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Everything posted by nobodyhasthis2

  1. It can remove folders that bit is easy. Unfortunately there is absolutely no standard folder layout for mods. Mod authors all like to do their own thing and that is fine. Some mods share folders. Sometimes the dependency path gets complex as well. External mod config files for RO/RSS are also another point to consider. To get it right the whole Gamedata folder needs to be backed up before the zip files are dropped into it. There may even be a case for deleting the Gamedata folder and reinstalling via a backup .ckan I created that issue on Github to record stuff like this so please leave suggestions there. I know code is king and Github is not a chat forum but sometimes we do need to make hard policy decisions. Your views are especially valued there because your are a mod author. There just might be a case in the future where you will need config files removed but the users will not do it because they don't understand what has gone wrong.
  2. I still can't get this work properly. Not remembering save data to a cockpit is a serious flaw. It means this must be switched off before launching. Otherwise it runs experiments and dumps all the data. Then when the cockpit is set again as the default container. The experiments don't run again. The data has just been lost. The best way to fix this is keep the mod switched off until needed. Until proper craft settings have been included.
  3. Yes and your point is very valid. I agree with every word you said. If fact this was the central theme in my issue report. I feel that the system is not intuitive and most users still make mistakes. The trouble is a fix gets complicated quite fast. Before even thinking about how hard it is to write code. My issue report got a bit long in the end trying to decided if deleting folders in Gamedata was a valid idea. It includes links to all the passed discussions, technical problems and ideas to improve things. I offer up reasons not to do it along side the benefits. If anyone is interested it can be found here #1610 Just to give a clue how hard this is. Consider that CKAN is not even running when some config files are created. Mods can carry out their own install functions. Getting CKAN to clean up afterwards is a rather tricky task to pull off.
  4. Ironically I posted the answer to this was on the previous page. Without repeating the whole thing. After a mod is removed users have to manually clean extra stuff created by the mod itself. Seriously cannot stress that enough. Especially when a corrupted mod is released. If the mod author wants a clean install. Just make sure this happens. Putting this functionality into CKAN can cause more harm that doing it manually. There just some very good technical reasons not automate things too much. I think in the long term this will need to be addressed one day but right now. Is better just to accept the current functionality.
  5. The following is only my personal view and not the view of the CKAN team. I have nothing to do with them. I sponsor pjf and that is all. Yes Eve is on CKAN. The index is done by the awesome people in CKAN development. Not the author. Part of the trouble in the past has been keeping track of the "exotic" version numbering scheme used in Eve. I have had to flag this up in the passed as it does get sorted out very fast. Right now CKAN should be in date. Keep an eye on it and let the team know if things slip.
  6. It is quite popular mod so posting it here is a good idea. Well done. We can't bug mod authors so here is good. If someone is going to do the Netkan later. The release version is not on Github. $kref": would need to point to https://www.blizzy.de/toolbar/download.html I think.
  7. I have indeed posted an issue report regarding cleaning up the Gamedata folder. To allow for clean installs. However I am not the first to bring up the topic on GitHub. The trouble is that issue report lists quite a few reasons not do automated folder wipes. For every positive benefit there is also a downside. My only contribution is telling the story from the point of view of an end user. Rather than as mod author. There a case for manual cleaning for a few mods but automating it gets tricky. That is true. Although it actually gets hard before we get to writing the code. The whole team has been awesome in trying to come up with solutions during past discussions (As far back as #327) To be honest everyone did take the time for a serious look at this. It is actually been discussed quite deeply before in several places. The quick summary is this hard to do. It is a very tricky thing to even write a policy for. Even before we get to asking someone to start coding. There some significant issues about mods sharing directories, using interlocking dependency folders or writing config files during play. Users can also lose data if they are not careful. All that before we get to even more complicated stuff. Like discussing how this affects the future of file overwrites. Which is another equally deep topic. I am quite happy with the response so far and this issue really does need pushed off to one side for now. There so much more important stuff going on right now. It might become more relevant next year in a heavily modified post 1.1 world. Where we have mod lists longer that our arms. However today I see no pressing need and would consider it a bit of a waste of time to look at.
  8. Here is an idea look at the experimental Orbital Material Science. Best Gemini experiments + Skylab, Mir, or the ISS experiment are of course the Kerbal versions in the Nehemiah Engineering - Orbital Material Science mod. Although not updated since 0.90 with Nehemiah off to finish a degree. It was picked up and converted to an experimental build (no pun intended) for 1.0.4 and seemed to run well in 1.0.5 Experimental ksp 1.0.5 version http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/106924-10-n3h3mias-science-mods-unofficial-experimental-build/ Still not sure what this? lets put Capillary Flow Experiment (CFE) into the Columbus lab on ISS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuSe-U_ocDU
  9. @crapstar Have you got a method of getting the broken window to reliably repeat after a KSP restart? I am having trouble getting the window bug from showing up in reliable way. So far when I exit KSP after it happens. I can't seem to get in stuck open again. If we found a way of breaking it every time it would be easier to track down the problem. Any ideas?
  10. That is one of the coolest posts I have see. Amazing. I could resist testing away to see it produced anything odd. In the hope it helps @timmers_uk We seem to have a problem with the mods window. It will not close. Doing so changes text between read and green. I have also managed to do this by playing around. Happy to supply logs, mods lists, etc.
  11. This is a sensible question and it deserves a good answer. First let my say that I do have a business degree but that does not make me an expert on anything. Let alone business so take all of the following with a pinch of salt folks and please give feed back. Also I have to mention. I have ended up privately joining in with crown source funding in support of KSP development which is a strange situation to be in It will not. The term market share does not really apply to games sales. There is no other similar product. People either buy it or they don't. The term does however apply to hardware distribution. How many people have PC vs X box for example. What we have here is a PC only game in development with amazing sales. It has no sales on consoles. That means there is a ton of potential money to be made. That a lone attracts investment. That is enough alone to justify the ROI of console porting. It is even enough to do outsourcing to a third party to do the work. I agree. I am unaware of any similar games. Furthermore it should have happened by now. it has great sales, has won awards and has gotten noticed in main stream media. Yet it has not got knockoffs. This is ironically because there is not enough money in it. Wait, is that not a contradiction of what I said about sales.The fact is for the same ROI. We could knock off another game with more sales and more popularity. KSP does look like it is worth it. So looking around the market place is there any aspect of it that we can steal? Oh, look cockpit IVAs. Lets make those as games. In fact lets make those as games and give them away free of charge. Just sign up of for an expensive VR headset today. That is not a knock off as much as a spin off. The market is there because KSP created interest. Any new market will be exploited by new products, accessories and lifestyle choices. Here is the real reason why there is no big knock offs. You lot reading this. Not exactly a bunch of dummies that are going to accept cheap substitutes are you? However just suppose they really got desperate for money at Squad. Well lets look at how the company was founded. Advertising and corporate branding development ... Which is an amazing way of putting it . As is..... It is indeed not the core business. This tells us about the business decisions getting made. It is not just a hobby. It is a huge business risk. One of the worse kinds. If you look at this through an Ansoff's Matrix. Diversification is the name given to the growth strategy where a business markets new products in new markets. This is an inherently a high risk strategy because the business is moving into markets in which it has little or no experience. You only go down that road if you can afford to lose in the first place. This is where entrepreneurial leadership is an amazing skill to have. They hit pay dirt straight away and that tells another story. If KSP 2 comes along well it is less of a risk. There is tonnes of data. As in business data like HR records, sales data, knowledge of development environment, etc. A previous project to lean on. Essential it would attract more investment that KSP 1 had. For a start it would be 64 bit straight away. Lessons learned and battles won in getting that working. Let's not do that again they would say. Just ask yourself if somebody wanted to remake KSP in the future. Could it be as easy as launching a Kickstarter or something similar to keep the game afloat. Knowing in advance about the games popularity? Agreed. Well here is where it gets weird. Outsourcing to a third party to do the work right now. So we have modders that are now employees. Some of which also get privately funded by the community. So more investment going in by another route. In theory when Squad calls in a day. There is still money on the table for some modders to carry on. Modders don't care about the money. It is not the motivation they have for working on KSP. It is an itch they have it must be scratched as one put it. They money however is also kind nice to have. Getting payed to do a hobby is neat. TL;DR. Money is not the issue for this game although it is kind of sweet that fans think like that. They care deeply about the games future.
  12. Quick and dirty answer is raise an NetKan issue on github. Everyone developing CKAN is *awesome*. at helping out people. There is also the hand guide here to start you off depending on how you choose to host your mod.
  13. Well the mini game is actually real. Double joke. Sorry we could help it. Scott Manley was working with us too. The whole point of my earlier post on the 1st April was to help divert forum attention in a few places The truth is that the fishing game is a real but did not come from Squad. It was a prank from @nightingale. Which is now available for everyone to use as a mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/135728-10511-kerbal-sports-jebediah-kermans-fishing-challenge-v101-2016-04-02/ FF does store information unique to each Kerbal so could be used as a frame work to store sports results. Possibly with fishing medals. So ironically it there is programming opportunities to explorer here.
  14. It depends on the what the outcome is of the attempt. A traditional 404 error should give you the dismiss dialogue. You can cancel and it goes back to selection screen and preserves your choices. However if you hit an unhandled exception. The whole thing needs restarted and choices are lost. Yes if for example 9 mods are fine but 1 is not. All 10 get rejected. Again the correct response is cancel and deselect as appropriate and try again. Although if it a deeper problem there is a risk of loosing all the choices. The issue on ways to fix this has been raised some time ago. I also like to keep a record of unhandled exceptions coming out of web connection problems. We should expect 404 errors and they are covered in the FAQ quite nicely. What should not seeing is a crash in CKAN in reaction to these external problems. See issue #1395
  15. I love it when people point out cutting shortcuts and over simplification shots. Yet don't spot massive gaps. Working on a movie set kind of spoils they way these are hidden. It does however make you appreciate it when they cut the real life boring stuff. It is always a battle to deal with the minority. Most of the audience will follow the Rule of Cool. Mistakes will mostly be forgiven by Bellisarios Maxim However some people who are experts in a particular field will use a mistake to make themselves feel superior
  16. This is a know issue with the terrain shader just switch it off in settings for now. Previously the advice would be to force dx11 but this is not currently supported in KSP 1.1 Currently Windows builds are not supporting openGL or DX11. If you have the -force-opengl, or -force-dx11 option KSP will start, but will present a magenta screen.
  17. We are going to need a bigger boat ! 50ft trawler link
  18. @Mad Rocket Scientist 14.6kg * deep sea 1.5 = 21.9 points for me so far. I suspect that someone will be posting from Eve with a bigger score.
  19. Try harder Jeb not laughing now at night when the tide comes in I also notice
  20. You don't need the enable code it is already there in the latest build with the enhanced cockpit effects. Love the see through glass.
  21. Will FF get support for the new Kebal mini games that Squad have in the development branch? I suppose we have to wait for the official 1.1 to be released. However it would make it easier to keep track of new forum challenges like the new one for the beta testers. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/135685-gone-fishin/#comment-2487824
  22. This. As far as I know it has been in for a while in the beta. There still a few graphics glitches on the land but the water is looks finished. guess someone at Squad decided to make us look at it more.
  23. Yes, thought it was CKAN but thanks for spending time on the issue report. Kicked out a new one into the NetKAN issue list with note that the KSP-AVC version files have be checked out.
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