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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. In all fairness, every engine is good for something. Ant/Spider engines are a good OMS for light satellites, the Dart is a great LFO engine for spaceplanes, the NERVA for Large Interplanetary Crafts (LIPCs), and the Poodle for high efficiency for short-range missions. Really, even the Dawn is good for something (that something is a thing I don't know about.) No engine is really "useless," because the Devs put them there for a reason. There is one forumer, @Raptor9, who had made great use of all engines for various purposes. DISCLAIMER: This is not sponsored by @Raptor9. He just makes a ton of cool stuff. Here is the link to his craft thread.
  2. @natsirt721, I can think of 2001 reasons why Laythe is a reference. As for being artificial, it certainly seems that it could exist. Io is volcanicly active because of it's close range to Jupiter. It would not be unreasonable to assume that Laythe only has liquid water because of it's excessive volcanic activity caused by Jool's gravitational field, cause we know that Kerbol's warmth isn't doing much out there.
  3. So THAT'S who he is! I've seen him a couple of times, but not recently.
  4. Personally, I think we might see another mod integration, like SP+ or Asteroid Day.
  5. I launched a crew exchange to my Minmus Base in Career Mode for a contract. When I got there I switched to my base to make sure it was ready for the landing...as I was landing. The game registered the landing ship as "crashing" so it wouldn't let me switch back, and I had to watch as my ship of 5 kerbals dropped out of the sky...and into my base...head on. After that I literally rage-quit and did a rant on the forums (which got deleted for good reason). To this day, it remains the only time I have quit KSP out of pure rage.
  6. I can get to about 100 parts and it still be fairly okay (that's not much considering that I regularly play at 10-20 fps :P). Wait, the majority of you guys can handle 500+ parts on your computer?! Wow, and I'm just sitting here with a 2009 HP desktop!
  7. Sorry about that. I will look into screenshots as soon as possible.
  8. First and foremost, what console are you on? You didn't specify. It might be a bug in the programming, in which case you should submit this to the Bug Tracker. It may be that this is an issue related specifically to your controller, in which case, I need more information about which console you are using.
  9. From what I've heard, M.H. could have quite the range of uses. I know Scott did a video on this, but what do you think of M.H. and it's uses?
  10. Dawn: Far too weak for it's EC consumption rate, and the infrastructure required just takes far too long. I have never built a successful ion probe...EVER.
  11. And I STILL need to get an Imgur account!
  12. I assume that the only mods your using are visual mods and Kerbal Konstructs, as well. Keep it up! This story is looking very interesting! EDIT: Looks like my skin is due for an update as well! EDIT x2: Later, once the story catches up to where we are now, will another one of these countries become a space superpower like China or India...or Europe?
  13. You have to consider low and high above science too
  14. No, I didn't get a screenshot...then I screwed up a landing and had to F9...to WAY before ever getting there. I really need to F5 more often, huh?
  15. While I was playing a while ago, I saw a engraving on the surface of Eeloo, a faint outline of a heart. Could this be a reference to the Pluto heart, considering that there are some procedural Easter Eggs now?
  16. You ordered Lava Soup, no? Waiter! I won't have time to finish my ord-
  17. Uh...soup goes in bowls, sir. Waiter! There is an indescribable force crushing me!
  18. I'll call the Nerd Squad. Waiter! There is a boy trying to use my soup as a pencil...and succeeding!
  19. Here you are! Waiter! There's a Hitler in my soup!
  20. Did...did you...just revive this thread @The CanineCraver? That was...not advisable.
  21. What I don't get is the "Finding Big Pink Kerbal" one. Is that a reference going over my head I hear?
  22. With this type of haul, it's no longer a question of "Should I bring it home?" but rather a question of "Do I have enough EC to transmit it back home?" Honestly, if you exhausted the entire Mun in one trip, then the bounty will be well more then you would want to risk on re-entry and parachutes. I way transmit it all (or at least most of it.)
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