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Everything posted by SAS123

  1. I cut your hand off and receive the cookie! My Bloody Cookie
  2. I think people should choose me more often! I always reply unlike that person picked above. Anyways, @The Raging Sandwich is next even if not in this universe XD.
  3. What is a Car called when it is red? Blue
  4. Granted! You receive an apple with hands opening and closing house windows and it will arrive tomorrow. I wish for an Undesirable Wish that includes an elaborate sentence about why it is Undesirable!
  5. @kerbiloid You are on the Heston Fantastical Foods TV Show. It's not snow but supercooled Whisky! Waiter! Why is there a Doctor Who in my soup?
  6. 2/10 Cause i have no clue what that is. Knock Knock Who's there? Chuck Norris Ch----- "Get roundhoused to the sun you ego loving kid!"
  7. Civilization Kerbal: A progressive and realistic game on the technological progress of kerbals.
  8. You know your a nerd when you look a present technologies and say that they are primitive.
  9. 4/10 that stuttering at the end sounded a little suspicious. (Yes our full species name is Homo Sapian Sapians. Homo Sapians is just a shortening.) Ah yes the old are you an auton, robot, android or human question. I mean what is the definition of human? Homo Sapien Sapien is the species name but a human is the idea of a person that is Homo Sapien Sapien. For any definition I am human because i have the ideology of a human. but could you tell the person next to me is human or not? It is asking the same question as "If the universe is a simulation, would escaping it prove it's a simulation? Possibly but remember that it could also be part of the simulation so a robot or android could be peeked inside and seen as those two things but the intelligence of it is so human you have to wonder if a human mid was uploaded to it or not which would be near-impossible to prove. So for all explanations given, i am human. No word about it.
  10. The reality bomb is built to destroy all of existence including between the voids of the multiverse so all of it is eventually destroyed with no stopping it. The now Non-Existant hill is owned by Non-Existant me... Wait! Did I create a time loop??? "Oi Doctor.... Doctor...." Hmm mustn't be there... Oh well its still my hill whether it be existing or not!
  11. $/* I have never seen you until now. Hi! Nice to meet you.
  12. TrES-4b is bigger than that puny thing above me (White Sphere)
  13. @ApertureGaming I recommend reading and watching these especially the last one for procedural planets. Also look in the comment sections of the threads. Trust me @The White Guardian is the best when it comes to teaching people the basics of Kopernicus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellar_classification ^ is your Stellar Classifications. Also dig into other peoples planet mods configs and have a look at what they have done. I've learnt from all these sources how to make planets.
  14. I really hope this isnt going to die as a mod. Would be a real shame.
  15. I also had a look at the screenshots and i recommend a few things: I feel like Bop would suit Moho better as bop has a closer shade of brown to moho than pol Here is an idea, how about a binary system of Laythe and Kerbin orbiting each other (You can use Sigma Binary for compatibility or make your own barycentre or just have Laythe orbit around kerbin) and Ike orbiting the pair I reckon Jool should be orbited by Eeloo, Vall, Minmus and Pol. Dres should orbit Eve and Dres should have gilly as a sub-moon. Duna should be by itself and Tylo should be in a binary orbit with the Mun and be its own system. These are suggestions so as it is your mod you can decide on if you want to change them to my suggestions or not.
  16. Something I rarely See mods do is change kerbal to a Star class above G (F, A, B, O-Class stars). Most change it to a K-Class star. O 155 176 255 #9bb0ff 0.607843,0.690196,1.0,1.0 B 170 191 255 #aabfff 0.666667,0.74902,1.0,1.0 A 202 215 255 #cad7ff 0.792157,0.843137,1.0,1.0 F 248 247 255 #f8f7ff 0.972549,0.968627,1.0,1.0 G 255 244 234 #fff4ea 1.0,0.956863,0.917647,1.0 K 255 210 161 #ffd2a1 1.0,0.823529,0.631373,1.0 M 255 204 111 #ffcc6f 1.0,0.8,0.435294,1.0 http://www.vendian.org/mncharity/dir3/starcolor/ That is the colours of the stars with from left to right: Star class, RGB, Hex Values, RGBA/255 for KSP to understand when you inevitably change the colour of the sun. How Familar are you with using Kopernicus and KittopiaTech?
  17. I would like to happily acknowledge my 100 Positive Reputation Point! Yay i am now somewhat known around the KSP forums. 

    1. RandomGuy1824


      Congradulations! I'm a fourth of the way there!

  18. I would like you guys who click on this link and watch this video about Artificial Intelligence and then after you have, tell me your thoughts on the video and AI.
  19. I cook you in the toasted cheese sandwich too long and simply throw you in the recycling bin where you are desintigrated for not being recyclable My Hill
  20. Anyone who opposes or has a strong disinterest in science. (I'm looking at you certain people (highly cryptic i know)).
  21. If you cannot find a definite answer, im sure Imgur would help! The people on that always tell you what spider it is.
  22. Banned for not playing Elite: Dangerous
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