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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. Oh, you just have to [REDACTED]. Once there you [REDACTED] until you find [REDACTED]. Then take [REDACTED] steps going [REDACTED] for [REDACTED] miles. Only then will you find blackbody colored pencils. Do I dominate this sub-forum? That question was so obvious, it was stupid. That's why I asked it!
  2. Granted. His first act is to clone himself a million times, then wage war on every country until Earth is renamed Disney World. I wish that Wi-Fi wasn't complete and total irony.
  3. You know your a nerd when you make a thread about knowing when your a nerd.
  4. Otnay peakingsay niay Igpay Atinlay? Heaterchay!
  5. Yes, that's a nuke. Also, run if you value your life. Waiter! I shot my soup, and there's still a hole. It's been 20 minutes!
  6. What do you mean? Look! Note I said roid!
  7. Re-name this thread to "Have a conversation that has evolved to make no sense here!" RANDOM INTERNET MEME ENGAGE! \ This is literally what came up first when I searched "random internet meme.
  8. Granted. In their rush, they somehow managed to disintegrate it. I wish I would go to other forums/sub-forums.
  9. This->! Why am I always in the Forum Games sub-forum?
  10. #DresisanawesomeroidImustgoandvisitsometime!
  11. When you look at the Saturn V and think and/or say "Hm...I think it needs more boosters. And where are all the struts? I could improve on this!"
  12. Because your licking sandpaper, you dingus! ?sdrawkcab saw etorw ew gniyreve fi tahW
  13. Granted. Their empty as well. Not feeling so good about hooking up you TV to that car battery during the blackout, not are you? I wish that all CreepyPasta conspiracies would be declared false for good.
  14. Is he screaming? (yes. why?) That can mean two things: your such a bad piolt Jeb screams in terror on take-off, or your going to have a bad time in the near future (i.e. crashing.) Waiter! My soup is making me write in Comic Sans MS!
  15. @cubinator. You believed what @AlmostNASA said. Average people pass off any conspiracy. You are not average. Those people either play KSP or join the Illuminati. You play KSP. Your trying to pass of the truth as another theory. Your trying to hide something. You don't have anything to hide, except your not normal. See point 4. See points 2 and 7. You are ashamed of being an... ... ... ILLUMINATI! You've come to take control!
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