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Waiter! There is a perfectly good copy of PAYDAY 2 in my Soup!
I see one of my favourite and one of the most talented planet makers is back...
*Handshakes KillAshley* Welcome Back o7 <(Salute; Courtesy from Elite Dangerous).
If you haven't heard and play elite dangerous.... well now you know. People have encountered Thargoids! around the Pleadies Nebula and Aries Dark Region! You get interdicted during jumping from system to system around those two nebula. You can do it too although the chances of getting encountered is a little rare but not too rare.
10/Simulation Hypothesis: I love SpaceX and mars. Btw that planet took me about 45 minutes to make and because my harddrive crashed, i lost the files to them
(Last post for a while i promise XD)
Granted but So long, and thanks for all the fish. *takes fish and leaves earth's atmosphere*
I wish for a Coca-Cola that the next poster cannot say kills me because death is boring.
Don't worry. I'm not one of those people who goes around saying everythings fake. Infact i always oppose them and flat earthers are my arch nemesis. Im just stating that when someone says A picture of space is apparently CGI, it will 99.999999% of the time be followed with NASA.
I will now attempt to be the first person to comment on this post when 20q8 comes around which will signify that The James Webb Space Telescope will be launched that year.