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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. In the bottom video of Beccab's post, there is a brief flash shortly after the rocket lights up. Any idea what that was? Also - it seems like the rocket throttled down around midway (flame length seems to change and the tone changed) - am I interpreting that correctly?
  2. Isn't that, however, modified when one actor offers services to the public at large (general offer to any and all comers) that are willing to pay for the services and then refuses to deal with a bona-fide offer from a competitor? (it's been almost 20 years since I took the class - so... Am I remembering that correctly?)
  3. https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/surgically-implanted-3d-printed-ear-marks-medical-advance-rcna31671 A 20-year-old woman who was born with the congenital disorder microtia and had one misshapen ear received the new appendage in March, 3DBio Therapeutics, the company that manufactured the ear, said in a news release Thursday. The ear was constructed from her own cells as a mirror replica of her other ear.
  4. Airships are kewl. Several years ago I saw a piece on some group trying to bring back airships... But with a modern flair. Was so hopeful they'd succeed!
  5. Oh - and the longer the series goes on, the more power laser pole arms are proliferating... All in the name of toy sales. SMH Nothing is sacred
  6. Grin... I loved my roomy Cadillac of a tank! RU went a different direction - specifying that only short guys could be tankers. Such a sad, discriminatory policy. Just mean spirited. LAWLZ! I'd forgotten about that scene! So true! Oddly - I have a friend who is both taller than me and an Air Force officer. He's a pilot. But. Like you wrote - all the fast movers are for the short guys (Fighter designers are mean spirited little people - just like Russian tank designers). But refueling jets? Yeah, sasquatches can squeeze into the seats!
  7. There is something I don't like about this direction, either. In Star Wars, you get the impression that by dint of a lot of discipline and hard work and faith, you can become one of the bad assets of the galaxy - replete with the ultimate weapon.* Later in the sequels/prequels Lucas waters this down - work all you want, doesn't matter unless you were born with the mitichlorians. Those lucky few can make their own sword, it's easy. Lately... (Carny voice) "Who wants a laser sword?" YOU wants a laser sword! Laser pole-arm? We got 'em! SPINNING laser sword-shield? I got a dozen... Buy some for your friends! " *(An anachronistic SWORD in a galaxy filled with blasters... And yes its better - but no one but the very, very few bad assets can use one)
  8. Fun fact: the phrase I rarely want to hear from someone I just met is "I just listened to this incredible podcast. Let me tell you about it!"
  9. This is sad to see. One of my favorite characters from the new series is played by Moses... And I think she nails it. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/31/entertainment/moses-ingram-obi-wan-kenobi-racism-cec/index.html
  10. So much could have been solved by Lucas himself if he had cast differently. That short whiney kid (who played the young adult Anikin) did not have any gravitas and could not pull off a character that would grow into the Darth Vader of Star Wars and Empire. One of the many problems with the second trilogy. So if Disney can find a way to incorporate a Darth Vader that is just coming into his heyday of death and destruction - a character that feels connected to the guy we saw threatening princesses and choking generals in Star Wars... That would be success.
  11. Anyone got experience with retail solutions in this field? I'd like to find something self contained (not a service) that would give me a couple of general purpose cameras and one with optic zoom + motion sensing & day/night capable. I tried a simple trail-cam but discovered I need the optical zoom. Also, having to pay to see my photos sucks. Ideas?
  12. Like everywhere? That's pure luxury say my British friends.
  13. Somehow I knew once I posted that - someone - would point out that life is harder in Siberia!* *well, in a lot of places. Yankees really don't know how good we have it sometimes.
  14. Grin! ... Man... I wished I had a tree way back when... Best I could do was a bucket. Trees are kewl. Also https://preview.redd.it/v6181fma1zs21.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=ae24de8ee082f71718e65be9c410b5d45f9e0748
  15. ...should read the statement in context to the paragraph, including the parenthetical. To repeat: if KSP2 is reduced to 'a multi-player space game', the team will have failed.
  16. Interesting choice. We joked about following the big blue arrows in Iraq (friendlies always blue, bad guys always red). If we ever meet on the battlefield, at least the graphics won't need translation!
  17. I will agree with the argument - it's speculative to think multiplayer is the cause. However, I don't think it's unreasonable speculation given the history of KSP (said it would be a feature... someday... and never achieved). I don't object to multiplayer outright - and the 'co-op' suggestions I've seen seem totally reasonable. However some of the 'desired' multiplayer features I read folks hoping for make the game not sound like KSP at all.
  18. Recently I listened to George Freidman giving a talk to (UAE?) some folks in the middle east about how medium economies can compete in tech by leveraging their defense industry's innovation. Reminded me of this video - which conveniently has animations describing what the article you linked is talking about (and what G.F. described) Pulse wave description starts about 2:09.
  19. I disagree with this. KSP has been around long enough that it would be easy for people to see that this is not merely a 'multiplayer space game'. The fact that you even write this makes me worry that Take Two might push Intercept to go this route. KSP is everything but a 'multiplayer space game' - and if KSP2 gets reduced to this... I won't like it and the team will have failed its core audience. (and its own stated goals)
  20. Makes sense. Remember the brouhaha about 'China built an Aircraft Carrier target in the desert'? Of course they did. I think those of us who consider ourselves 'military professionals' were not offended by that. Frankly, they'd be kind of stupid if they didn't. It's the kind of thing rational state actors do.
  21. That's true. I 'gig' on multiplayer because its the least attractive feature for me. I never once wished during KSP that I could have entered a world with other players. I understand, accept and appreciate that for others their 'for me' means multiplayer is a desired feature. From an objective standpoint - there's just some things that 'work better' as multiplayer. Non-story driven FPS games come to mind (Battlefield, etc). Those are basically just giant games of "Tag" when it comes down to it, and playing against other human minds makes the game more fun. Story driven FPS games (Tomb Raider, Red Dead Redemption 2, etc) are better without other players in the mix to goon things up. The KSP experience is unique. It's kind of like an educational toy in many ways. Advanced Legos/Tinkertoy for grown up minds. The 'story' (to the extent there was one) wasn't so much about the Kerbals - but rather it offered a challenging gameplay experience that opened up the world of astrophysics to players in a highly engaging way. It made the daunting... fun. So the Kerbals were the backdrop to the real story - my learning about and appreciating how difficult space really is - and still being able to do cool things. There's the rub. With KSP I got to learn at my own pace. Try something, watch it fail, try to figure out what went wrong... try something else (gross or minor changes) and then keep learning until I 'got it right'. Massive sense of accomplishment! Along the way my understanding of rockets and planes and gravity and all of what was in KSP grew. If the 'game' focuses on multiplayer as a core feature... that takes away from the learning. It changes the game. A multi-player-centric experience isn't about teaching yourself something - it becomes a race to accomplish certain milestones - replete with just downloading someone else's purpose-built rocket and running the mission. I get that there are different players in KSP - most of the people I usually engage with on the Science sub are likely 'pro' in the sense that they can and have visited the various outer planets multiple times and just 'get' the stuff I struggle with. They likely won't be challenged by KSP2 any more than they are KSP... and so for those folks, racing to visit all the new content will be fun - and having others out there won't take away from their own enjoyment (presuming no one can build a 'star fighter' and blast other players hard-built ships from a hard-fought orbit). But for me - a player that struggles to get this stuff through his thick neanderthal skull... having other players in 'my' space will just be a distraction.
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