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Everything posted by bewing

  1. In your settings, have you turned on "Advanced Tweakables"?
  2. I've done something like this myself in the past, and it was fun. I'd suggest making a little rocket ship, turning on "infinite fuel", and then just trying it a few times for practice. The basic deal is that you look first at where you want to go. Even at a high speed, your target will still move a bit in its orbit before you get there. So you have to lead your target a bit. Then you look at your current location and velocity. If you have blackjacked Hohmann, then (on average), all of your current momentum is wasted, so you need to finish killing it -- or at least kill all the part that you don't want. (Your current momentum can vary from being 100% in the correct direction, to exactly 100% in the wrong direction, so on average it's 0%.) Then you point your nose where you actually want to go, and start accelerating (make sure you get your plane inclination correct). As you burn, your projected orbit will stretch until it reaches your target CB's orbit, then the intersection point will move along that orbit, then your close approach markers will converge on your target point, and then you will get an SOI intercept shown. Then cut your engines and start looking at how you need to fine-tune your approach. A little burn north, a little burn east or west, a little burn prograde, and you can get a nice approach. You will already be moving so fast at that point that you do not want to continue burning. Adding more deltaVs won't save you that much time, and it totally messes up the process of getting a close approach. Doing a constant acceleration, followed by a flip ship, followed by a constant deceleration and ending up at exactly the right point in space is an exercise for a computer, not a KSP player.
  3. A 26 degree angle loses you 11% of your efficiency. If that used up more than half your fuel, then you wasted 40% of your fuel on maneuver mismanagement. It had nothing to do with your engine or design or offsets or angles. Doing a few hand calculations to "fix" the burn start time and managing burn duration by eye will entirely fix your problem. Also, if you used up only 1/8th of your heatshield ablative, then you either did not need ablative at all, or you installed 85% too much, and you can reduce your payload mass by trimming your ablative by a lot. Which will get you even more fuel remaining at Duna orbit insertion.
  4. If it's not a lot of parts that need emptying, then you can actually zoom the camera inside any parts of your craft -- then select the proper tank and empty it, in the normal fashion. It's disorienting, so it takes extra time to do.
  5. That's true. SAS is something that only pilots and probe cores can do in career mode, ever.
  6. What the others have said is all true. But one other thing to know is that KSP1 is already pushing the very limits of what consoles can handle. KSP2 is supposed to have even more features. It may be a long time until consoles have enough computation to be able to support KSP2.
  7. Hmmm. I didn't notice the timewarp. That is indeed a problem. But the OP said that this error happens to him often? Surely timewarp can't be active in every case?
  8. It may be counterintuitive, true -- but all engines have shrouds, and there needs to be a reason in career mode for fairings to exist. If any shroud is a fairing, then that breaks career mode, because you get all your fairings for free.
  9. Shrouds are not fairings. Shrouds are just for decoration.
  10. Do all your designs have a parachute plastered onto or very near the hatch? I think what's happening is that you are getting the wrong error message. The message is supposed to be saying "Hatch blocked." The entire hatch has to be clear of attachments, plus an extra bit of additional space around the hatch, before you can open the hatch and EVA. Ever since the beginning of KSP, as long as you are landed or splashed, you can EVA anywhere on Kerbin. AFAIK, that hasn't changed. It doesn't look like there is anything obvious about your situation that would be causing any problems, except that your hatch is obviously blocked. Which is why I think you're getting the wrong error message displayed to you.
  11. There's a chance that it thinks you are still hovering above the ground?
  12. You can dock by just grabbing one vessel with a klaw on the other. But yes, the vessels must be from separate launches. If you have a junk satellite anywhere with 1500 dV left, you can move it to Duna as a target.
  13. Ducted fan blades are from a DLC that is available for PC. The console version of the game is not up to the same version as on the PC, and DLC content may not be available.
  14. Eve gives you a better slingshot, which will help you get out to Duna, if you do the timing right.
  15. Yes they can. They just can't create maneuver nodes.
  16. tripulacion is crew. If you have crew in a capsule, and it still has no control, then you probably ran out of electricity. Many things use electricity, and to make more you probably need solar panels. Or, if you just need a little bit more then you may only need one or two batteries.
  17. That sounds like a pretty decent TWR. It'll still take 200 seconds to get down, though (2000 m/s at 10m/s^2). Which is an extra 2000m/s that you will have to counteract. So I'd be expecting something more like 4000m/s of dV to land. Then about 2500m/s to take off again, because your TWR should be higher on takeoff. Are you planning on just doing flybys of the other moons? Or orbiting them? Or landing?
  18. When you decouple a craft into two pieces, one of the pieces will randomly retain control. You really can't choose which. If the game chooses the wrong chunk, then the best way to focus the other chunk is with the [ or ] keys. If that doesn't work for you, then you have to go back to the tracking station to choose.
  19. Tylo has high gravity, so gravity losses are a huge factor. And gravity losses depend on how long it takes you to land, which is completely dependent on your TWR. So, how fast will your craft be able to go from 2000m/s to zero?
  20. To be able to control a decoupled chunk of a spacecraft, it must have a probe core on it. And that seems like the component that you are iffiest about. An OKTO, a HECS, a RoveMate, a QBE, or one of the two advanced probe cores.
  21. Did you remember to throttle the engine up? That's the most common thing for new players to forget to do. That engine has a throttle, and you probably want to hit Z to make it go.
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