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Everything posted by Atlas2342

  1. If a minmus configuration is impossible a trojan one could work
  2. What if we moved it closer? Disergarding the distance from kerbin to minmus
  3. I haven't really used that so idk. Have you tried pressing the backslash again?
  4. Captain America: Civil War is coming out this year. On whose side are you on? PS: I'd personally go with Team Stark
  5. Meh, i never really liked carrer and science mode....too tiring and gets boring easily for me...
  6. What if there is no such thing as gravity and the big bang and such? What if our minds just created these things so we can comprehend the universe? What if the only measurement of the universe is time?
  7. Speaking of bone puns, i need to eat. Im hungry....bone appetit!
  8. Oops, I meant outer....exactly like the order in the moon system of Kerbin
  9. What if the Earth had a second outer moon like Minmus? What effects would it have on Earth? Also, would its orbit be stable?
  10. A scaled-down O' Neill cylinder could work instead of a rotating habitat....
  11. Ooh, i love space puns. Lots of em'...... If you are gonna discuss them, count me in!
  12. I've been in the forums for 2 months now and i still don't know what stickied means ....Will someone please enlighten me?
  13. One question, is this gonna have a 1.05 compatible version or straight to 1.1?
  14. Why are we governed by laws of physics....
  15. Gets the universe Inserts hand
  16. As for how to rotate the habs, rotating servos or electromagnets, perhaps?
  17. As you may know, microgravity presents all sorts of problems, whether health or practical. What are some of the ways we can achieve artificial-grav habitats and are they feasible in the near-future?
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