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Everything posted by Slicer

  1. I made a Karaglider! (Karaglider command pod, Gemini Paraglider inspired)
  2. This is looking great so far. I would like to see this soon!
  3. I've sent a message to Vanamonde about this! Hopefully we can do this.
  4. I was eating and then my dog said "AMERICA!!!!!" and then the next thing I knew I was glued to the table
  5. Then just put the ashes into the cargo bay!
  6. Build a memorial for dead kerbals . All you have to do is put a the command pod they died in into the cargo bay! Eg: Watnoey Kerman - Died in Mk1 Command Capsule! Watnoey now goes into a Mk1 Command Capsule! Do something like that, I would like it! Also, click me! -Lots of hugs, Slicer
  7. So, how was your day? I got my head stuck to the table.
  8. Slicer


    Why hello there, humble viewer. I see that you have stumbled upon my post; I guess I will introduce myself. All I really do is blow stuff up, play videogames, and climb up the mountain located 20 inches from my humble abode. (I really hate it when jeb steals my snacks) Thats all I have to say right now. I guess you should go. Please? .... Are you not going to leave already? ? Oh well. I might as well end this post. Oh no... The submit button is not working.... Oh. There. *clicks*
  9. Its a seaplane droid, (The pontoons double as drop tanks even though you can't drop them )
  10. Thanks! I got the name of it instead of ''Hamster'' ''Hampster''
  11. I I Forgot the name... Sorry.
  12. Sliced-UpTM Spare Parts Presents : AK2 ''Hamster'' The Hamster is a small three engine craft designed for survey contracts. Powered by three ''Juno'' Jet Engines. This highly efficient seaplane will do those damn sea surveys! (Note: This plane is extremely hard to slow down! Jebediah Approves of this feature! ) (Scroll Down for Download) Download -Slicer Hope you all enjoy!
  13. I Rarely play minecraft, only on singleplayer because the amounts of 5 year old's on multiplayer. Though there has been an increased amount functional stuff (especially the epic new elytra wings). On minecraft im a redstone / command block guy. Kerbal Space Program is extremely fun. I usually play multiplayer on Dark Multi Player. (Addon) Link is | d-mp.org. | It's really fun, I Like to colonize most of the time on ksp . So umm.... I guess i'm neutral? Though I prefer those damn Kerbals! -Slicer
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