect immediately.
  25. They do. The shrouds on a decoupler are only aesthetic too. They have no aerodynamic purpose.
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