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Everything posted by bewing

  1. You're wondering why that one transmits at 100%, while others only give you a 40% transmission rate, or whatever? It depends on the experiment. EVA reports and crew reports always transmit at 100%.
  2. I suspect that you are looking at the wrong number, to see how many science points that an experiment is worth? The "worth" of an experiment is "how much science would you get if you brought the experiment back to kerbin and landed/recovered it". However, if an experiment is worth zero to process in a lab, that means you've already seen that experiment before, in that lab. Which probably means that you've transmitted at least one copy already to KSC. Depending on the experiment, there is a limit to how big a total percentage you can get by just doing transmissions. If you post a screenshot of an experiment before you transmit it, we can give you a more detailed explanation of why it isn't transmitting for as many points as you expect.
  3. Local East (90 degrees) is defined by the rotation of the CB. So all CBs rotate toward a 90 degree heading, by definition.
  4. You need to know how long it takes for your rocket to get to orbit. Then you need to know how far downrange from KSC it is once it gets there. Then you need to know how fast your station is moving. Then you multiply and subtract. Or, you can do it the easy way, and just pick out a landmark, and practice a few times. When the station crosses over the landmark, you launch. Once you get a huge amount of expertise at all this, there is something called a "high-speed rendezvous". By adjusting your thrust during launch, and paying close attention to your resulting orbit, you can achieve a fairly close rendezvous even with a minute of variability in your launch timing. Your rocket changes its velocity by a huge amount, so varying timing of that velocity change can modify the amount of time it takes to get to orbit by a lot.
  5. The kompanies that sponsor their trips only pay for one adventure for their VIPs. (ie. the tourists are randomly generated each time.)
  6. It's not a bug. That's something I call a "treasure hunt" contract. It has at most 5 targets, and they are designed to lead you away from your initial location. I actually think they are designed to lead you over especially difficult terrain, too -- but that may just be me being paranoid. If you look at the exact wording of the contract, it's different from the standard survey contract.
  7. Yeah, each experiment needs one unit of power. And the control station needs one more. I don't know for sure which are getting the 2 units right now. But you need at least 4 to power everything. I don't know about that antenna.
  8. The Control Station (which is the one you should be paying attention to) says there are 2 units of power available. What the "panel" screen is showing is a harmless bug.
  9. The aero model has an artificially built-in "sound barrier" of enhanced drag, right around the speed of sound. It is empirical -- not based on any particular physics model. But yes, whatever form of thrust that you use needs to be able to push through that sound barrier in a convincing way, or you probably won't make it at all.
  10. 1. Turn off Traction Control! It automatically applies brakes to "random" wheels, and makes your rover not move properly. 2. Switch "Friction" from auto to manual, and turn it way up. On low-G worlds, rovers need friction to go and to stop. In the picture, was your rover actually heading north and downhill? Or was it heading south and uphill? If it was the second, then your probe core is backwards and that will always mess up your wheels. If the hinges really have messed up the automatic drive algorithm, then click "remove from symmetry" on all of them, turn all of them off except for one at a time, and make sure that "forward", "left" and "right" all do the correct things for each wheel. If not, you can adjust it by hand.
  11. Either come in high enough that you still have attitude control, point retrograde, burn to a stop directly above your target, and fall straight down. Or, put wings and control surfaces on your craft, fly down just above your target, pull up into a vertical stall, pop your parachutes (make sure they make your engines point down), and use a bit of thrust to create a soft landing.
  12. You don't need a scientist -- but you sometimes have to be flying very close to a science container before you get the option in the PAW to remove the data. Try flying up and bumping into the science container, and see if the PAW changes. Have you done that kind of data transfer before? I was under the impression that you could only transfer experiments to devices that have the "collect all" science option.
  13. For stock fuel ducts to work, your two craft still have to perform a hard docking -- using docking ports, or klaws. The "hoses" thing doesn't require docking.
  14. In the past, I used klaws. I designed all my fuel tanker ships to make it easy to dock a klaw to them when they are landed. Now, I have an engineer and an extra "Jr." docking port in a cargo slot. I drive my fuel truck up, and the engineer attaches the extra docking port at the right height, in the right place. Dock, transfer, undock, remove the port. Maybe after doing that ten times, you get a little bored with the process -- but it's never really the same each time, so that keeps it a little interesting. And most fuel depots only get used ten times at most before you move on to another section of the solar system, so it's not like you have to do it a hundred times.
  15. In order to combat the "sliding" problem seen in previous versions, everything sitting on the ground (including kerbals) gets glued down now. It takes either a really good push of RCS to get off the ground, or you need to jump.
  16. Well, if you look up "keplerian orbital parameters" on wikipedia, for example, it gives the formulas on how to calculate period based on things like your orbit's SMA (semi-major axis). Then you choose a number for how many orbits (years) you want it to take for you to get there. Then you decide whether you want to raise your Ap to slow your orbit down, or lower your Pe to speed your orbit up (generally, raising your Ap for a slower orbit works better). Or, you can just do it the really easy way. You want to circularize the P3 satellite in 1.25 Eve years, the P2 satellite in 1.5 Eve years, and the P1 satellite in 1.75 years -- all at your current location. So you send them a bit outside of Eve's SOI, turn prograde, and burn until the Pe marker shows you returning to your Pe in the proper number of days. Then circularize when you get there.
  17. Hmmm. The Minmus Midlands are reasonably smooth, they have interesting slopes that might make good ramps, and they are at different altitudes which might make for interesting landings. But you would have to control your speed carefully, because a few extra meters per second might well put you into orbit. For ramps built on kerbin, pay attention to the "impact tolerance" values of the parts. Some are fairly high. If you can build your ramps out of fairings ... I believe fairings are still indestructible.
  18. On CBs with no atmosphere, what you are looking for is called a "suicide burn", and it's already basically working in your game -- you just need to create the proper manuever node and do a simple mental calculation. However, there are some additional issues. To stick your landing on a very particular spot, you need to burn additional fuel -- there is really no other choice. You place a waypoint on the spot you want to land, target it, and do a "docking" maneuver (you have to be rather good at docking first). But on Kerbin or any other CB with an atmosphere, there is too much variation from drag to make any calculator work at all.
  19. Not really, no. The game keeps a list of everywhere you've visited, and what you've done there. When you do a new flyby, it adds a new CB to the list. Each new CB adds a bunch of possible contracts for things you haven't done yet. There is also a possibility of getting a new "flyby" contract for someplace you've never been. Then it makes a random choice. After visiting Eve, you may get a contract for something at the Mun.
  20. There is no such thing as "contract progression". The contracts that get offered to you are mostly random -- with extenuating circumstances.
  21. In order to prevent sliding, everything now sticks to the ground a little bit, including Kerbals. So yeah, you have to break that surface tension somehow. Jumping is good.
  22. No, it's a special key combo for jumping between ladders. Maybe Ctl + direction + space, but I'm not sure.
  23. Hmmmmm. I'll have to test ladder transitions and see if things have changed. Worst case -- your RCS jetpacks do just barely work on Duna. You will need to be careful to manage your fuel, but you should be able to fly up to that 2nd ladder either from the ground or from the other ladder. It's also possible to jump from one ladder to another sometimes. I forget the key combination, though.
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