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Everything posted by bewing

  1. It can certainly be done, but you gain nothing by doing it. The energy required to get to LKO and then raise your orbit to 200km is pretty much exactly the same as to go to 200km directly. But by going to LKO first, you get the opportunity to time your second burn, and achieve a perfect rendezvous.
  2. The very bottom tip of the icon is supposeed to be the location. But one thing the navball is telling you is that the location is below you. So you need to go downhill. There is a chance that your target is below ground, and unreachable.
  3. Go to the bugtracker: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ create a login and password. There's a button at the top for "new issue". Fill it all in, including a screenshot (the one you posted above is fine), your KSP.log file, and a savegame. The QA team looks at the tracker, and they will respond to a well documented bug report. Make sure to tell them exactly what to do to get the AAORE to spam like that. Use "AAORE spam" as your title if you like.
  4. In general, Duna is extremely forgiving when it comes to reentry. So your antenna may well survive a normal reentry. If not, you will certainly be able to deploy the antenna while you are still above the ground. Do a test to find out what the antenna can take. Don't just guess what its limits are. Second, you don't necessarily need to remain Radial. Get your rocket to spin before reentry. Spinning is almost as good as holding radial. Do you care where you land? If you just lower your Pe to 20km altitude, and spin, you will lose a very large amount of speed before you impact. Make sure your Ap is just above the atmosphere, too. But your target will basically be random. Did you pack any drogue chutes? On Duna they deploy at quite high speeds.
  5. AAOREs are errors in the code that should never happen. The devs would probably like to see a copy of one of your savegames.
  6. Spricigo is right. You can also use SAS modes when you are in "limited control" mode.
  7. Not really. You just need to do fuel transfers while you burn to keep the tanks full.
  8. As RealKerbal3x said, you don't have any control authority. Most rockets do not go straight all by themselves. You need something on it that can be steered. Either gimballing engines, or aerodynamic control surfaces. Maybe you don't need much, but you certainly need something. Reaction wheels are minimally effective. In general, try one -- if it doesn't work, then you need to use something more. So, possibility #1 is to turn on the rhino, but keep it throttled down to less than 10% thrust. Or, start it out at 100%, and then throttle it way down after you make your gravity turn. Possibility #2 is to stick on some steerable fins. And then you need to stick them as far as possible from your CoM. The argument is tedious, but control surfaces with 100% of their surface being steerable are best. Elevons or tailfins are preferable. Attach them to your nosecone at the very front of your craft. If you don't want to carry that mass all the way to orbit, put a decoupler on the nosecone. (And then remove those "fins" from the back end -- they aren't doing you any good, because they are too close to your CoM.)
  9. For the last couple years, I've never felt the need to build planes bigger than 20 tonnes or so. And the small steerable/retractable wheels are perfectly fine for that. I tend to leave the "steering" turned on for the rear wheels, since it gives me a tighter turning radius with no real drawbacks.
  10. Any part with crew capacity also has storage. If you just want to detach one storage part to the lander, you should probably be able to move any inventory into other storage spots. Are any of the things in inventory rocket parts? If so, you can just weld them onto the outside of your rocket.
  11. No, it means that a RoveMate doesn't have reaction wheels. So you need to stick a little reaction wheel on your rover. You do realize that the "basic extendable antenna" cannot act as a relay? So you may not have communications, either.
  12. The game now keeps auto saves in a "Backup" directory. You can just copy the save file out and start running again. You haven't lost your grindy science. And you can adjust your settings to make things less tedious. Or just play in Sandbox mode, and make up your own story.
  13. I think you have to turn on "advanced tweakables" in the settings, before you can even construct an interstage fairing. You then need to turn on the "interstage fairing nodes" in the fairing's menu, once you have placed the fairing. Then you attach the next stage to one of the floating nodes in the interstage fairing. Then you build the fairing. As you create the topmost section of the fairing (just below the next stage), it should allow you to snap the fairing to the size of the bottom-most section of the next stage. However, there are rules about closing the top of a fairing, and those rules also apply to an interstage fairing. To guarantee success, make the diameter of the topmost section of the interstage fairing the same as the next stage above.
  14. Cost, mass, and drag. Also, a structural tube will not protect anything inside of it from drag either -- only a fairing or cargo bay can do that.
  15. Well, your grand slam experiment looks like it deployed correctly. So that one may be working. But to get science out of that one, you need to impact pieces of ships into the surface. The bigger they are, and closer to the experiment device, the more science you get.
  16. There are some tricks to it. Mostly in which kerbal deploys the devices. You want a scientist to deploy the science experiments. They create science seven times faster or more, if a scientist deploys them -- depending on the number of stars the scientist has. But you want an engineer to deploy the solar panels. The panels produce energy depending on the number of stars of the engineer that deploys them. And then there may be a bug. When you launch the craft, the experiments have to be in an inventory somewhere. If they are in a storage unit, that's good. If they are in a kerbal's inventory, they may never work. So don't put them directly into a kerbal's inventory. To know if they are non-functional, you need to walk right up to them and face them. If you can get a menu, then that's good -- all they need is power. So, after all that, you get them to a destination and drop them on the ground just like in your picture. Each device needs power from a solar panel. You need a control station, which also needs power. You do not need to interact with them to get them started. They produce science slowly. Once they reach a 10% level, they try to transmit. If they don't have a communications link to KSC at that moment, the transmission fails and they wait for the next 10%. Each 10% transmission can easily take 10 to 20 days, and it's not a lot of science. If a kerbal picks up a science device, he takes the remaining science out of it. If he picks it up and puts it back down, then that counts as redeploying it -- and then you need to be paying attention to whether he's a scientist or engineer and how many stars he has again. So, from your picture, I think the most obvious problem you are likely having is power. You have 4 devices, and only one solar panel. Did a 3-star engineer place that solar panel? Look at the menu from the control station. It shows how many units of power are coming in, and how many experiments are attached.
  17. When a rocket goes out of control like that, it's usually an issue with too much drag at the front. Most of the time, however, there is no way to fix it. So what you do is stop trying to do an "efficient launch". Keep your Ap below 70km, and wait until your rocket is above 35km before you start trying to turn. When you are going straight up like that, you will have much better control. Yes, you will lose a bunch of deltaV, but actually getting your rocket to orbit is the important part anyway.
  18. First off, you've got a bunch of mods, so this could easily be a mod-interaction bug -- if there is a bug at all. Second, all those things you've detected so far are asteroids, not comets. Comets have tails on them.
  19. Once you have the craft in place, you have to wait for many days. It doesn't matter how many other craft detect how many other asteroids or comets. To complete the contract, the craft with the sentinel telescope on it has to detect the comets. You just have to wait. It will happen all by itself.
  20. Yeah, it's a bug in the current release -- but the flags still work just fine when they are laying down, so I don't care much.
  21. For lower orbits, you don't try to do it all at once. You leave Kerbin at the node for your destination and set your Pe at your destination orbit. When you get there, you set your Ap to create an intercept. You'll get there in less than a year no matter how badly you time your transfer.
  22. No, they get full credit for being in orbit. When you initially "switch to" them, their orbital state may not get logged. However, when they go EVA from their initial wreck, their "current status" gets logged into the logbook. So a Kerbal rescued in LKO will get two XP, and will certainly get one star when you land them.
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