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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. I've asked @Vanamondeto move it - I'm on my phone and can't figure out how to do it myself
  2. I've hesitated to respond because I don't want to come across as lecturing or pedantic... but I do want to address a couple of things. First off - we all know (or should) that the issue of climate change and the subset of arguments about anthropogenic climate change are hot-button topics which have been unfortunately politicized over the last several years. There is a tendency for those who spend intellectual and especially emotional energy in this space to bring the baggage of past arguments (and the associated emotional feelings) into new discussions. This is especially true for people who have previously engaged with others who express themselves emotionally and from a place of ignorance or willful denial. My perception of Slashy's comments was that they were in keeping with the generally approved conduct of this board - in that he had an opinion, stated it and claimed to have done research supporting that opinion. From what I read, he did so in a respectful manner. One of my criticisms of how these arguments play out is firmly centered upon the emotionalism that both climate change deniers and exasperated anthropogenic climate change explainers bring to the table. The extreme proponents of both sides actually hurt their cause by focusing on the extremes. On the one side you have the 'Nope, nope, nope, nuttin happenin' group and on the other we get 'the worst case is going to happen, cataclysmically, and soon.' Neither are true. Most people are not extreme in their beliefs. Some anthropogenic climate change deniers do accept that natural processes are causing a change in climate. Some anthropogenic climate change activists recognize that the Earth is resilient and that the processes will take time (decades to centuries) to play out. Many skeptics believe that something is happening - and it makes sense to reign in our pollution. In this space, education and good policy making can occur. The problem is that it's the alarmists and the offended who get airtime. Some alarmists want us to abandon all technology and go back to subsistence farming like the Amish. Some deniers just don't care a whit about ecological damage if it means any reduction upon their wealth and convenience. The two sides scream and snipe at one another, which causes a lot of people to roll their eyes and wish everyone would just quit shouting. The takeaway I have from a lot of reading in this space is this: climate is hard. With everything from natural processes like the sun, the moon, volcanoes, Earth's orbit and our own wanton human pollution contributing to climate on the one planet we have... we should address the one part we have control over. Pollution. Just as seeing rivers catch fire in the '70s caused reasonable people to require change in industrial practices, I'm fairly certain that reasonable people are seeing the effects of air pollution and are demanding change, now. It may not be happening as fast as some wish... but it is happening. ---End of general lecture--- @sevenperforce I will never have your education in math and science and I respect your knowledge. I will caution, however, that some of your arguments here have danced on the 'sudden, cataclysmic collapse' realm, as if all of the land-locked ice was imminently going to melt and flood the oceans as an event.* I don't point this out to challenge your authority on this issue - but rather to suggest that people like me are turned off by unnecessarily alarmist language as much as we are by the categorical and wantonly stupid deniers. I'm not implying that you went full on 'the sky is falling' - but the frustrations you've felt in trying to communicate in other arenas was evident, here. Ultimately, I agree with you that we need to take pollution seriously, and change our habits. And we are. * (Event in human-scale terms, as opposed to a potential, lengthy process and gradual change over time). Nothing I have read leads me to finding that plausible. Perhaps it is something that - if our wanton polluting were to remain unchecked could happen over time - and ultimately cause us as a species some discomfort and economic problems. But as an event, that happens, suddenly, shockingly and catastrophically? No.
  3. ...those wacky Rooskies! Such kidders. Also a good way to keep your inquisitive astronaut from pushing the button that says 'Don't Push'
  4. When you get a metallurgist or PE to explain this - it's really interesting. Had a case dealing with a failure and both sides wanted to argue fault. Enter the Experts. We got down into the woods with a scanning electron microscope and had some fun. It's been so long that I'm actually looking forward to the answer to remind me of what I've forgotten in the intervening years. . The key is the type of steel /alloy the austenitic, the ferritic, and the martensitic https://www.google.com/search?q=austenitic&oq=austrntic&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i13i433l2j0i13l2.6433j1j4&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.com/search?q=ferritic&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&ei=AggAYczZJY-4tAbE66iwCQ&oq=ferritic&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBAgAEEMyBAgAEEMyBQgAELEDMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgQIABBDMgIIADoECAAQRzoCCCk6BQgpEKABOggIABDqAhCPAVCAzAVYpOwFYLX1BWgBcAF4AIAB9AGIAfQBkgEDMi0xmAEAoAEBoAECsAEeyAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp https://www.google.com/search?q=martensitic&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&ei=AggAYczZJY-4tAbE66iwCQ&oq=martensitic&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBAgAEEMyBAgAEEMyBAgAEEMyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADoECAAQRzoCCCk6BQgpEKABOggIABDqAhCPAVDhOliPTmCYW2gBcAF4AIABhQGIAYUBkgEDMC4xmAEAoAEBoAECsAEeyAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
  5. Don't forget to check if it also coincides with the sun spot cycle; extra, extra freak out potential!
  6. Oh - and as to this: the article you linked was a sensationalist piece... and people are emotional about this For my part - the only conspiracy I believe is that Climate Change is actually desired by those Sneaky Canadians and Greedy Russians... because once all the permafrost melts, they're the new 'breadbasket of the world'.
  7. It won't. The 'wobble' is measured in decades. It's part of a cycle that we've been aware of for a looong time. Most people don't think in terms of decades. So when they say 'sea level rise could happen' and if it did 'it would be bad' and if sea level rise happened while the moon was in a certain position on it's eternal wobble... 'the tides would be bigger' --- then the fun thing to do is freak people out by saying 'if all the terrestrial ice melted in a matter of moments at the same time the moon was in position to make the highest tides the highest... it would be calamitous!!!!" But - remember... all the land locked ice won't melt in a matter of moments.
  8. [snip] 20 years ago if anyone questioned or failed to show absolute dedication and faith to the existence of Dark Matter they were shouted down and shamed off of similar science boards... And yet these days researchers find some data that Dark Matter is not as doctrinal and settled science as those posters would like to have everyone believe back then. 40 years ago there was talk about global cooling and nuclear winter. So if someone has data that can be used to support a claim - we should be willing to at least look at it, rather than cast aspersions because they are heretical or non orthodox. Poke holes in the data and interpretations all day long - but let's not dump dissenters in with the loonies
  9. The technological marvel of flying a drone on Mars is amazing. However - I'm more interested in what they are discovering about the planet where is the carbonate nodule analysis?
  10. I'm interested in the data you have - and don't have the science background to know how to search for it. Will you share some of the source material you reference?
  11. I thought Bezos was a better business dude than this - all he has to do is bring back 18 pounds of moon rocks and sell them on the open market... Instantly funded $213 million-per-pound price tag on the Luna-16 samples... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/kionasmith/2018/11/30/soviet-lunar-samples-sell-for-855000-at-sothebys/amp/ He should have said - we will bring you to the moon, but we get a cut of the rocks.
  12. Thanks! I wasn't aware of how they did it, but I have seen some spectacular galaxy photos from Hubble - and it did not look like it was easy to pick out stars and look at rotation speed
  13. Napoleon noted that people are motivated by little pieces of cloth. Clearly Bezos thought that handing out BO Wings was a thing. TWA, PanAm and Delta all gave me wings when I flew in the 70s. I think people are, perhaps, making a bit too much about this - but for some people symbols really matter As far as the government handing out wings - it makes sense to do so if it's a traditional military /government funded science mission (coins and mementos are fun) - but we are leaving the realm of when all space travel was government funded - so I agree with you that the government should not give every passenger of a commercial flight a memento. You might know this better than I, but are FAA certified pilots authorized to wear wings as a symbol of the licensing?
  14. ARS Technica has an interesting article on Bezos and Blue Origin. https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/07/despite-tuesdays-fight-jeff-bezos-is-running-out-of-time-to-save-blue-origin/ Reminded me of this: at some point several of us quibbled about whether it would be smart for Musk to follow up on his purported intention of riding a future suborbital BO flight. I argued that he should not, as his leadership and willingness to accept failure as a cost of rapid innovation is unicorn rare. This, from the article, explains exactly what I fear will happen if Musk is no longer at the helm: by sidelining long-time president Rob Meyerson and hiring a traditional aerospace veteran, Bob Smith, to become chief executive... Coming from Honeywell, Smith instituted a more bureaucratic management style, and Blue Origin’s progress seemed to slow significantly. Whereas Bezos' debut flight on New Shepard could have occurred as early as 2019, it slipped by months and eventually years. Critics of Smith’s plodding management style started referring to the company as “Blue Honeywell.”
  15. Hey guys - thanks for the info and humor! @DDE - can the cop use the Express Lane with his friend in the back? @kerbiloid this is how we test our DPS
  16. From what I recall, back when the core was more liquid than today, massive impacts cracked the crust and lava flowed forth.
  17. Stunning achievement, given the technology of 1978. Thanks for sharing!
  18. A couple of 'dumb' questions from the Jarhead: 1. I presume that module is computer guided / remote guided. I know SX has been sending their craft to the ISS that way... but I thought that was a relatively recent development. How long now have ISS nations been sending remotely piloted / computer guided ships to ISS? (Dumbass me just remembers Shuttle stuff and assumed the RU craft were piloted.) 2. These views of Earth show really excellent images of the differing heights of Earth's clouds. Yet recent images (amazing, though they may be) of Jupiter don't show this level of detail when looking at Jupiter's clouds (I've seen some cool images with lightning storms). Is this because ISS, etc. are so low compared to Juno?
  19. The hoverslam allows for the rocket to be off center a bit. Tower will require a lot more precision. I get that it's close... But there is also a lot of "Hole mah beer an watch dis' going on Mind you - I'm excited for them to succeed - I just fear this may be one innovation too far - given that we know legs work. ...and I wonder if the FAA / EPA will allow another crash that doesn't look purely accidental
  20. I am sooo skeptical about the 'catch a rocket' thing. (yeah - it's just an engineering challenge... Buuuuhuut....)
  21. Okay - Um... If the capsule chute fails, there is not much time for egress. If it's only partly failed and the crew tried to egress, the first person to react might make it, but everyone behind her gets a boot in the face as they try for the door.
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