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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. Whelp... You've given me MY google search terms for the day!
  2. Awesome! And if they mix it up with the wax from the Stanford article I posted in "Questions" it should shelf stable. Quick call @Spacescifibecause that may be what he's looking for!
  3. Biofuels for rockets = 50mj/l? https://www.space.com/bioengineered-bacteria-efficient-rocket-fuel RP-1, get thee behind me!
  4. Whatever happened to wax and other hybrid fuels in rockets? https://news.stanford.edu/pr/03/rocketwax115.html#:~:text=Liquid rocket fuels include kerosene,where they mix and burn.
  5. The answers above are fantastic - and there is a segment about how they get the images to work in the Webb video I linked to (or cribbed about) above. I think it's about 1/2 way through
  6. If you want to know more about the images Webb posted today; they have the pictures up, along with WORDS!!! Stephan's Quintet In an enormous new image, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope reveals never-before-seen details of galaxy group “Stephan’s Quintet” The close proximity of Stephan’s Quintet gives astronomers a ringside seat to galactic mergers, interactions Webb’s new image shows in rare detail how interacting galaxies trigger star formation in each other and how gas in galaxies is being disturbed The image also shows outflows driven by a black hole in Stephan’s Quintet in a level of detail never seen before Tight galaxy groups like this may have been more common in the early universe when superheated, infalling material may have fueled very energetic black holes Cluster SMACS 0723 President Joe Biden unveiled this image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, known as Webb’s First Deep Field, during a White House event Monday, July 11 Webb’s image covers a patch of sky approximately the size of a grain of sand held at arm’s length by someone on the ground – and reveals thousands of galaxies in a tiny sliver of vast universe Webb’s sharp near-infrared view brought out faint structures in extremely distant galaxies, offering the most detailed view of the early universe to date NASA and its partners will release the full series of Webb’s first full-color images and data, known as spectra, Tuesday, July 12, during a live NASA TV broadcast Southern Ring Planetary Nebula NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has revealed details of the Southern Ring planetary nebula that were previously hidden from astronomers. Planetary nebulae are the shells of gas and dust ejected from dying stars. Webb’s powerful infrared view brings this nebula’s second star into full view, along with exceptional structures created as the stars shape the gas and dust around them. New details like these, from the late stages of a star’s life, will help us better understand how stars evolve and transform their environments. These images also reveal a cache of distant galaxies in the background. Most of the multi-colored points of light seen here are galaxies – not stars. Wasp-96 b Steamy Atmosphere GRAPH!!!! Webb’s enormous mirror, precise instruments joined forces to capture most detailed measurements of starlight filtering through atmosphere of a planet outside our solar system to date The spectrum of light – which contains information about the makeup of a planetary atmosphere 1,150 light-years away – reveals distinct signature of water The strength of the signal that Webb detected hints at the significant role the telescope will play in the search for potentially habitable planets in coming years Webb’s powerful new view also shows evidence of haze and clouds that previous studies of this planet did not detect Carina Nebula - Cosmic Cliffs NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope reveals emerging stellar nurseries and individual stars in the Carina Nebula that were previously obscured Images of “Cosmic Cliffs” showcase Webb’s cameras’ capabilities to peer through cosmic dust, shedding new light on how stars form Objects in the earliest, rapid phases of star formation are difficult to capture, but Webb’s extreme sensitivity, spatial resolution, and imaging capability can chronicle these elusive events ... (*um... if it's not clear: you have to follow the links to find more than the highlights! Lots and LOTS of words!)
  7. The thing I find amazing when looking at these two images is how some of the lensing that is so readily apparent in the Webb photo, was also visible in the Hubble image. Shows just how good Hubble is - and how much more info we can get from Webb! There's a little 'cap' evident over the blurry galaxy to the right of the bright white star/galaxy in the center of the image. It's the same red & orange semicircular lensed galaxy just above right of center in the Webb image below.
  8. I love Michelle Thaller's attempts to keep this awesome - but they really need to look at how they produced/directed this. Full excitement mode, so I can easily forgive it... but this needs a LOT of post-production editing before they publish it on TV for the general public. Too much technical difficulties, sound problems, overtalk, hot mic-ing, and playing the music too loud over narration. Still - AWESOME!!! I'm in awe of this... Stephan's Quartet - and the BH is amazing... but this? Wowzers!
  9. AW-SNAP - they're doing it right! She's narrating and it's good! First Images From the James Webb Space Telescope | NASA Okay - actually, it's a bit hackneyed. They could have used a bit more professional camera and directorial crew, and much better comms to the remote locations. Blurred web-cam level stuff to India, and 80's level 'are you there? Ted? Okay, we'll come back to Ted in a bit...' talks to other collaborators in remote locations.
  10. I think they're having fun with the stars, too. And on purpose. I expect they'll have a binary system (Deb-Deb?), a Red Dwarf system, a young Kerbol-Twin system, and maybe something interesting like a Blue or Red Giant - rather than just boring yellow glowing placeholders for the system gravity well.
  11. I was hoping they'd just publish the images, along with some comments by astronomers about what we are seeing and how Webb is helping advance the field. However, I reread the announcement and they describe it as an "unveiling". To my mind, that's an event... And after last night's dog and po-yawn-ny show, I may have it on mute. Politicians and administrators, yada-yada-blah-blah-blah... Here's one image every half hour. The saving grace will be if they get Michelle Thaller to narrate again, as they did for the launch. That was top notch.
  12. You've spent too much time reading the 'Multiplayer, I wants it' thread.
  13. This wasn't just an event - it was a process; watched the stream and at 5:27 there's a bunch of smaller explosions and another fire nearby (not on the ship itself). Can't tell what it is... but they're likely not getting close tonight. (5:27 by the clock in the upper corner)
  14. I've been playing this back over and over again - tower is damaged. You can see stuff lift off the arms. There's also damage to some of the lighter structures near the top. I don't think its major structural - but the moving parts and attendant gear look messed up.
  15. As soon as I read this I realized you were right - unless there was something about the atmosphere that would not make it readily visible (like dry air)... However, South Texas... So yep. And possibly AnothER delay if FAA / EPA thinks that they should have issued a notice, but did not. Edit - one good thing about SX and the access we have; the KSP2 artists have lots of images of how rockets go boom.
  16. Zoom-able image thanks to UC Santa Cruz! http://slate.ucsc.edu/~brant/jwst/SMACS-0723/?ra=1504.5556641&dec=409.2967529&zoom=4
  17. False colors most likely - shows people what they expect to see. Oi - looks like someone leaked (kinda) yesterday SMACS 0723 https://www.wral.com/weather/image/20368065/
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