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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. I like to play a mix of KSP and Minecraft...PLUS a Garnet of the two: Space Engineers!
  2. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED! And as for the 2nd one; kill it with fire, throw the ashes into a neighboring star, and toss that star into Hell.
  3. Wish granted, but it tastes like 70 year spoiled mint ice cream, and the waffle cone tastes like the ice cream. I wish that all evil and wrong-doing would begone from the Universe and we lived in an endless state of well-being and prosperity.
  4. In text terms: u ned 2 ad shtl prts now.
  5. The "any similarities are purely coincidence" avoidance. It's confirmed. Kerbulus is in Ekimo Station. And also CHEEZ!!!
  6. By any chance would...what'sitsface...Kerbulus, have anything to do with @Just Jim's comic "Ekimo Station?" Because I've seen you comment on it, and who knows (probably you,) you two may have exchanged messages...oh [Golly me!] I sound like a conspiracy theorist! BTW little reference to your comic over there.
  7. Zaltonic Electronics working with KASA without a contract? Inconceivable!
  8. I'm not saying it was a aliens, but it was aliens. Or Krussia. Or a rouge employee. One of those three.
  9. KILUMANATI KONFERMED! Seriously! This is messed up, and you think your game krakening is a koincidence? NO! SAVE YOUR GAME AND KILL THPSE PROBES!!!!!!!!
  10. Well that dependes on what you need done. Rovers can serve as multi-biome science machines, scouts for flat sites for (usually top heavy) landers (for me,) or just as unmaned exploration vehicles. Just desigh it for it's job and thats the best you, me, ANYONE could do! Hope this helps you. Happy roving!
  11. I sense two things. I sense there is something or someone who wants either Ekimo Station or...THE KSC! I also sense that kerbals are not alone in the universe.
  12. ERMAHGERD! CHRESRTMERS! This is ALMOST overly festive.
  13. I like it, but "No pics, no clicks!" Not to say I won't download it, but that was just some helpful advice I was given back when I was a newbie.
  14. Hey, give some credit to the candy-cane hedgehog! He did some quality research there, and YES, it is highly toxic. as in THIS toxic -> X(
  15. @Just Jim, you (and I absolutely can NOT stress this enough) are a FREAKING. AUTHOR. I'm serious, you should publish this, just make it, ya know, not Kerbal. Before you do there is a small little typo in chapter 2. I belive it's ValentinA, not ValentinE (unless you actually had a kerb named Valentine with the badS flag. In that case, It's all good.)
  16. Hlaverfin Lantecar You gotta remember he's an alien.
  17. Next you need to add a timewarp-while-VASIMRs-are-running feature
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