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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. It's supposed to be free floating, like Hubble - right? Not attached to the station
  2. Of course (Do you think I want to anger the Orange County Fourth Grade Liberation Front???)
  3. @Pthigrivi - get your unruly horde in line! They're leaking over into my thread. Hint: @Cattois clearly a barbarian because everyone knows the RED otter pop is supreme
  4. This is the 'cooking' thread - where you describe something you make (see title). You want the other thread where you can talk about microwaving burritos and pulling Popsicles out of the freezer.
  5. Wen hop? Relativity is scheduled for its first launch of Terran 1, called "GLHF" (Good Luck, Have Fun), from Launch Complex 16 (LC-16) in Cape Canaveral in summer 2022. This launch of Terran 1 is the first orbital attempt by Relativity and will not include a customer payload. ... Looks at watch... https://twitter.com/relativityspace/status/1549890702707830785/photo/1
  6. Depends on how low you want to go. In my thread (above) I specified no Microwave Burrito answers - as I was inspired by other posters' descriptions of food prep. - so we talk about cooking there. Unless you are just making sure people are getting enough calories?
  7. Yup. Hence the efficacy of the SEP field. Edit - FWIW, I really enjoyed reading this. Also No one does this better
  8. Plus, if we don't like someone we can turn off their growing season... Indefinitely.
  9. https://www.wired.com/story/think-climate-change-is-messy-wait-until-geoengineering/ Think Climate Change Is Messy? Wait Until Geoengineering HERE’S THE THING about the stratosphere, the region between six and 31 miles up in the sky: If you really wanted to, you could turn it pink. Or green. Or what have you. If you sprayed some colorant up there, stratospheric winds would blow the material until it wrapped around the globe. After a year or two, it would fade, and the sky would go back to being blue. Neat little prank. .... While it’s not likely that someone will colorize the atmosphere anytime soon, it's getting increasingly likely that someone will decide it’s time for stratospheric aerosol injection ... But the science isn’t ready. This anthropogenic geoengineering might trigger unintended effects
  10. Thirty years of knowing just what we are doing and *now* we should stop poisoning it? I've only seen half-hearted efforts all this time Half-hearted is too kind. Clearly you are a hopeless optimist! ;D We are a selfish and short sighted species. Quarterly profit reports and growth models alone should tell you that we are willing to sacrifice almost anything in search of short term profit. Subsequent failure is someone else's fault, so sad-too bad... I've been promoted and moved on to the next great thing. The problem is that most people are motivated by fear rather than opportunity. And the truth is that the climate is not yet painful enough nor scary enough to prompt action. ... My hostility is that - and kludging is a great word - everything I've read says that any geoengineeringkludging 'cure' will be worse than doing nothing.
  11. You are not listening, then. There are NO good geoengineeting options. None. Zero. Zilch. It's a bad thing. The earth itself is resilient - all we should do is quit poisoning it so much.
  12. is a REALLY bad idea. Like really, really bad. Far better to stop polluting.
  13. Your memory is correct. It's not a 'reactor' design, as much as shooting several controlled streams of diluted fissionables fast enough so that they combine and flash the mediator (saltwater) in either the combustion chamber or the bell - but also fast enough that the reaction can't climb upstream and into the ship itself. This differs from the reactor design where you're using effectively the reactor coolant as your propulsive gas.
  14. According to the videos I watch... Apparently I REALLY need a VPN. <eyeroll>
  15. This certainly doesn't need its own thread - but I have a question for British people, or those who've been there: What's with the smoke pots on the beach? I thought Europeans were all Eco-Friendly. (...and y'all make fun of 'Murica... smh)
  16. @sevenperforce recently said in another thread that having lots of small engines turns out to be more efficient than one large. I'll let him explain better, or even if this is applicable to whether 9 is a special number or not.
  17. Black Hole orbiting star found: Earth's 'black hole police' discover gravitational singularity near Milky Way | Science & Tech News | Sky News It is at least nine times the mass of our own Sun and orbits a hot, blue star weighing 25 times the Sun's mass. "For more than two years now, we have been looking for such black-hole-binary systems," added co-author Julia Bodensteiner, a research fellow at ESO in Germany. "I was very excited when I heard about VFTS 243, which in my opinion is the most convincing candidate reported to date." "The star that formed the black hole in VFTS 243 appears to have collapsed entirely, with no sign of a previous explosion," explained Dr Shenar. "Evidence for this 'direct-collapse' scenario has been emerging recently, but our study arguably provides one of the most direct indications. This has enormous implications for the origin of black-hole mergers in the cosmos." The (near-)circular orbit and kinematics of VFTS 243 imply that the collapse of the progenitor into a black hole was associated with little or no ejected material or black-hole kick. Identifying such unique binaries substantially impacts the predicted rates of gravitational-wave detections and properties of core-collapse supernovae across the cosmos.
  18. Shouldn't Booster 7 have the special designation (Survived unplanned FAE)?
  19. I had to tamp down hard on my hype. Had so much hoped I would be spending time with my daughter getting her into the game this summer. My disappointment with the delay was palpable. Whatever. I'm still looking forward to it - but I'm also still convinced that Multiplayer is the conflict. If they'd have bit the bullet and said that peer to peer co-op was the best they could do - or that MP just WILL NOT WORK with the physics and Warp, I'd be fine with then learning they need the time to wrap it all up.
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